
This Yandere Boy Is Crazy

"I am just protecting you from all those filthy animals out there... Why are you afraid of me instead of them..." He tell me as he touches my cheek. "Don't touch me!" I pushes him away. He remained silent then all of a sudden he smirks coldly at me. "I guess...pain is the only way to keep you to be well mannered, right?" He leaps towards me and choked my neck against the wall. He then leans towards me and whisper. "You will only allowed to talk and laugh for me. If you do that again with another people no matter if it was female or male. I. WILL. KILL. THEM." At that very moment, I regretted not to listen to her advise when she say , 'He is really crazy....' *DISCLAIMER* I make that cover myself using pitzmaker. I hope that picture could help you guys to know each of the mains character batter. Thanks~

PotatoLoveToWrite · Teenager
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105 Chs

Chapter 97

''It's all done!'' I complimented myself as I look at myself in the mirror. The light purple yukata that my grandmother made for me fits perfectly. Seeing those beautiful blue iris flowers that were printed along the lines of the skirt reminds me of myself since iris flower have the same meaning as my name.

''Miyu, beautiful dreams, hope...and bonding...'' I gently touch the rope that was tied around my waist. Then I pull my hair back into a low messy bun and finish it with a blue flower crystal hair stick that Hikaru brought for my birthday last year.

*knock knock*

''Mi-nechan, can I come in?'' Hikaru knocked on my door.

''Come in.''

Hikaru opened the door and I was surprised to see him in a plain dark blue yukata. He seems a bit stunned as he stared at me. Then, he covered his mouth with his right hand while his face blushed red.

''Mi-nechan, h-how long are you going to keep me waiting for you? It's already late in the evening.'' Hikaru shuttered.

''Was it? Sorry, I didn't look at the time. Let's go, I have already done with my yukata. By the way, why are your face so red? Did you get a cold?'' As I tried to reach for his forehead, he holds my hand while turning his head down.

''I-It was nothing! I didn't expect that you would wear the hair stick I brought for you...and you look gorgeous in the yukata I designed for you.'' He whispered.

''This? Oh, I remember that you wanted to see me wearing this yukata with this hair stick. So now I am wearing it for you, Hikaru-kun. Now, we better get going or else we are going to be late.'' I smiled while I shake Mr Moon and the Knights merchandise mini bag at him.

''Mm!'' Hikaru nods his head.

''Mi-nechan, I love you.'' He said gently.

Then, I smiled at him saying,

''Love you too, Karu-kun.''


'I think I have met the right person but I meet her at the wrong time...and born in the wrong family... It's time for me to let this feeling go by now...or else I might get awkward around her.' I silently tell myself as I let Miyu drag my hand from the back. Letting out a bitter smile, I decided to forget about the feeling I had for her.


''Touma-san!!!'' I called as soon as I saw him waiting for us at the entrance of the festival. Touma who was wearing a khaki green yukata let out a smile while he waved at me.

''Miyu-san, you look so beautiful in this yukata.'' He praised me.


''Hmph! You are not as beautiful as my mother when she wears a kimono back then. You look just a bit more beautiful than average that's all!'' Touya popped out behind Touma. He was also wearing the matching khaki green yukata with his brother.

''Touya!'' Touma scolded.

''My sincere apologies for not noticing you standing behind your brother, my youngest master. And thank you for your humble compliment. I will try my best to fulfil your expectation the next time when I got my chance.'' I placed my hand on my chest and slightly bowed at him.

''Hmph! Now you know your place. So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and guide me in this crowded place full of peasants.'' Touya held out his tiny hand at me.

''Yes, my youngest master. So where do we should be heading first? The cotton candy stall or the mochi stall over there.'' I hold on to his hand while I pointed at the stall that was not far away.

''Oh, oh! The cotton candy stall, please!!'' Touya jumped up and down excitedly.

''Okay, let's go! You guys go ahead first while I and Touya get ourselves something to eat.'' I said to the boys before I join in the crowd, heading towards the cotton candy stall.


All of a sudden, someone grabbed my hand from the back. I turned around and saw a pair of emerald green eyes was looking at me while breathing heavily.

''M-Miyu-chan...*huff huff* can I join you too?'' Yuuto wiped the sweat off his forehead with his grey yukata sleeves.

''Yuuto-kun? Did you rush all your way here? Oh my goodness, Yuuto, you could have come a little late. Look at you now! What if you have worn yourself out before even get to see the firework? You should take good care of yourself first before anything, okay?'' I take a tissue paper out of my bag and wipes his forehead with my tiptoe on.

''...Thank you, Miyu-chan...'' Yuuto slightly blushed.

''Miyu-san, quick! Let's get the cotton candy now. I want the blue cloud-shaped one.'' Touya pulled my sleeve.

''Right away, my youngest master. Yuuto-kun, do you want the pink cotton candy?'' I asked him.

''Sure.'' Yuuto smiled at me.

Seeing him smiling like this again somehow makes my chest feel warm inside. I never have this kind of feeling towards others before.

''Okay, my 'master'.'' I teased him.


''Look! There's a bunch of hotties over there!''

''I was so damn jealous over the girl that was in the middle of them. Look, even the small kid she was holding hand with was so cute!!''

''Are they model?''

''Not sure but what I am sure is that the girl was not a model. Just look at how flat her chest is.''

''My God, my eyes are so blessed today!!!''

'I was not deaf yet, kay'. Having a flat chest was not a sin.' I gritted my teeth as I heard those peoples who pass by us complementing the boys while I get all the hates.

''Oi, oi! Why the hell everyone was here surrounding me as if I was some kind of VIP, huh?'' I asked.

''I don't know. Maybe it was fun to roam around together, right, Hikaru-san?'' Yuuto jabbed his elbow at Hikaru who was eating hot takoyaki.

''Hup, thaw oas waigh! Et oas sao mush fuan twohather! (Yup, that was right! It was so much fun together!)'' Hikaru said with his mouth full.

''Don't talk while you eat, Hikaru.'' I slapped his head from the back.

''Ugk!!'' He choked on his food then he hits his chest a few time before he scolded me back.

''Oi, you crazy witch! Don't hit me when I was eating, you dumbass!''

''Then don't eat with your mouth full next time, idiot. Baka, baka, BA~KA~.'' I smirked at him.

''Miyu-san, don't mind him and let's hurry up to get our place or else we won't get the perfect place for us later on.'' Touma grabbed my hand, walking away from them.

''O-Okay!'' I shuttered.