
Ayunda fell into the sea

Erlangga took her away. Shiya and also Frans couldn't do anything because they were blocked by Piter.

"Let them sort things out between them, how about we go back to the auction," Piter said to Shiya and also Frans. Shiya is still reluctant to go but Frans tries to convince Shiya that Erlangga will not hurt Ayunda.

"Just be careful if the man hurts Ayunda, I will report to my brother that someone is trying to oppress his sister's garden," Shiya said.

"Hey! Don't get under that vicious man," said France.

Shiya was so annoyed that he turned his face away from Frans.

Meanwhile, Erlangga continued to walk while pulling Ayunda's hand. They headed to the top of the ship.

"Let go of me, you're hurting me," Ayunda said. But Erlangga didn't care about what Ayunda said. He kept pulling Ayunda away.

"Wow... let's see, who is this..." said Razhel who was blocking their way.

"Get out of the way!" Erlangga said in an annoyed tone to Razel.