

"You are a monster". She screamed. "Am I now". He smirked then bend over to face her. "Tsk tsk, little rabbit I warned you didn't I? " "Now you are stuck with this monster forever "Alex please let me go." Alicia shuddered after the chilling look she received from him. " It seems that I am too lenient aren't i." "Okay then let's do it this way." He straightened himself then strode to the door and locked it, then he turned around an leaned against the door then folded his arms. " Strip ". He ordered.

Snowdrop18 · Fantasie
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8 Chs


S city. Alicia helped her mum in the kitchen and then she went to dress up. "Mum I am going to chloe's house." Today is her brother's birthday and she wants me to attend. "No problem Alicia, just make sure to be home before 7pm okay?" Her mum commented. "Now mum, you know that I am a good girl."

Alicia rode on her 'service needing scooter' to her friend's house. She slowed down a little when she received a phone call. She took her phone out of her shirt's pocket and answered it. "Hey babe. I will be there in 20mins." Alicia said. "Good then cuz the party is about to start." Chloe gushed and said "babe you won't believe this". Alicia squealed and shouted "what" out of excitement. "Our school's flower boy is also here for the party". Alicia screamed happily upon hearing this but her happiness was short lived the moment she lost control over her scooter and crashed into an expensive sports car right by her side.

The car screeched to a halt and her scooter skidded away as she crashes on the ground. Furiously, she got up and ran to car screaming and start to bang on the glass by the driver's seat "scumbag get the hell outta this junk right now". Alicia who is now livid with anger screamed. The person inside the car smirked then wind down his glass with a cold and aloof expression. He stretched out a business card to her "come to this address when you are ready to pay for the damages done to my car".

Alicia froze as she met a pair of cold blue eyes staring up at her "M-mm-ister you should have been more careful" she stuttered. The man smirked "should I have?" And then he was gone. She stood transfixed for a good 5mins before regaining her senses. Her phone was crushed when the man drove past her. "That cursed man. I will make sure you pay for this". She huffed and then took a look at the card given to her "Alexander Leonard, CEO of S hospital" she muttered then grimaced. "Alright then let's see what he is gonna do.


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I am always ready to accept correction, guidance and suggestion


And in the next chapter I will briefly give information about our characters