
Three Wishes In Another World

There was an american otaku who prayed to be isekaid every day for 20 years, never missing a day. He was tired of his life, and was enamoured of the countless adventures in his favorite anime. He couldn't accept his boring life, unable to see reality. And finally after 20 long years, his prayers weer answered. The dimensional god was moved and granted him 3 wishes in his new world, what will happen I wonder?

CrowMonarch · Fantasie
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7 Chs


I was woken up by Eldritch early the next day, just at dawn. I stretched and yawned as I got up. Its time huh. This should be interesting, if nothing else.

"Is everything prepared, Eldritch?"

"Yes my lord, everything is ready, we can depart at any moment."

"Then let's get going."

Eldritch bowed before leading me out of the cavern. It still shocks me seeing an army of undead in tight formation, ready to serve me at a moments notice. Of course, this time they wont need to do anything, other than watch.

I made my second wish the moment I woke up, and it was granted. I no longer lacked offensive power, hell I now stood at the apex. This won't be a problem.

I also thought up a backstory for myself, on that fits being the villain, and one that's cool enough. It will make my evil monologue and introductions better. I'm sure it will turn out fine, its not that generic and it fits me.

We encountered few creatures on the way to the wyvern's mountain, as most would run away after sensing the sheer amount of negative energy cause by my army. We have finally entered the wyverns part of the forest, and should be arriving shortly.

After a while, we all heard a roar in the distance, well those of us with functioning auditory senses heard it. A shadow swooped down from the mountain and landed in front of us. A red scaly beast with wings for arms and two hind legs stood in front of us.

Before anything could be said, I stepped forward. We were only a few steps away from the mountain, so my plan could be used.

"Hello there, i'm the new lord of this forest, Vulpes the Undying, you can either serve as my mount or die. Make your choice now."

There was silence. Dead silence. The wyvern looked at me for a moment before he swept his tail at me, and my top half was blown off.

Damn, gonna have to get another new shirt now.

The wyvern spoke with a surprisingly feminine voice at Eldritch, "Is this your idea of a joke?"

Before Eldritch could respond, my laugh rang out in the clearing. The she wyvern turned back to look me just in time to see my flesh regrowing around my skull.

"So, you have chosen death. I do hope you can provide me with some modicum of entertainment before you die."

I merely walked forward, looking at her in utter disdain. My smirk planted on my face I saw her eyes filled with confusion and a bit of panic.

No fear? Oh, we can't have that.

"Wait, I have a better idea. Wyvern, I will give you one chance. It's fair to decline, you have no inclination of my supreme power. So, i'll show you. Watch closely now, it's not every day I show off."

She looked at me strangely, before nodding. I smiled, and walked towards her mountain home. Step by step, and purple wisps of energy started radiating off me, giving off an aura of divine power and terror.

All beings in the forest shivered and kneeled as my presence expanded with my energy, Eldritch and the wyvern were no exceptions.

"You know, I like forests and plains, they are bright and full of life to kill. But mountains, they are dull, colorless, and take up so much space. I hate colorless things the most, so I can't let it be in my territory. Watch closely now, and know despair."

I smirked before putting my hand, still radiating that purple glow, and touched the mountain. I looked back at them kneeling, and said one word.


And there was no more mountain.

{Wyvern POV}

W-What happened? My home, the place I escaped too, Gone? Vanished into purple dust at a single word, at but a touch? How? How is someone like him here? Why is he in Bludix when he should be in Ohen or Igor!

I have to submit.

Or ill die.

I'll really die, just like that? At a touch? At a word? But I haven't done anything, I haven't gotten my revenge yet! If I follow him I can live, and even perhaps gain further strength. I just have to serve loyally, and I won't be killed.

Dead men can't achieve a goddamn thing, let alone revenge. I can only kneel, and wait for my new masters verdict.

I just need to live!

{Eldritch POV}

Dear god...no....that's just it. DEAR GOD, MY MASTER IS A GOD! It must be, that aura, that power, it can only belong to one of the gods.

Im serving a god.....a god of despair and immortality.

If he had used that against me... Who am I kidding.

Im unworthy of such an end. My master, my new supreme ruler, you have made me a lord for you, and a lord I shall be.

I will destroy your enemies.

I will care for your servants.

I will be the actor of your will.

For I am Eldritch, Lord of Death.


As expected, I knew that was the right call for my wish. What better offensive power than the very incarnation of destruction itself?

I can't help but remember Naruto's face when I made my second wish.

"I wish to have the same destructive divine energy of Beerus, both in attribute, quality and quantity."

Then he just looked at me, and I could swear I saw a hint of amusement in his eyes. He snapped his fingers, and then I had it.

The power to end planets with a mere tap of my fingers. The power of a GOD, a god of destruction. How powerful is lord Naruto, I wonder, for a mere snap of his fingers to elevate me to such a station. I naturally can't let him down, it would be the ultimate disgrace.

I looked back only to see the wyvern and Eldritch kneeling. Eldritch's eyes flickered brightly, those eyes a pale blue fire. Were they always like that? No matter. I look down at the wyvern, kneeling in terror.

"I'll say it once more, my pet. I am Vulpes the Undying, the eternal scourge. I have just awoken from my 10,000 year slumber. Rejoyce, for you now have the chance to serve me, and watch my domination of all creation. I will name you Saphira, however unlike Eldritch, you are unfit to be lord. Work hard, and who knows what the future holds, other than me of course."

I can't help but smirk when she bows even deeper, still shivering.

"Yes my lord, I, Saphira, swear to serve you for all eternity, with this new name I hold."

Yes, soon it will be time. Just one more thing to take care of before this forest becomes mine.

Then the humans of this world will know true despair.