
Chapter one.

"Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die" I repeat the word like a mantra as I barely dodge the rapier and catch my other opponent's longsword.Blackish redish pure,unrefined hate flows through my veins, changing them from their normal blue color to a dark maroon. I crush the sword with ease, using the disbelief and confusion of my enemies to punch the closet's armored gut, the hate filled blow launching him 7 feet and into the wall, a crater appearing once he hits the floor. With the duel now a 1v1 I put my full attention on the girl with the rapier, as much attention I can as tinges of red dancing on the edges of my vision. I can't block a piercing weapon like hers like I did with that longsword and she knows it, amping up the pressure on me to either buy time for her downed companion or a last ditch effort to finish the fight, after all the elders are probably tired of this battle by now. After what feels like seconds but probably a few minutes I break the monotony of dodging and weaving by letting her blade pierce my flesh, breaking the flow of the fight completely and causing shock and confusion to be written all over her face. This move incites gasps of pleasure,confusion or sympathy form whoever is getting off from- I mean watching this fight. I don't let her try to figure out her next move as I use my impaled hand to grab the rapier and pull her towards me, catching her throat first with my free hand and brutally start to cut off her air supply.

Her body involuntary thrashes and kicks as the fear of death sinks in, causing panic to follow. I forcefully channel more hate to heal my impaled hand, causing the blade to pop out by its lonesome with a sicking POP. With a now free hand I pull my custom one handed crossbow. I put the crossbow to her chin, battling against the hate within me to not send an arrow in her brain as the memories of what she and her posse has done to me and others flash though my mind.

"ENOUGH" Khloris, the leader of the Connection lifepath declares, causing me to resentfully discard Sabie, my opponent like a broken toy. She drops to floor and gasps for breath, like the miserable whore she i-

"Enough" I command the hate within me, the red mist formerly blanketing my vision dissipating, momentarily satisfied with the embarrassment,pain and suffering I caused. I look up to the Elders as Quabin, the elder of the Hate lifepath and my mentor, nods to me, indicating that I'm done. I look to Juel the swordsman I launched earlier, content with the fact he is nursing his ribs and already walking to the Medbay. "I probably broke a few ribs" I muse as I head to the lunch hall, the battle and overuse of hate leaving me hungry. "You know what they say, the more the merrier" Tristitia,the hate residing in my body whispers in my ear. I roll my eyes at the remark as I walk into the infamous "Three lifepaths" Lunch hall, one of the only places where people of any lifepath can eat and mingle among one another. I walk towards the rather short lunch line, not even walking 10 steps before "accidently" being bumped into two massive "classmates".Their blue and white clothing letting me know they belong to the Connection lifepath, a lifepath whose Elder and I aren't on the best terms right now, or ever to be honest. "Watch where your walking you fucking punk" says Big man #1 as he reaches his hand for my neck. "You think you're the shit huh? You win against the Elder's fuckdoll and you think you got the biggest balls around here right? I'm going to give you a nice ass kicking and remind you and all of those disappointments of a lifepath who's in charg-" Bored of his 10 year old antics, I bite my tongue, the pain I should've felt given to the Big guy, who screams in pain. Blood spits from his mouth as his attempt of "I'm going to kill you punk!" sounds like "imagsgonnakilljwwqan" as he trips on his words and blood. I easily dodge his sloppy punch, smoothly pivoting my feet and now behind him. He snarls as he goes for another one as I step inside his punch, grabbing his arm and twisting it downwards, my pure strength far superior as I force him to my knees one handed. A feral grin on my lips, I lift my foot and stomp on his arm, a brutal SNAP of bones breaking echoes throughout the lunch hall. He half screams half gurgles in pain as I bring my foot back and kick him in the face, sending him flying into the wall. Not even sparing someone below me a glance, I block big man #2's punch easily. "Don't worry tough guy, you're getting a turn right now!"I grin as I twist my arm right, his arm and screams of pain follow. I grab his throat and lift him in the air, the massive muscles in his left arm futile as he tries to free himself from my grasp.

"WHAT IS THIS" a booming voice and stomping of a staff causes almost everyone to kneel and grasp their ears in pain. I drop the boy and turn my head(yes like a fucking owl) 360 degrees, locking eyes with him. "Elder Khloris, as always a pleasure." Letting my body catch up with my head. "Just a.. Scuffle Elder! They attacked me first and all I did was defend myself!" I say with cupped hands, hate slithering and crawling, threatening to cut through my fake cherry personality. Khloris(Nicked Fatty cake for his eating habits) looks at me with disdain, as if I'm not even worth looking at, causing my hate to boil even more. "If you use me 100 percent you could kill him you know" Tristita whispers. "I'm not in a dying in a overpowered blaze of glory mood rn Tri" I murmur, all students of the hate lifepath have "demons" who control the depths of their hatred, and when unleashed can even rival young elder's power for a short period of time until their hatred consumes them completely and turn into a feral monsters, only driven by hate and their deepest desires. Our "demons" taunt and try to trick us daily into doing so,and it's our job as a member of the hate lifepath to keep them in check. Mumbling to ourselves is a every second occurrence with my lifepath, so Fatty Cakes was unfazed, and probably looked at me even less than he did prior.

"Hmph" Fatty cake grunts and stomps his staff once more, leaving in a show of bluish whitish light. I'm 100 percent sure it was him who ordered these goons, but I have no evidence and he's an elder. I sigh a breath of relief, proud of me for not snapping and attacking the Elder. I finally get into the lunch line undisturbed and finally eat my long deserved meal.

I'm new so be as ruthless as you want ;), my goal is 1-2 chapters a die but with school and shit I'll try. I dont know what the fuck voting and stuff does but all the authors beg to do it,so like do it or I'll ass fuck you so hard I'll make you love me. Be safe and I love you!

Swine98creators' thoughts