
Threads of Deception

Working on tangled cases was the speciality of Layla, she worked them out thread by thread and solved them thoroughly without leaving out the tiniest of thing without investigating it. Nobody can escape her eye without having them analysed even if with just a glance of her eye she figures them out like an open book. But what will happen? when she will get tangled in between the threads she always spectated from afar never got involved in them. what will happen when she will face someone powerfull and mastermind of his world. To say he is just a doctor but what he even hides under those scrubs and that white coat. How will she escape the chasing steal threads of love Deception. Layla is handed over a murder case but the murderer is unknown where it should have been the simplest case it tangled her in between and left no space for her to escape. Inbetween those chaos she fell deeper and deeper in that love hole without realising, is she going to regret her choice of interest, is she even going to make it out of this mess. I, Layla James have always done everything professionally without ever having any problem. I enjoy those cases which are difficult for an average prosecutor to solve. what i hate is, working under someone who issues order with his own will, not caring about how those orders can spoil my work. Nevertheless, I never felt unenthusiastic or dull my adrenaline always pumped my hormones high to get energetic enough to solve any kind of situation. But I didn't know I would have to face the devil and his disciples in my vicinity or even in my career, i expected to face someone like him but not this soon. I wouldn't dare fall for his deceptive tricks neither his manipulation but why am I seeing myself falling day by day, moment by moment into his traps. I hate Adrian Knight by heart also with every cell alive in my body. Adrian Knight - I have seen people fall on their knees at my feets just for mercy. People think I am manipulative but what they don't realise is I never tried to manipulate them, i don't have to they give themselves so easily that I don't even have to utter another word other than what I want, or what I don't appreciate or like. it's easy to have them realise their own mistake and then seeing them grovel on their knees. A misunderstanding or rather a accusation took me to a person, Layla James. oh how much I am going to enjoy the time I have with her, so much energy, so domineering.

Kellyx00 · Fantasie
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 Layla pov.

What does it feel like when you look around and find some genuine people who care about you.

I wouldn't know that for life because there have been none to make me feel like being cared. All i have ever seen people doing in my proximity is being selfish and mean and just to ask for something from me. It never mattered to me if someone cared about me or not ever since mom died there's been no one to show they care about me. Most time of my life I have spent it on studying which saved me from needing someone's care, and I earned the place I am sitting at right now. My eyes were focused on something i couldn't believe, Sitting in my office i stared at my laptop screen with full focus without blinking for even a millisecond. I couldn't believe what i was seeing on the screen, one of the most famous surgeon of all time is being accused of carelessness making him responsible for the table death.

The vibration of my phone forced me to look away from screen, I took the phone in my hands and swiped up without looking at the caller ID. 

"Layla James speaking. Who's this." My voice came out professional as I always sound. My brain still couldn't believe what I have read earlier, it was not surprising but shocking. As far i know about the incident or more specifically a murder now, taking place in the most famous and one of the best hospitals in whole of Sidaan. 

"Miss James, this call is specifically made to inform you that new case of table death is being handed over you that took place in Jonathan speciality hospital. Your assistant will shortly reach you with all details." The lady on the other side of line spoke almost robotically. This call must have been a order from that chief director office i know my boss likes to torture me i am still working on that money embezzlement. I suppressed the groan that build up at the back of my throat. 

"But Miss Sibby, I am already working on a case. I can't work on both cases at same time. Would you please deliver my request to Mr. Nash that I can't and won't do this. Or better, inform him I want to talk and I am coming right now." Hot, i felt my blood boiling and body getting hot because of anger. I have endured enough of his injustice and his unfairness. Sometimes I wish to just smash his bald head with my fist, he always does this. Firstly I will be handed over a case and when i have worked on it, working my arse off on solving it he transfer it to someone else my hard work my sweat and tears and analysis always go to someones else's hands and who does that, yes obviously Mr. John Nash. 

I pushed my chair back and stepped out of my cabin and marched out to walk in there to knock some senses in his empty head. It's not just one time thing or had just happened this time no it's his always doing. Not only he piss's me off but also take my credit and give it to someone else on gold platter. He always nagged me always put me in shadows. My steps were fast and i was stomping towards his office. I saw red, All this was unbearable for me. For How long have I been ignoring his actions? Far too long, i always thought he will come around and accept my works with a smile but this is getting out of hands now.

This case was the hardest and I solved it by untangling it thread by thread I spent so many unslept nights to just have this case solved under my Custody but no he wants to interfere and snatch it again. What even roams his head while he does that, Did he ever feel guilty of doing this to me. I guess not because if it did then he wouldn't have done it again and again. My anger peeked on higher level than before, i couldn't believe it that once again he just gave my hard work to someone else. I have cried enough to let him do this and satisfy his ego. There's a limit to everyone's tolerance and he have crossed my limits of patience. 

In some minutes i was walking in the hallway of directors office which was around the corner, I have lost count for how many times I have ran in this hallway feeling the same I feel right now thatis pure anger but no today I was furious and I am bent on my decision to not let him do this to me. I have ignored it enough, i can't let that happen again I won't let myself feel lost and disappointed not again not ever after today.

Sometimes I wonder why do I even work in this frim if he isn't acknowledging my work or pushing me into shadows. A person who surpasses twelve cases which are considered difficult are promoted to higher level. I have worked on nineteen by now and I have only ten under my name which happened in the first two years of my job but after that it's been three years that he is snatching my work and handing it over to someone who haven't even moved his finger for it and me, me who has spent sleepless night to just complete my work. 

My eyes scanned the secretary desk and found Miss sibby glaring at her laptop with her famous poker face. Hearing the tick told of my heals her eyes snapped in my direction, scanning my face for some seconds she left her desk and approaches me to either stop me or bring me to his office. Whatever her brain is cooking won't stop me today, I can't push his injustice away forever and I won't roll in that cabin forever, I am capable of many things and he knows that. 

"Wait, Miss James. Sir is little busy right now wait for sometime outside." I stepped away from her proximity and walked straight for his door. I didn't listen to whatever she was saying and brust his door open without knocking. My steps came to halt when I was just two steps away from his desk. 

"Mr. Nash I can't accept your decision of kicking me out from money embezzlement case. I have worked enough to let you bulldoze it again with your awful decision to hand it over to someone else just to take my credits again. Also I am not accepting that new case till I completed my previous case." My eyes stayed on his head which was not bald anymore, i contemplated that to which personality of his I am talking to right now, i might be risking my job here. His chair remained turned away from me giving me the back of his chair. I huffed in annoyance and his audacity to ignore me like that. My eyes scanned his lesser amount of frame which was visible to me that were just his arms which were resting on armrests and his bladless and hair covered head.

Still not believing that he is wearing a wig right now. I was getting impatient by now, i never run out of patience but today he is oddly silent, and I am waiting for the moment when he will finally turn around and snap at me with his scowly face or wrinkled face. 

"Mr. Nash, are you listening." I couldn't bear the silence and finally threw the words out but he still didn't turn around to acknowledge me. I huffed in annoyance, i shifted from one foot to other. My eyes dropped on his suit clad arms which moved and I sighed internally i almost believed my intrusive thought that he is dead. The chair is big enough to hide his chubby body and his big belly i wouldn't call it a chair but a Throne. He is holding the power of being a chief director of prosecution. The chair finally turned around and my breath got stuck in my throat. 

Where there should have been a scowly John Nash, there was someone else sitting there with a brow raised the old chubby with big belly Mr. Nash isn't the one sitting there but someone who is far younger than him. He is good looking, whoever is sitting there. My lips parted in disbelief and confusion, it should have been Nash I want to knock some senses in his bald head but he isn't the one who is scanning me from head to toe and back to head. His frame was bigger than Mr. Nash, I am sure he has his physique built he looks intimidating. His eyes finally settled on my eyes.

"Who are you." I mumbled those words under my breath. His eyebrows shot up almost reaching his hairline. 

"New director of this frim."