
This Little Light

Born into a new life, she has to find her place in this world, but a lurking corruption stands in her way.

paulreg · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Rainbow World?

By the end of the school-day Duw was thoroughly depressed, rather than blend in she stood out, her classmates were asking for tips and the teacher seemed very impressed, she had to work harder on not standing out, as she left she met up with Yelina to walk home,

"well you've had a good day, managing to form a part of a spell on the first day, very impressive," Yelina said cheerfully,

"Didn't mean to, don't like people crowding around," Duw replied sullenly,

"Not to mention knowing about cores the other day, that teacher was impressed as well,"

Duw's mood sunk she hadn't even noticed that had drawn attention, she needed to be more careful.

Things continued normally for the next two years, Duw kept as low profile as she could but it wasn't easy she kept standing out when she could easily grasp things that the other children found difficult, during ball games she kept dodging and weaving out of leftover instinct and scoring much more than anyone and the only reason she wasn't on the team was she refused much to the teacher's disappointment, and she accidently taught the town's children the game of tag, honestly she sucked at only one thing.... avoiding attention.

Now she was old enough she was allowed to leave town to play in the fields outside, curious she decided to have a look, as she walked she once again wondered why all the buildings were a dull grey, the town itself was basically monotone, no color except inside buildings like homes and even then there wasn't much, it made it a little confusing to get around as streets could easily be mistaken for one another but she was used to it now, lost in thought she walked out of the town gates and realizing where she was she was shocked by what she saw, color everywhere! the trees were normal brown trunks but the leaves were a rainbow of different colors, the stones and rocks also shone with various colors even the dirt under her feet sparkled, she scooped up and handful and could see the tiny crystals glittering, the books she had read stated that the world had a large amount of crystal deposits and that they gave off many colors but she had assumed they were the rarity not the norm, she was wrong.

It now made sense why the town was so dull, after all living in a perpetual glowing rainbow was probably not as nice as it sounds, did this glow continue into night? how could anyone sleep if it did? but as her eyes adjusted it wasn't as sever as it looked but it was still a little much, she spotted a few small birds and animals around and they were as brightly colored as their surroundings, she sat on a rock and just took it in, she listened to the birds and animals doing their thing, the wind, to subtle crack of the dirt when the shifted her feet, a feeling of calm coming over her for the first time in two lifetimes her thought wandering between missing earth, marveling at her new world, wondering why she was there, wondering why she could remember her last life, and lamenting that her older friend in this world Yelina had grown distant, but that was understandable with how much she was standing out Yelina probably felt overshadowed so she had given her pointers on playing their version of football in an attempt to make it up to her, and even though Yelina was now the star of the school in sports it hadn't fixed the relationship.

Duw headed back home, tomorrow she was volunteering at the 'healing hall' where people would go for healing they couldn't do themselves.