
Losing out

The heavy atmosphere inside the meeting room can be felt by everyone inside the company. The sudden appearance of every shareholders at Catherine's father company made every workers became alert. Although it look ordinary but the rumors that have been spreading inside the company's forum made them feeling doubtful. Now the appearance of every shareholders where each of them wore the same expression finally dawn to them that the rumors must be true. Some have started to write their own resignation letter while others are busy preparing to leave the company. It must have been true that the company is going bankrupt and it was all because the money that the current CEO which is Catherine used the money for her own pleasure. Thinking that she could hide her ugly deeds away but unfortunately, the evidence on her misuse of power is being spread on the forum. She couldn't figure out the person behind the one that has been spreading her wrongdoing. When the shareholders came, she had to call her father to help her to get out of this mess. She even call her brother to help her delete the news that has been spreading. But no matter what her brother did, the news couldn't be deleted.

Now, sitting inside the meeting room where every of the shareholders demanded answer and solution, her father decided to make her leave the CEO position and be prepared to pay back the company's money. Just to get the company back up again. Catherine was anxious. She didn't know where to get the money. It's not just 100 million but it's close to 1 trillion. Because of her way of taking over her father's business, they haven't got any big profit since she's been threatening the clients making them pulled back from the project. Thus it created another rumor resulting no other companies wanting to work together with them. Her father knew of this but because he too had a hand in teaching her the way of scamming and fraud, he couldn't say much. He could only scold his stupid daughter for easily get herself caught. With the proof that's been floating around the forum he had to find another solution to avoid his daughter sent to prison.

"Are you stupid? Leaving your traces so easily for others to find?" Right now both father and daughter are inside the CEO's room. Mr Drew sat on the sofa looking angry. While Catherine pace around the office nibbling on her nails.

"But i've been doing the same thing that you taught me. There's no way people can find out about it." Catherine cried. Mr. Drew slam his hand on top of the table.

"You have ruined the company and leading it to bankruptcy. I wasn't stupid enough to let my company towards bankruptcy. But you were chasing away other clients making it no other companies wanted to make a collaboration with us. Ever since you took over the company never made any profits. You only know how to spend the money but lazy enough to replace the money that you used and making the company in this state. All of our shareholders starts to pull out. Demanding their shares. But we couldn't even afford to do so. You left me with no other choice. Either prison or replace the money."

"But it's 1 trillion. We don't have that much money." Catherine starts to panicked.

"You finally realize that we don't have that much of money. Even if you marry into Dylan's family you still couldn't afford to get that much money. What have you been doing spending that much money?" Mr. Drew couldn't help but wonder what did Catherine need the money for spending that amount of money. Clothes and bags couldn't be that expensive. Not to mention any property in this city. He would have heard of it.

"I was using those money to buy shares from a certain company. According to my informer the company are competing against Dylan's new company. It was about a software. They were confident that they could beat Dylan's new company since they manage to steal their software without Dylan knowing it. The only problem that they have is they lack of money. I was trying to make Dylan fall and who knows he will eventually return to my side and marry me. With that we could gain a lot from it. But i didn't expect it would take that much of money to create that kind of software."

"What is the software about?" Mr. Drew asked. It finally got his attention.

"It's for security. IRIS Project." The moment she said that, Mr. Drew got up and slapped her face hard.

"I should have never pass the CEO position to you. Don't you know that IRIS Project has completed few months ago and it was the company that Dylan took over won the IRIS Project. Even if you don't care anything that's related to business but at least you should have read the news. You have wasted 1 trillion dollars for nothing!!! You created the problem i want you to fix it no matter what. Or i will personally send you to prison." With that, Mr. Drew left the building in rage. He realize he pampered his daughter too much to the point she become so stupid unable to think for herself. The company that he built from the time he was young. He spend all his youth building this company making it stand into the position where he gain people's respect. But within just a few months it was easily destroy by his own daughter. There is no way he could revive the company. They don't have enough money to start all over again nor paying the debt. Just when he can think of another solution his phone rang. Seeing the name on the screen making him start to have hope again. Without making the other wait much longer he pick up the call. This time his family will be save but there's a price to pay. He had to sacrifice his daughter.

It's very hard to write about villain. Plus i don't really like to write about them.. My heart just not into it (probably because i'm nice person *cough blood),,, later i have to think of a story that doesn't include complicated scheming people. I do have a new plot but i just want to focus on this story at the moment. Let's just hope i can finish it.

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