

When a guy died by a truck, he was meet by R.O.B and he gets wishes from R.O.B, he want to be reincarnated as thor. DESCRIPTION: I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING

david_vazcano · Anime und Comics
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45 Chs


We can see now on the other side of the island there are titans are fighting against the greek gods, the battle was devastated, these people who ate fighting against the titan is zeus, poseidon and hades.

They are fighting against the titans, The first man is using his lightning bolt to kill the titans.

The second man is with him controling the seas and water using a trident.

The last man is using a sickle and using a helmet that helps him to be invisible so the titans can't see him and kill him.

"Seems like these titans do not know how to give up," said the man who is using a trident.

"Well these people are titans, they do not give up and want to kill us because of our father," said the man using thunderbolt.

"Stop complaining you two, focus and kill all the titans so we can meet up with the others," said the man using a sickle.

These three man are zeus, poseidon and hades. They are fighting the titans now at them so many titans even with using their weapons.

Titan :"Now die you insect gods."

A titan is using his physical strength and tried to punch the gods but they luckily dodge that attack and zeus summon thunderbolts to kill the titan.There is another titans is rushing towards them but poseidon using his trident to use water magic to kill the titan and suddebly thunder is coming towards the titan killing it.

Poseidon who see this dodge the attack and look at zeus, "What the fuck zeus? you almost kill me," he look angrily at the youngest son of kronos and Rhea.

Zeus shrugged his shoulder, "It is not my fault you are near my attack," poseidon see this walk to zeus but his brother hades stop him.

Hades :"Stop this, focus your strength on the titan do not on each other, it is pointless."

Poseidon stop at his brother's words and glare at zeus for a second and look at the enemy titans again.

Hades :"Seems like these titans still do not give up, we must finish this and get back to the others."

But what did they no know, there is two people who are fighting other titans on the other side of the battle.They are katerina and theodora, they are now hiding behind the bushes and trying to ambush some titans, "Seems like the Titanomachy is still going," kate see the situation of the battle.

Theo :"You're right seems like just a few titans left in the battle, we need to act quickly to kill some titan."

Kate agree with her sister, they just need the titan to get close to their location and when the time is right they kill it, although they kill giants they also want to kill a titan.

They see a titan near them and ready their weapons, "Alright here it comes, you ready theo?" she look at her sister and she nod back signaling she is ready. After see the leg of a titan in front of them, they immedeatly get out of their hiding spot, kate cut the leg of the titan using his sword infused with magic.

"AAAAAHHHHH, MY LEG." The titan is screaming because his leg has been cut and he fell backwards.Theo and kate who see this fly to the titan's head and summon lightning to their weapons, the titan who see this try to block the attack using magic but it is too late.

The daughters of thunder immedeatly plunged their swords into the titan's head, the lightning is surge through the titan's body hurting him.

"AAAAAAHHHHH, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS, IT HURTS." The titan is wailing painfully because of the lightning in his body. A few minutes later, The Titan died with his body burned, Kate and theo take out their swords from the titan's head and look at their work.They look at each other and celebrate, "Yes, we finally kill a titan," kate raised her sword up high, "Yes, it turns out killing titan is easy, I thought it will be really difficult because of their psychal strength," theo said to her sister.

Kate nod at her sister words, they know this because they read the information in the books at thymescira, killing titan was not easy because of their big body and also their physical strength.

They suddenly sense something big is coming and they see a bunch of titans are coming their way, kate and theo are on their guard when they see this.

"Well well well, look at what we have here," a titan is looking at them and smiling menacing, "look guys, seems like we have some weakling mortals in this island."

He tell the other titans and they look at the direction the other titan said and it is true there is mortals in these island, two to be exact.

Titan look at his friends "What should we do with them?", the other titan look at him, "Of course we should kill them or eat them." He stated obviously what will they do to them, the third titan look at them smiling, "Or we could just have a taste of them." The other titans look at him smiling lewdly and know what he said, they look at them with hunger in their eyes. The daughters of asgardian and amazon heard what they discuss and they were disgusted of what they just said.It seems like these titan want to r*pe them and have sex with them, which makes them angry and disgusted at their behaviour.

Theo :"Sister what should we do with these ugly and foul creatures?"

Kate :"Why are you still asking that? isn't it obvious?"

Kate look at theodore and grinning, "We are going to kill all those titans." Theo look at her sister shock and change into a smile.

They both look at the titans and they fly towards them, "Look at this fellas, it seems like these ants wants to play with us." A titan is informing his other titan friends.

"What a joke, this mortals seems do not have divine energy but have a strong powers that could still rival titans, seems like these brats are arrogant," a titan see this and sneered at the foolish action of those two.

Titan :"Seems like these two feeble creatures have a death wish."

He raise his arm ready to punch those two and kill them but when he is about to punch them he was sliced clean into two pieces.

The other titans who see this wide eyed at what they seen infront of them, they just see a titan was killed infront of them but they do not know when and how did he get killed because they cannot see the person nor the attack pattern.

"What the fuck?" A titan was surprised to see a titan is killed, "How in the name of kronos that titan was killed?" The other titans are also horrifed of what he see infront of him.

"Shit!" The third titan see this also in the situation just like the others, they just see the titan infront of them got killed in the process but the question is, who killed him. He see a tiny human flying with a sword downward facing to the ground, the two of them made an eye contact, the titan realize what just happened.

Titan :"Guys, seems like this is the work of that human."

He pointed his finger at the human who is flying, the titan see where he is pointing and see two humans flying infront of them. "Let's get them," they tried to punch them but suddenly they were pushed back by a sudden lightning, they see the two humans are covered in lightning, "Seems like these insects know magic," But they were suddenly electrocuted to death and their body are burned.

The one who electrocute them was theodora,"Hey, I have that handled." Katerina shouts at her sister."What? At least I got your back." She retorts back to her sister. They suddenly feel a bunch of massive energy coming right at them and see some titans are coming towards them.

They look at each other and know what the others are thingking, "You know what I am thingking," theodora said to her sister and she smiled, "Do you need to ask?" They smiled at each other and fly fo the incoming titans.

Thor and diana are dlying towards the location of their daughters, suddenly they heard the sound of lightning,"Is that-" diana see the lightning, "it must be them, come on," Thor can feel the power of the lightning and it is similiar to him.

Katerina and Theodora are fightning the titans, "Dammit who are these humans?" A titan was thrown back and on kneeling positon, "I don't know this is the first time I feel the power of these two," he can feel these two are stronger than him and the others.

Katerina covered her sword with lightning and slice the titans head in two, while theodora kill a titan withis hammer and the titan's head explode, the other titan see this begin to get angry.

They are using their phsycal strength against the two of them but it is useless, they just dodge with ease and atrike them with lightning. They also kill them with their sword and hammer, katerina and theodora look at the battlefield all the environment are destroyed and full of the dead body of titans.

"Theodora, katerina." They heard someone shouting their name and they see their parents flying, "Mom, dad!" Katerina is happy to see them so is her sister.

Diana and thor are flying in front of them,"Seems like you two have been busy." He look at the destroy forest and the dead titans,"Yes dad, we kill them all." Theodora confirm that,"Well let's go to the ground first." Diana said to them and they got to the ground.

When they touch to the ground diana has a angry face on her, katerina and theodora see this scared because when they see their parents mad things will not be good especially their mother even their father can't make their mother calm down, "What were you kids thinking, it is dangerous to go fight alone especially the titans." Diana is angry and reminded them of the danger of these titans. "But mom we already fight something more dangerous than these titans just like muspelheim and joutenheim." Theodora tell her mother of the fights and training they do and katwrina nod her head agreed compare to this titans the nine realms is more dangerous.

"I know you two have training and your own battles but we care for you two and we do not want the two of you got killed, we were so worry about you." She see them with a worry and loving look to them.

Katerina and theodora see this look to the ground,"sorry mother we will not do it again," katerina said to her mother and theo nod her head, diana see this smiled and hug the two of them,"Good, I hust worry about you two and I am glad you two are safe," diana approached them and hug her daughters.

They also hug their mother, thor see this smiled and approach them too, they seperated and thor said,"Hahahaha, good job my daighter you two are very strong to kill these titans, although I am worried I know you two can do it," he is proud of them, diana glared at her husband, "THOR," she said menacing and thor look at his wife and backed up raised his hands surrender

[Katerina and theodora are strong, these titans compare to my world and diana is weak but still they are strong, I know they have our powers and they will use it to kill these titans, I am proud of them and by odin's beard diana is so scary when she is angry.]

Diana heard what thor said and nod her head, both of them have their powers and strong unlike the others, but she still worry about them but now she is not and she is happy that she is scary to him when she is angry.

[Maybe when we get back I will punish her in the bed.]

Diana heard this blushed and look at thor with a blushing face and punch his arm.

Thor :"Ow! what was that for diana?"

"Nothing." Diana look away from thor, they heard the sound of lightning from afar," Where is that sound of lightning coming from?" Katerina see the lightning.

[That must be zeus and his brothers fightning the titans we must get out of here and not involved in their fight.]

Diana who heard thor agreed and they need to get out of here because if they got spotted the situation will be complicated.

Thor :"Let's get out of here, this place is not safe there might be more titans out here."

Katerina :"But dad why not we go there to check the lightning because I feel some power behind those lightning."

Theodora :"Yes dad I want to see it too."

Diana see their daughters with a lecture face. "Kate, theo listen to your father, this place is full of titans and their might be a war, we do not want to get involve with it." She reminded them.

Kate and theo :"Yes, mother."

After that they go far away from crete and go to their nest destination, meanwhile in thebes the battle of the tiatns and gods are still continue.