

Kiryo Barley wanted to be a hero that people could rely on, unfortunately he wasn't counting on how lieral fate would take that, being designated the Cleric Role means you support the party... From behind the action. Kiryo wants to be a hero but will he be able to achieve it despite his lot in life?

Corvunight · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Manta's Level up Journey

- Lands Fields, Outside Skyward Citadel -

The sun beams brightly, blood rains on the field as Manta rips through a hoard of goblins and a pack of dire wolves, with Kiryo's Chants backing him up. The two crushed the hoard, Kiryo is stripping the Battle Beasts for parts as Manta devours the remains, Kiryo gets a notification - Parts-Master Innate Skill unlocked! Kiryo gets shocked by this - Wait, this skill belongs to the Hunter Roles, is this a mistake? Kiryo recalls the words the man told him "Drive to Change" he takes the Spiritus Tome out of his holster and opens his Menu screen, he sees his Role has now changed from "Cleric" to "????" He sees that his current Level is 5 and Manta is Level 8 he sees that the Spiritus Tome was equipped to him but he remembers classifying it as an item. He tries to see it's description and it simply reads "Cleric only Gear: Spiritus Tome, allows the Cleric to Summon the Spirits of Nature or Gods. - What?! - He was telling me the description this whole time?! (Something still feels off about this) Kiryo finishes picking up the pieces, he whistles at Manta signaling their departure back to the citadel. He took the parts back to Talos's tent. He hands Talos the parts collected, he seemed impressed by the parts Kiryo brought him. - well, color me impressed Mr. Cleric, you collected some fine parts. Talos sees the small Manticore hiding behind Kiryo's drapes. Talos jokingly said - So, I take it that's your Battle Beast? Kiryo looks at him sternly - For now, he's very easy to instruct, my Chants can keep him on top of other B.B's but as soon as it gets to Level 10... Talos sarcastically sneers at Kiryo - It'll turn into a Vile Manticore, which will make it harder for you to control, how far am I? - You're dead on! - I figured! You want me to use my Wrangle ability now while it's still young? - yes, Talos. Talos takes the bag of pieces to the back where he feeds the Battle Beasts in cages. - come here! Talos yells at Kiryo from the other side, he goes through the drapes to see rows of caged Battle Beasts, in the middle stands Talos, he proudly proclaims - Welcome to my Cradle! Kiryo walks, glancing at each Beast on the way, just behind Talos, a pile of pieces raise up forming a pedestal fountain, the bowl glows a deep blue hue that fills the room, Talos nudges Manta to step into the circle in front of Kiryo, it's scared and looks up to Kiryo, he smiles and tells Manta to trust Talos, he slowly proceeds forward and enters, Manta is shrouded by the glow of the Cradle and is lifted up and placed on the fountain. Talos explains the process to Kiryo - So, this is my pride and joy, my Cradle, any Battle Beast placed here will follow whichever commands are issued in here henceforth. Kiryo is amazed by this. - Now, Manta, you are now following the orders I give you! You will follow Kiryo Barley, Cleric of Montanoux's lead, wherever he goes, you follow, whatever he deems a threat you will conquer, Command phase done. The ring of light shrinks and places a seal on Manta's head, Talos picks up Manta and places it on the ground. - Now, Manta will obey your command, anything you ask it will do. Kiryo bows to Talos and thanks him, Manta follows him out to start their journey.