
Three Kings

The tale begins in a divine realm, where three deities—Kokou, Plutonia, and Ra—are mourning a tragic event that occurred three million years ago, an event that still weighs heavily on them. This mysterious tragedy has left the gods and demons divided, with many harboring hatred and regret. In the mortal realm, the story shifts to the Omi Kingdom, where two young brothers, Kor and Gor Kindel, are being prepared for a brutal test of strength by their cold and ruthless father, Bale Kindel. The test, resulted in Kor sacrificing himself to save Gor, triggering Gor's despair and awakening a cursed power within him. In another place Thia Leye, a young girl from a small village who, after witnessing the brutal death of her family and being captured by slavers, summons a dark curse in a desperate bid to survive. Meanwhile, in the Wize Kingdom, Prince Kin Orun struggles with his responsibilities and the betrayal of his step-uncle, who seizes the throne. The once-pampered prince is forced to flee into the desert, where he faces the harsh realities of life and ended up awakening an equally insidious curse as the previous two. The story intertwines these characters' fates, as they each grapple with their own battles, both internal and external, against forces far greater than themselves. As they confront their destinies, the lines between gods, demons, and mortals blur, leading to a climactic confrontation where the true nature of power, revenge, and redemption is revealed.

Seyfost · Fantasie
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178 Chs

Peeping gaze

The next day came in the kingdom of Wize, and like many other days in the desert, the sun didn't take too long to exert its dominance. Kin Orun, the sun Of Ken Orun and grandson of Kon Orun, woke up early the next day and began to prepare for his duty. With what Rashid told him yesterday, he was going to start making preparations for their escape from Bintan. Kin could have ran away alone, but, leaving a damsel in distress hanging was not his style, so he decided to help Rashid escape with his daughter. If Jamila were a boy, then that would have been a completely different story. 

"That thinking of yours would soon get you killed" Ashell commented.

"Better to die doing what I love" Kin replied

Kin walked to Jamila's room which was manned by two other men, and knocked.

The door was opened by one of Jamila's maids. The woman looked at kin and spoke in a respectful tone.

"Lady Jamila is still preparing" she said, "do you have a message for her*.

"Yes Ma'am, can you inform her that I'm going into the city today, ask her if she needs anything."

The woman went back inside and few minutes later, she came back. 

"I apologize for keeping you waiting, Lady Jamila said she needs a lot of things so she had to write them down," the woman said and gave Kin a piece of paper with a bag of coins

Kin looked at the long list and his face grew pale. "I'm going to have to go around the whole of Bintan to get all of this." Kin thought.

"So much chivalry..." Ashell said mockingly

Kin left Jamila's room and went into the city, leaving the Jasim Mansion behind. He remembered few weeks ago when Rashid sent him to get something from the city, he remembered it being a light construct that was used to map out various routes, Rashid used to carry out his operations. In the process of the mission, Kin had asked Ashell to copy the contents of the crystal and she was able to do it, as well as create a fake to fool his then pursuers.

"I wonder how the wolf girl is doing. I would love to fight her again."

"That's not a great idea, you should avoid her." Ashell said.

"Why, she's strong, I need to fight strong people to get stronger. Or is that not how it works?" Kin asked

"Yes it is, but the werewolf curse Ceus gives is a very dangerous one. Their powers is already very strange and complicated, but, there's one thing about this particular werewolf curse that makes it more dangerous. If she bites you, you'll die" Ashell said.

"What? How can a wolf bite be that deadly." Kin said

"There are not just your average beast. King Ceus is one of the oldest demons and arguably the strongest demon general. Even the sins are weary of him. Except for Kokou, wrath is a respecter of no demon". Ashell said.

"Ah, whatever. As long as I don't get bitten I should be fine. If I'm to fight someone like her again, which I'm sure I would, I need to learn to defend against her deadly bite. Is there any cure for a werewolf's bite?"

"Yes, actually. The tears of a dragon, dung of a Kraken or the sap of the great fae. One of them should do the trick "Ashell responded

"Are those not primodial beasts Kin asked. And how do you make a dragon cry?."

"It's easy actually, but you don't want to be around a crying dragon." Ashell replied.

Kin sighed and continued in his way. His real mission today was to find one of the routes Rashid used to carry out his operations. Previously, he had only locations, but no way to access. But with the new map detailing how the tunnel went and their entrances, Kin now had a way to access the tunnel entrance and the location of the places Rashid uses for his operations.

Kin quickly made his way to one of the tunnel entrances located in the center of Bintan. Although there was one located at the Jasim Mansion. Kin didn't want to use it so he would not arouse suspicions. He needed to do this in secret. 

After travelling through a public carriage, Kin finally got to his location. The place was a large warehouse used for storing different fabrics and clothing materials. At first Kin thought he was at the wrong place, seeing as it was bubbling with activities and different people were coming in and out of the warehouse. But the maps showed he was in the right place. 

"It would have been better if I came at night" Kin thought.

"Maybe, but do you have time to wait till midnight to make your move?" Ashell asked.

"There's no time to delay" Kin replied.

"Then you know what to do' Ashell said

Kin closed his eyes and allowed the flames of Ashell's Domain to flow through his body. Kin couldn't really explain it, but the sensation he felt whenever he did this was both addictive and dangerous. He could feel his entire being reshaping itself. This was only the third time he was using this ability, and he could tell, he was getting better and stronger the more he used it.

Kin finally channeled the flames directly into his eyes and when he opened them, his eyes began to glow golden like flames.

'Eyes of Ra' was what Kin named it. Although he wanted to name it 'peeping gaze' when he thought of how the ability would come in handy when peeking into women's bathrooms. But Ashell threatened to Kill him if he did that so, he had to go with eyes of Ra to calm Ashell down.

When the eyes was activated, Kin could see clearly into the warehouse. It was as if the world open itself up to Kin, allowing his to see deeper into the very essence of warehouse.

He by passed the entrance door and some of the workers. There was a small office door beside the stairs and Kin's eyes went through and found himself in an open space. He looked around and saw two men removing a rug that qas covering the entrance of the tunnel. His eyes passed by it and went deep into the ground.

It's seems he finally found the entrance.

After the two men opened the rug one of them immediately light a match causing the flash bright flames to affect his vision so he immediately called his eyes back.

Kim felt the heavy pain from using the eyes of Ra and held his head.

"Are you okay?" Ashell asked.

"I'm fine" Kin replied. "Just need a minute."

Ashell could not help but smile in her domain.

"He's done it again. Using my abilities like he's had it all his life. This kid, no wonder Kadara chose him".

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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