

"You are a monster". She screamed. "Am I now". He smirked then bend over to face her. "Tsk tsk, little rabbit I warned you didn't I? " "Now you are stuck with this monster forever "Alex please let me go." Alicia shuddered after the chilling look she received from him. " It seems that I am too lenient aren't i." "Okay then let's do it this way." He straightened himself then strode to the door and locked it, then he turned around an leaned against the door then folded his arms. " Strip ". He ordered.

Snowdrop18 · Fantasie
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8 Chs


Alex chuckled as he recalled the little rabbit he encountered on his way. "What a gutsy little rabbit". He slowed down and called his right hand man. "Raphael, you are in the blue snow right?" He asked. "Yes Alex" Raphael replied. "I will be right there.

Raphael entered the room where David is being kept. "Look who we have here. Tsk tsk, you really shouldn't have attempted to run away should you?" Raphael said as he circled the chair that David is chained to. David shuddered "please spare me. I wasn't trying to find the money. I was only trying to find the money. I swear on my life". Raphael smirked then bent over to face him directly. Using both hands to press on the cable used to tie David's hand to the chair, he said "you weren't trying to run away when you were with your luggage at the airport?"

David screamed in pain "y-y-yes p-p-please!". Raphael stared at him with an expressionless face for a while then removed his hands and backed away. "I have nothing more to say to you. Your nemesis will". Alex entered into the room the moment Raphael completed his sentence. " well, now that nemesis here ". Raphael grinned. " woah you are such a strong old man for still being in this shape after being beaten " Alex commented as he removed his tie and roled up his sleeves.

" Give me that scapel Raphael" Alex said. David's eyes widen the moment he heard that. " spare me great lord. Please I will return your money in double!" He shouted. Alex stood still and then he suddenly laughed "Now now old man, did I said that I wanted my money in double? No I didn't. Old chap my money will be returned in 3 folds". Raphael smirked "there might be another solution to that tho".

"Speak" Alex said as he played with the scalpel I his hand. "The bastard has a wife and a daughter named Catherine and Alicia respectively. How about we start with them first?" David rattled on with a shaking voice "p-p-please you can take my daughter as collateral, I promise I will pay your money". Alex chuckled "easy there old man, I do not think that a real father would think of using his own flesh and blood as a collateral". "Alex the daughter is his step daughter" Raphael butted in.

" So you want me to use someone you don't care for as a collateral so that you can run away with my money?" Alex voice dripped with sacarsm as made a cut to David's face. He was about to make another one when his phone rang. He stopped and picked the call. "I will be right there" he said then turned to look at Raphael "you are coming with me to the hospital. There is an emergency. A public bus got involved in an accident. And tell those boys to watch this old chap". "Okay" Raphael responded.

"I will make sure that you regret this". Alex said to David then he proceeded out of the room.


The emergency at the hospital, who do you think needs quick treatment?

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Authoress #snowdrop❤❤❤