The Ragnarök Cycle. A never-ending circle of death and rebirth, all for the greed of those too afraid to die. His death in the final clash against the Midgard Serpent fractured his soul. Never whole, scattered across the cosmos. As the cycle continues, the number of Thor’s continue to grow, always working towards the collective goal of saving their people. They go by many names and possesses many titles. Warrior and Hero, Monster and Villain, Legend and Myth, Peasant and King. Leader and Follower. But they are all one being, divided yet waiting to be united once more. They are Thor, the God of Thunder.
Name: Vingthor.
Alias(s): Thor Odinson.
Race: Deviant.
- Deviant Physiology.
- - - Immortality.
- - - Invulnerability.
- - - Superhuman Stamina.
- - - Superhuman Strength - Class 100.
Threat Level: High Continent to Low Planetary.