
Mind games

I was delighted that the number of collections was growing by my farmer Dara. Here, finally, readers understood the secret of history! We started to read! Even not very folding English did not become an obstacle for them!

But then I look, something is not right! No matter how good the story was in the opinion of the author, he is not so presumptuous!

The answer was near. For reading stories about farming, they give points that can be exchanged for coins. A new mind game.

Then it turned out that reading is not necessary at all, you can just turn the phone and pretend that you are reading, you still get points.

Thanks to the Web Novels, but readers are always trickier than kind attempts to attract readers through a simple advertisement of novels.

As balls cease to give, to see from 161 readers will remain faithful readers, 65 people! I am grateful to them!

While I'm busy writing a short novel about Treasure Hunters, I think it will have 100 chapters. And when I finish, then I can switch to the remaining three novels.

- About a coin there will be only 100 chapters.

- About cunning merchants 150-160 there may be 200 chapters.

- But the Farmer Dara is hoping to write a total of chapters 300 another or 500, as it turns out.

Overall result: I started writing novels on Web Novels:

from February 23, 2019

During this time, 4 novels and two short stories were started.

Of which 2 were sent to Dropp. This is the first edition of the Magic Farmer Gift and the Traveler's Note.

In the first case, there was a mistake and a ban that could be removed by contacting the moderation service, but I decided to rewrite the novel. Having released the second edition.

The second novel, or rather short stories, had few subscribers and few readers, so I decided to drop it. There was not enough time to write a chapter for other novels.

Then the idea came up to write spin-offs about Dara and treasure hunters. Thanks to the reviewers, they suggested a new idea, namely to make the characters more lively and emotional. Enter an additional character - a girl. With the advent of a romantic line, albeit a short one.

I rewrote this novel three times, so updates for other novels and this novel were delayed.

Conla rewrote Roma, found that it was even more interesting than writing a novel from a white sheet. But rewriting needs material. Therefore, until the 11th chapter, treasure hunters, I was engaged in editing and editing the text 1-2 sometimes 3 times. But I began to lose the basic idea of ​​the novel.

So now I decided to write the main story of this novel about search engines and treasure hunters, in the form of raw materials. And when I'll write a full novel. I can rewrite it again, for the fourth time, with an already more thorough revision.

If in this year 2020 I manage to earn more money (if I find a new job and there will be no unexpected expenses), then I have a desire to hire an editor and proofreader either through a forum or find them in my city to help me improve my romance. Well, let's see how it turns out in practice.

Out of 310 days, I really wrote only 180 days, since 130 days were spent on treatment for diseases, unexpected expenses on treating my father and uncle had an ischemic stroke. A lot of effort was spent on this and I was no longer able to write something. Since I slept no more than 2 hours a day. This is clearly not enough to have the strength to write something. But it's good that this time has passed.

And so in 180 days I was able to write unfinished novels:

- Jiang's magic coin

- Magic Farmer Dara - second version

- Stories about merchants or cunning merchant

- Thoughts on writing stories

- The Adventures of Treasure Hunters

Total views - including two deleted short stories:

440,890 views (7 short stories of which 5 currently exist)

287 collections

278 chapters

276,750 words (out of 2 deleted short stories another 150,000 words) +874 слова

There are 102 novels in the library, 4 of which are read, I am reading 4-5 now. Periodically I read 11, those that like 4! Promising for reading - 25.

Well, my 1,000,000 words are far away, for 1 year I couldn't write. It remains to write 723,250 words. But the year has not actually ended (February 23 - formally or in fact (= 185 days lost) until August 1, 2020). In order to have time to write the remaining words lacking up to 1 million words, you need to write 3909, 46 words per day. Which of course is not real. Since one day I can write raw materials without checking and editing 3,000 words, another day 5,000 words and then 5 days not write 1 word. Reality is closely related to the virtual and affects the creative ability to write.

My forecast for 185 days, I probably can write another 250 - 300 thousand words.

So far, such a debriefing.

Thanks to my readers and Happy New Year!