

"You are a monster". She screamed. "Am I now". He smirked then bend over to face her. "Tsk tsk, little rabbit I warned you didn't I? " "Now you are stuck with this monster forever "Alex please let me go." Alicia shuddered after the chilling look she received from him. " It seems that I am too lenient aren't i." "Okay then let's do it this way." He straightened himself then strode to the door and locked it, then he turned around an leaned against the door then folded his arms. " Strip ". He ordered.

Snowdrop18 · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

"Good morning mum."Alicia greeted her mum as she entered their average looking kitchen. " Morning my baby." Catherine, her mother answered. "How was your night?" "It was great mum." "What are you preparing?" She questioned. "Pancakes, your fav." Alicia squealed and hugged her mum "That's why I love you mum."

Alicia moved around and sat on a nearby stool "mum what of dad? Is he home yet?" She asked suddenly. Catberine's hand shook and the fork in her hand hit the floor. She sighed and said "Ali baby you know that your dad is busy man. He will baby back by afternoon."

"Mum why are you still covering up for him? That man is a terrible gambler and he also insults you when I am joy at home. The money he borrowed from the Leonardo's family is still there and they have been harassing you at your place of work yet you are still covering up for him?" "Is it until one of us is being used as a collateral before you learn to leave him and move on?" Alicia screamed with her hair standing one edges. "Today is Saturday and he won't even be with his family for the weekend. Seriously I am tired of this life."

Catherine started to cry and said "I am to be blamed. I left your father for him. I guess this is karma." She continued to cry and kept repeating "I am to be blamed" hysterically. Alicia sighed and then hugged her mum "It's fine mum you probably had a reason for doing so." "OMG mum the pancakes are burnt". Alicia lamented. Her mum laughed and said "It's fine I can always make another one for my princess."

To be continued