


I shoot up awake, burning and sweating over the memory that keeps coming

to hunt me in my dreams anytime they inject me with whatever it is they


Three staffs had come in here earlier, taking me by surprise as two held

both my hands down like a goddamn experiment and inserted something into

me as I fell limb immediately, feeling pain all over my body.

This have been happening for quite a while, and I can't say as how long I

have been here. The pain that shoot through me as I felt limb when they

injected me was different this time around. It felt as though I was dying

slowly and I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't move, scream or

even cry, all I felt were numbness and pain, and I was glad when I didn't

feel such anymore as I wake.

I can't help but smile a little as I touch my lips, remembering the

memory I had. Even if it had been bad at the ending, the beginning was