
This Is War

A war, as old as humanity itself, rages on between the demon and humans. The line between good and evil has blurred, a mystery to one's mind. Demons are vile, vicious beasts. But then again, humans aren't much different. Anna, a normal village girl is dragged into this war at a young age when her village is attacked by demons. She manages to escape with a few others. The most unexpected people betray them, and others join them… some even fall in forbidden love. Will a few teens be able to stop this war? Or are they all doomed to a war that will last for eternity?

20MarMar09 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

The Hunt

A thunderous clap echoed through the woods. My boots sloshed through the mud as I tried to run. My breath was harsh as I stumbled through the dark woods. Everything looked the same. I couldn't find my way back out. My hair was wild and my eyes were wide as I tried to control my breathing. Why had I thought this was a good idea? The end was near. I could feel it in my bones. It was right behind me.

With my sword in my right hand, it would do nothing but slow me down. I threw the blade behind me, hoping it would slow the creature down. There was a sudden shriek of fury from behind me. I stumbled in fear and went tumbling into the muddy ground. I tried to run but my foot was caught in a long vine. I turned to face my doom, my death.

Its skin was so pale that it looked almost white. Its eyes were bright red with thirst. Its mouth was in a wide smirk, showing the rows of fangs in its mouth. The demon lurked forward, flexing his long black claws. I couldn't believe how this world had doomed me… How this world had doomed everyone.

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20MarMar09creators' thoughts