
Thousand lives

Kaido Mikael is a genius who graduated university at the young age of fourteen. A boy who had eyes for science and technology only. Such a genius soul could have become a scientist, a inventer to help the world. Alas! poor boy couldn't do so as after a few years of graduation, he met with an accident along with his family. Now that modern day teenager finds himself in anciant Chinese era, devoid of any tech and the science that he loves. A antisocial and oblivious boy in the body of Phoenix, the empress of the Chi empire. But this transmigration does not end here. He reborned in one world after another. Has God blessed him with immortality or is there something else behind this unnatural phenomena. Join Mika in his adventure to know more. --------------------

dazai253 · Fantasie
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173 Chs

Chapter 31

"That is ....ME."

Everything went silent, everyone was staring at Mika, then three roars of laughter echoed through out the room, chasing the suffocating air, which was surrounding them the whole time, away to all the way to the front garden.

Guards assingeed there were startled as laughter was heard and in a very amusing way at that. "W-What?? L-L-Laughters? Have my ears gone bad? How can I hear sound of laughs when it is such a grave enviorment here?" One of the guard voiced his shock. "No your ears are not bad, all of us can also hear this." another guard said. "But why are they laughing, when they must have been thinking about their further action?" other guard questioned.

"I think it's because of the empress." eunuch Xiao Lin, who was outside the room so that he could go in the moment emperor calls for him, smiled for he was happy that the empreor's mind is at ease now.


"Ha Ha Ha Ha..." Long Xin took a breath. "Who do you think is stupid here to send you there, and not for sightseeing but as a massanger?" he again started laughing along with Han Zhi and Xichan, who couldn't stop, not even to say something.

"Oi brat, you seriously do want a punch from me, don't ya?" Mika glared at Long Xin.

Long Xu shut the three up with his glare then looked at Mika "No. I can't allow you to do such dangerous thing. Besided, you can't even defend yourself when in danger." Long Xu tried to make Mika understand the delicacy of situation.

"But I know I can do it. I am loyal and reliable." Mika said. "Or are you doubtful of my loyalty for bring Yu Wen Shin's daughter?" Mika glared at Long Xu, who was stunned to hear something from her that he can never imagine.

"That's not it, idiot." Long Xin's face darkened.

"No one is questioning your loyalty." Han Zhi also was serious now.

"Then why won't you agree?" Mika asked.

"Damn you idiot, when you can't even understand our emotions and asked such a cruel thing, how do you think we can call such person reliable." Long Xin shouted on Mika. The whole room once again bombarded with grave enviorment. But it couldn't stay long like this cause of a certain airhead's natural tendency of exorcising grim moods.

"Eh? But I thought not being reliable is out of question since I am a genius." Mike's words exorcised the three's anger, commander's surprise and Long Xu's sadness.

"Heh, you really are something." Long Xu smiled at Mika for her tendency of changing the mood in spur of moment without noticing herself. "But no matter how genius you are, I can't let you be in danger. I won't allow you to go there." Long Xu anounced his final decision.

"If not me then who are you going to send huh?" Mika challenged Long Xu. "You, yourself said that beside of those who are sitting here and your brothers, no one else can be trusted. And if you think you can send one of these four here, then you are wrong. You don't know how many spies are lurking within these walls, if any of you went missing then the enemy would be alert and might even predict our plans. If something like that happens and our last hope dies then what will you do? Surrender to them? Hand your empire to them? Or will die in war as a martyr, always being a great worrior in people's memories but couldn't save his general public from clutches of Yu Wen Shin. If that's how you want to do things then I wasted my time and faith on you." They all saw Mika turning into the brave empress, who barged into the imperial court to challenge emperor and even called him a 'trash'.

'She is beyond serious.' Everyone thought. They accepted that she had point, they can't belive on anyone outside of this room, they can't just sent a soliders working unders Xichan or commander Xin and they absolutely can't go themselves.

"You can't send just any soldier under you." Mika was looking at Xichan. "if an official or great influenced person doesn't go there then it would seem an insult to the young emperor and negotiation will end before it could even start. Besides if I go, no one would suspect anything, cause I already am under great surveillance, unable to come out of my room or roam around." Mika finished.

"We got your point and you are right but we can't just send you like that you don't know how to defend yourself. We can't lend you any soidier from the palace, only my uncle's soldiers and very few at that, can accompany you. Besides, you are an idiot who doesn't have any idea of when to say what, if you angered them then no one can help you out there. " Long Xin tried to talk it out with the sttubern idiot.

" Look, I know you are hesitating cause you worry for me and I am greatfull for that but I can't just sit around doing nothing when everyone is moving with their lives on their palms. I also want to be usefull for this nation at a time like this. Right now even a normal citizen who doesn't belong in army or politics is doing what they can then how can I just stay in when I am the one who enjoy luxury everyday not them. If I am living luxurious life then I should suffer more then them in war times. And we can't worry about my security over the whole nation's, after all one life is weight nothing to thousands. " Mika put his feelings in front of everyone stubernly.

They were speachless. At this time when everyone is trying to save their skin, trying to side the winnig party, at a time like this, this soul here, who doesn't have any experience with war, who don't know how to defend themself, want to take a part for the people, the nation. How foolish they are, while they were trying to protect her for she was their dear friend or relative or empress, she wanted to throw herself in the war instead of choosing safety. They were shamefull cause they couldn't understand her feelings and just labled her petriotism as childish curiosity for playing a messenger's role.

"Okay, we understand your feelings but that still doesn't say how can you handle a big responsibility like this with a loose tunge and a tiny brain." Long Xin was first to open his mouth.

"If you are worried about my behavior then don't cause I have watched Code Geass nearly 20 times and I know when to do what?" Mika smirked.

"What's Code Geass?" Han Zhi asked.

"Anime." Mika answered.

"Huh?" all of them voiced together. None of them heard this name before.

"A story. In this story Lelouch Vi Britannia, the lead, won whole world and gave it democracy. Lelouch had so many powerful weapons such as his geass power, his unperalaled mind but most powerfull of them is his technique of speech. He turned so many people to his side just by his speech. I am big fan of Lelouch. Although in my favourite character's list after 'Dazai Osamu' of 'Bungou Stray Dogs', 'Hiruma Youichi' of 'Eyeshield 21', and 'Ishimiya Senku' of 'Dr. Stone', he is on fourth place but I have learned so much from him especially his speech, that's why don't worry I will be fine. No, I will be great as I would show you and that empire's royalty that how much I have learned from my love, Lelouch." Mika was once again speaking nonstop. "I also like 'Rise' of 'Tokyo Ghoul', 'Road Camalot' and 'Allen Walker' of 'D Gray Man', 'K.K.' of 'Kekkai Sensen', 'CC' of 'Code Geass', 'Kuroko Tetsuya', 'Akashi Seijiro', 'Aida Riko', 'Momaui Satsuki' of 'Kuroko No Baske'..

"Shut up already." Long Xin stopped him in middle of his list. "No one is interested in your weird stories."

"So, you love these peoples whose names you mentioned just now." Long Xu asked MIka in cold voice, with dark face.

"YES." Mika innocently smiled at Long Xu without noticing his look.

"Damn, she didn't even realized that he is jealous, how can we send her there." Xichan commented.

"Stupid, idiot." Long Xin mumbled.

"Okay, for now let's put the list aside, if I had all those anime now then I surly would have showed them to you, all of them cause the list goes on. All in all I have learned so much from Lelouch and won't fail when it comes to a great speech, so have faith in me." Mika ensured them while putting his fist on his chest.

"If you say so then we would place our faith in you but you have one additional duty to carry out." Long Xu faced Mika.

"What ever it is I can do it with my left hand, no worry." Mika grinned.

"Come back unharmed." Long Xu said. Everyone almost expected this and were saying the same thing through their eyes.

"Don't worry. I promise I will come back in one piece." Mika smiled reassuring them.