
This Little Light

Born into a new life, she has to find her place in this world, but a lurking corruption stands in her way.

paulreg · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter of the Word

Flashes, images, memories?

something big and terrible, shouting, strain, indescribable effort and pain, rip.

Duw woke up, first she noticed the bone ache throughout her body, then her surprise she was even still alive, she glanced around, the room was lit by a small candle, beside the bed she was in there was a chair and a small table, on the table were some clothes she grabbed them and dressed quickly, then she carefully checked the door, it was open.

Looking outside there was no one, she quickly and silently made her way down the corridor to the door at the end, opening it slightly she saw no one and not far away past the few benches were a set of doors and through the gaps she could see sunlight, she listened carefully and couldn't hear anything so she made a break for it and dashed towards the doors pulled them open and escaped,

"Morning!" came a voice from the bottom of the steps she almost fell down,

looking up at her was the face of an older man, she had never seen him before, he smiled,

"I am Alaan, Syrus Alaan, Master of the Zolm chapter of the word,"

Duw was taken aback, she knew of the order from school, her parents had always told her,

"If you meet a Paladin from the Word of the Light, treat them with respect, they risk their lives to protect those of us who cannot fight the monsters and beasts in this world,"

Duw was a little less untrusting now but, he could be lying, but also she was unconscious for a long time and should be dead, as her flight response calmed and her mind began to work she realized he was probably not lying, and the feeling of power he gave off was no joke, although he looked like a kind older uncle her instincts were telling her he was very dangerous, seeing her mind work he walked slowly up to her,

"You are much calmer than most we rescue, some are so traumatized by what happened they just sit there, jumping at every little sound," She could hear the pain in his voice, "but you little sister are stronger then your years would have us believe,"

Duw cocked her head at the 'little sister' and he chuckled,

"Sorry, I was a bit presumptuous, the reason we found you is you awakened a powerful light core, the divining compass showed us where you were, and that den of cruelty has been dealt with, the other girls who were like you are upstairs in the hostel resting," he sighed "I wish we could do more for them, but we can only help their bodies their souls are beyond our reach,"

He opened the door, "your room is yours for as long as you need it, if you're hungry the kitchen is open from early morning to late night, I'll be honest up front, you have a powerful core and we do want you to become a part of the order, but that is your choice and yours alone, anyway I have things I can't avoid any longer.... paperwork," he sighed and went inside.

Duw stood there and weighed her options, from what she knew of the order he was truthful they wouldn't force her to do anything, she had no idea where she was and no idea how to return to her village, she had no money, it seemed she had little choice, she reached out and opened the door noticing that there was only a handle no lock, she checked the door over and there was indeed no lock on it at all, the other door also was lock free, she walked around the large hall which she could now see was basically a church hall, the benches were actually pews, and the hall was simple, no gold or gems, no expensive carpet or furniture, just simple wood and stone, at the front of the hall where a cross would be in an earth church was a statue of a woman, her hair was parted in two long ponytails tied at the base of the neck, her face was peaceful her eyes closed as if she was asleep, a slight smile on her face, it seemed familiar but that was probably from knowing about the order from school.

Duw checked the side doors which also had no locks, she returned to her room and there was a lock but it was on the inside, she didn't like having to stay here, but for the moment she had no better options.