
This Isn't The Right Plot!

A hardcore Percy Jackson fan dies and gets a chance to be reincarnated into the world of mythology as a Son of Poseidon. He was ecstatic to be able to live out the life as Percy Jackson, but…'Who the fuck is this Milf' Follow our protagonist around as he tries to make sense of this convoluted plot in this messed up universe.

ASaltyBurrito · Anime und Comics
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A Dragon and Chaotic Loli

A/N: This is my first attempt at writing a fanfiction so I will welcome constructive criticism as long as its not too harsh.

There will be dark themes here and there, so read at your own discretion.

AU OCxharem Future Lemons

Talking: "Talking"

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Disclaimer: I only own any OC characters, everyone else belongs to others.


I wasn't sure what to think of being dead. I had expected many different situations to happen after I died. For example, being sent to Heaven or Hell. Or maybe being judged in the Greek Underworld to see if I'd get sent to the Fields of Punishment, Asphodel, or Elysium. Of course, I've also considered that there is just nothingness after death.

'But what is this bullshit?' I thought to myself for the one-hundredth time.

I thought nothingness meant you just…died. Not that you'd drift endlessly through infinite darkness while still having complete awareness. I didn't lose my body nor my memories. Is this what Hazel felt like when she spent years in Asphodel while still conscious? Being unable to talk to anyone and the only comfort you have are your own thoughts? Well, I completely understand the feeling now.

Other than that, it's not so bad. It's not like I was getting anywhere in life anyways. My parents might be a little bit sad about my passing, but it would be a lie to say that I will miss them. How can I miss something that was hardly ever there in the first place? My dad was a business tycoon and my mom was a world-renowned surgeon. So, as you can imagine, I lived in a very rich family. And since they were always gone, they would send me an allowance that would be an astronomical amount for most families…which was great and all, but I would've preferred a call once in a while. Even just a card would've made my day.

Ever since I turned three, they wouldn't come back to our family home more than a couple times a year. I didn't hate or resent my parents for not being in my life, I just felt indifferent towards them. To me, they were like any other stranger I could see on the streets...except they were very rich strangers who would throw wads of cash at me to keep me happy.

From a young age, all the other kids avoided me like the plague. I was that kid other kids would look at in envy from afar but not get close to. Even the teachers treated me like I was a fragile sheet of porcelain. Since I couldn't make friends, I found solace in books instead. I enjoyed reading all kinds books. Fiction or nonfiction, action or romance, fantasy or historical. The list goes on and on. I would bring a different book to school each day, reading those in class instead of actually learning. By the time I was 14, I had pretty much emptied out our entire mansion's library. But there was one series in particular that I liked more than the others: Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

I loved everything about the book. I loved the idea of Greek mythology being a part of modern day. I loved the way I could relate with the characters because they also had at least one parent that was never there for them. I must have read the series at least one hundred times over. It got to the point that I started to mistake fantasy for reality.

I truly started to believe that the world we lived in was the Percy Jackson world. Each day I would try something new to awaken a hidden power inside of me. I especially liked the water abilities that Percy had, so I put my allowance to 'good use'… I had an indoor and outdoor swimming pool built, as well as a fish pond and multiple jacuzzies and showers. Each day, I would try different things; such as holding my breath under water, talking to the fish in the pond, and doing weird pushing and pulling motions in the pool.

The cleaners and chef that would come over to the mansion looked at me like a was crazy whenever they saw me doing my power training. I tried explaining to them that I wasn't crazy, but for some reason they never believed me when I told them we live in a supernatural world. It got so bad that they even called my parents to let them know that they were worried for my mental health.

Tch. Who were they to judge me? They were just normal mortals. I was perfectly fine, thank you very much. They were the ones who needed help, not me. Thankfully my parents didn't think I was delusional and thought it was a good thing that I was enjoying myself. Thus, my efforts to gain water powers continued unabated like that for four years.

During my senior year of highschool, enlightenment hit me out of the blue. I don't know how it had taken me that long to notice, but I realized that it was a common trend for a demigod to unlock their powers under strenuous circumstances. Percy first used his water powers when he was angry at Nancy Bobofit. Nico used his for the first time after his sister died. Leo used his when Gaea goaded him on by pretending that she was going to harm his mother.

See? A trend.

Therefor, I started thinking of different ways I could put myself under extreme duress. It was when I was doing my usual under water breathing training that an idea came to me. It was, at least to me, a brilliant idea. I filled up one of the Jacuzzis all the way with water, sat on the edge of the tub while I tied myself with ropes, handcuffed my wrists so I couldn't undue the ropes, then submerged myself into the water…

And then I drowned.

That's how I ended up drifting in this void with no end in sight.

Thinking back on that day, I couldn't help getting angry.

"I was so close too!" I grumbled to myself grouchily.

After five minutes of being submerged under water, I could feel a tug in my gut that was described whenever Percy used his powers. It was more painful than described in the book…but I'm sure that it was working!

"Haaaa…" I sighed in resignation and curled into a potato. "There's no point in fretting over it any longer. I just wish I still had my books. I'm used to silence and being alone, but too much longer of this and I'll go stir crazy."

I couldn't even explore the vast emptiness and there was no water to continue my training. I could do pretty much everything a living person could, but the human body wasn't built for traversing a zero-gravity void. So, I just remained curled into a ball while a drifted through the void at a snail's pace.

A few days later… or was it months? Maybe years? I'm not sure. It's impossible to tell the passing of time here.

Anyways, I was humming a depressed version of 'Row Row Row Your Boat' when I heard a roar, sort of like the noise an overhead jet plane makes, slowly getting closer. I looked up lethargically and saw a red streak coming straight for me.

The red streak reached me in a matter of seconds and I had to do a triple take at what I saw.

I stared at the being in front of me in shock and said the first thing that came to mind, "It's Drago."

You heard me. Standing in front of me was the biggest mofo I had ever seen. A gigantic red dragon with claws multiple times longer than my entire body and a horn reaching higher than multi-story buildings. He reminded me of a dragon from 'Bakugan', a show I watched as a kid.

I started freaking out, not in fear…but in excitement. The dragon was the first thing I had seen in this godforsaken void after all this time. I hadn't even seen a rock, much less another living being. So, meeting a dragon of all things had me freaking excited.

"I know not of this 'Drago' you speak of puny human," the Dragon said, his baritone voice letting me know he's a male.

I took a closer look and realized that, while he may look similar, he had a few stark differences from Drago. His horn was red compared to Drago's golden horn and I'm pretty sure he trumped Drago in size as well. Those were only a few of differences I caught among others.

The dragon grunted in annoyance, once again bringing me out of my thoughts. "Stop staring or I will kill you."

I felt my blood run cold and I couldn't help looking at the sharp claws that could turn me into meat paste. I wanted to say, 'human meat supposedly tastes horrid so please don't eat me.' But I had a gut feeling that would just get me killed even quicker.

I chuckled nervously and bowed my head in what I hoped looked like submission to the now scary dragon. "I was just admiring your greatness, O Great One. I meant no disrespect," I said in my best suck-up voice possible with my head still bowed.

The dragon seemed to preen under my buttering-up and hummed in satisfaction. "It seems that you have recognized my greatness! Excellent! You're too lowly for me to dirty my claws with anyways, so I won't kill you."

I felt myself sweat drop. 'This dragon…is quite the whimsical being. He can change his words at the flip of a switch. One moment he's ready to kill me for looking at him, and the next he say's that I'm too lowly to kill…'

The whimsical dragon, as I decided to call him in my head, came closer and examined me with his eyes scrunched in consternation.

"Odd," he muttered under his breath. "A human with no magical power, such as you, should've been torn up the instant you stepped foot into this place…but somehow, you're perfectly fine."

"Is me still being in one piece a bad thing?"

"I don't know if it's bad or not, but I know that it shouldn't be possible," he admitted and then shrugged his mountainous shoulder, causing the space around us to quake. "Not like I care enough to find out. I came here because I felt a life force and thought it would be someone that could put up a solid fight…but seeing as you're so weak, I will be taking my leave."

"Wait! Don't go!"

But he was already gone, only a red streak trailing in his wake.

I wanted to cry. I was all alone again. Even if I had to tread carefully around him, it was still nice to have a dragon as a conversation companion.

I was just about to curl up into a potato again when I felt a sudden rush. It was like I was being pulled by some unknown force through dimensions. I screamed and started flailing my arms and legs in panic. Thankfully, it ended just as quickly as it had started.

Next thing I knew, I was hunched over while fighting off a wave of nausea. I started dry heaving as I have no contents in my stomach to throw up. I'm dead, so of course I never felt hungry and had nothing in my stomach. That would've sucked; to be dead but still feel hunger. Almost makes me feel bad for Tantalus. Not really though, he's an ass.

"Oh my! Now that won't do, will it?" A woman with a sultry voice said.

I felt a warm hand placed onto my arm and a bright light flashed across my closed eye-lids.

"There! That should do it!" The woman said.

I blinked open my eyes wearily and noticed that the nausea was all gone. I was going to open my mouth to thank my 'savior', but all the words died in my throat when I got a good look of her. When I first heard the sultry voice of a woman, I was expecting to see a more mature, older woman…not a cute loli.

Don't get me wrong, she still looked great in her own right. She had silky black hair that went down past her waist. A round pair of eyes with irises that made me feel like I'd be sucked in the longer I looked at them. Under her hair, I could barely make out the tips of a pair pointed of ears that reminded me of the elves from Skyrim. She wore a violet beret atop her head, a pink sweater, a purple dress with a blue ribbon going across her chest, and to top it all off…she wore a pair of blue and purple over the knee socks that I had only ever seen in anime.

"Have you stared enough?" She asked teasingly.

"I-I wasn't staring!" I sputtered out.

"Is that so? Buy why is your face red?"

I felt my face heat up even more than before and started stuttering out denials while she just tittered in laughter at my expense.

"I'm sorry," the loli says after managing to control her giggles. "It's just been so long since I last talked to such a vir… *ahem* …innocent man."

"I heard that."

"AH! Anyways…I think it's about time I introduce myself. I am the Creator of the univerese, also known as Chaos or the Void."

She dropped a bomb on me.

"Like the one described in Greek Mythology? The mother of Gaea and Tartarus? That Chaos?"

"The one and only!" The now named Chaos said, while puffing out her nonexistent chest.

I looked her over, not believing her one bit. 'A loli is the creator of the universe? Yeah right.'

"I know what you're thinking, 'A loli is the creator of the universe? Yeah right.'"

Then she did something I wasn't expecting. She transformed into a wrinkly old man with pock marks all over his skin.

"See? I can take on any form I desire."

"I see…" I said, albeit unwillingly. "But why did you keep your sultry voice? Hearing an old man talk with a voice like that is disturbing."

The Chaotic Grandpa Loli pouted, which made it all the more disturbing…and bless her soul, transformed back into her girl form.

"You're no fun," Chaos complained.

"Haaa…look, can we just get to the point? I believe now that you're who you say you are, but what I'd like to know is where am I? And why am I here?"

"You're inside of me of course!" She said all too merrily.

I felt the blood rush to my head once again, and I opened and closed my mouth, but no words would come out because I had no clue what to say.

"Ahaha! You look so stupid right now!" She exclaimed while pointing at my face.

"You can't say something like that, you crazy loli! I would get my ass thrown into jail if someone heard you saying that!"

"We're alone silly, no one would hear. Besides…I'm older than I look."

"That's besides the point!" I took a deep breath to calm down my embarssment. "Alright, I get it. The place I'm in right now is the Void, that of which you are the physical embodiment of."

"Got it in one!"

"Okkkk. So why am I here and not where other dead people should be?"

"I've been watching you this entire time and then I dragged you here of course," Chaos said matter-of-factly.

"You're telling me that you've known I've been here all this time…and only now thought of telling me this?"

Chaos tilted her head, seemingly confused about why I was upset. "Sounds about right. Is there a problem?"

"'Is there a problem?' Of course there is! I've been floating in this god forsaken place-"

"Hey! That's just rude! God couldn't hold a candle over me!"

"-for who knows how long, lonely and bored out of my mind, and you could've just…dragged me here to let me know about my situation. BUT you didn't."

My chest was heaving as I tried to catch my breath. It probably wasn't the smartest idea to yell at the creator of the universe, but when have I ever made the smartest decisions…and I felt way better after getting all that off my chest.

"Umu. I see. I see," Chaos nodded her head in understanding. "I had a good reason for this though, it was a test of sorts."

"A test? A test to see how long it takes for me to go into despair?"

"Ding, Ding, Ding! Correct!"

"…I was being sarcastic," I deadpanned.

"No matter, you were correct either way. You see, I was asked to find someone to be a champion of sorts for them, and when I saw your soul after you died…I thought 'Wow! He'll be perfect for the job!'…and now you're here."

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion and gave her a skeptical look. "Why would I be perfect candidate for anything? I'm completely average. I had below average grades, I was below average at sports, I was below average at instruments…"

"…Who am I kidding? I can't even be considered average. I was below average in everything I tried and the only thing I was good at was reading."

Chaos was silent for a moment, and when I thought she was going to tell me something good about myself, she said, "You're right, you're a complete idiot."

I gawked at her and was going to complain about her bluntness, but she held me off with a raise of her hand.

"You might be an idiot…but you're a passionate idiot! And that passion is what I was looking for!" She told me with sparkling eyes. "And that was what the test was for; to see if you'd be able to keep your passion even after being left alone with nothing to do for so long."

"…I see. So did I pass?"

"With flying colors! As a reward, you're wish will now come into fruition! I'm giving you the opportunity to be reincaranated into a mythological world as a son of Poseidon!"

It felt like time froze around me, her words echoing in my head.

"A son of Poseidon?" I asked in a daze.


"A son of Poseidon?"


"A son of Poseidon?"

"Oh dear, it seems I may have broken him," Chaos muttered to herself. She came up to me and slapped me hard across the face. I jumped back in shock and clutched my face.

I was going to complain but her slap had brought me back to reality. "Did you actually say that I will get to be reborn with water powers?" I asked just to make sure I wasn't hallucination.


I started to sob uncontrollably.

"Why are you crying? Isn't this what you had wanted?" Chaos asked in a state of panic.

"I…hic…I'm just so happy. These are tears of joy. I knew that putting myself under extreme duress would pay off. I may have died in the process, but it's the final results that matter."

Chaos sweat dropped. "Erm, sure…we'll go with that. Anyways, along with being the son of Poseidon, you will be also born with a System."

I hadn't thought things could get any better, but I had read enough Gamer Percy Jackson fanfictions to know what the System is.

"Thank you!" I said seriously, truly thankful to the first primordial for giving me this opportunity.

"Ah, no need to thank me," Chaos said, but her proud look made it obvious that she liked her efforts being acknowledged. "Well, now that I have explained things to you, it is time for you to start your adventure into a world where thousands of beings could kill you with a snap of their fingers! Don't die too soon! Bye-bye!"

And with that one last ominous message, everything went dark.


A/N: I have been juggling the idea for this fanfiction for quite some time now. This first chapter is on the shorter end as it is a prologue of sorts and a test to see if I'll keep writing it or not. So, if you're interested, please leave a review and follow. If it doesn't seem very well received then I'll start working on other ideas that I've been mulling over instead. Also, just putting this out there, I have never seen any of the DxD source material. Everything I know about DxD comes from the wiki and other fanfictions. I've researched a ton so I wouldn't make too many mistakes, but I also want to remind all of you that this is an AU so there will be many differences from canon. Anyways, follow and leave a review on what you thought. Story truly begins next chapter.