
This Little Light

Born into a new life, she has to find her place in this world, but a lurking corruption stands in her way.

paulreg · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Magic Should be Hard Right?

Duw realized she still knew very little about this world, which was reasonable given her young age, and with her new understanding she began to understand more about this culture and it's people, she knew ways to make her sports team much better but decided to hold off for a while after all she was only four years old and didn't know the repercussions she may have to deal with given how young she was so she decided to keep her head down for now.

It was a few days later when she attended a class she was looking forward to, Magic Basics, the teacher was a tall thin man with a sever looking face, his skin was a mix of colors, red, blue, brown, and white, his eyes were white like most people and his hair was neat and trimmed, he quickly and silently distributed books to everyone, the first was a book called 'the beginnings of magic' and the second was 'Tier 1 spells' when Duw picked that one up she had a momentary rush to her head probably excitement, she put the book aside and opened the 'beginnings' book as instructed by the teacher, even though he looked serious and by the book his voice was enthralling.

In the beginning, our people were weak and helpless, beasts would hunt us and many died to their teeth and claws, it seemed we were destined to be prey for the longest time, but then they rose up, five heroes who fought the beasts they faced death many times but prevailed sometimes at the cost of others who sacrificed and sometimes with only the barest thread of life, but these trials awoke them giving rise to the first of our race to use magic and they taught others allowing the spread of magic throughout our race, eventually these heroes transcended and became the gods we know today.

The story was a bit simple to Duw but for and ordinary four year old it was sufficiently gripping, it defiantly wasn't that simplistic but as to weather there was more all she could do was wait and see.

The teacher then moved on to teaching the basic light spells, these were the lowest and simplest spells that could cure surface wounds and light bruising, what they had been doing before was simply pumping raw light power into others to heal them which was a massive waste of power, the spells focused the energy where it was needed and was a lot more effective, Duw felt quite strange each spell looked familiar to her and she could easily see how they would work even given her much better comprehension due to having a more mature mind, but shouldn't something as alien as magic be a little harder to grasp?

before she could think more on this the teacher spoke up,

"Ok class, let's see how well you can use these spells, don't worry most of you probably won't be able to use any at this stage, I simply want to see how well you can control your magic, after you have all had a go i will heal myself so don't worry," and with that he pulled up his sleeve, took a small knife from his desk and cut a long shallow cut up his arm, he put the bloody knife back into the draw and locked it, he then called up each student from the front to the back.

Duw watched carefully knowing that at this age it would be far too easy to stand out, she had always held the belief that it is better to be underestimated, and healing the teacher when everyone else couldn't was defiantly standing out, as she observed most couldn't do anything as the spell didn't even form, since everyone was not looking in her direction she put her hand under the desk where only she could see and tried the spell, the seal formed perfectly in her hand and vanished when it had completed the cast she certainly couldn't show that, she remembered when she had tried to focus her magic on her own and the many times she had almost made it work coming quite close to the spell she had just learned, finally it was her turn and she walked up to the teacher she held her hand over his arm and focused for a moment the light gathered according to the spell but then sputtered out, she put a disappointed look on her face like the rest of the children only to look up and see the smiling teacher,

"Well done Duw! you managed to form the first portion of the spell so quickly! excellent! 40 merit points! that was exceptional!"