

Kiryo Barley wanted to be a hero that people could rely on, unfortunately he wasn't counting on how lieral fate would take that, being designated the Cleric Role means you support the party... From behind the action. Kiryo wants to be a hero but will he be able to achieve it despite his lot in life?

Corvunight · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Manta

- Suffice it to say that after that, I was kicked off the party after Lua was killed... Of course my true objective was achieved -- I got a Manticore egg. You see, a Cleric can't use Chants on themselves, Clerics are truly the pinnacle of self sacrifice, we're meant to die in the name of keeping our party members alive... But not me, self sacrifice isn't really my style, while we possess zero to no offensive prowess, there is a loophole within the Role description of Clerics, we cannot use chants on ourselves, we can use it on others... Humans or otherwise, that's why I wanted to go to that dungeon, so when I heard a party wanted to go there I took the chance and the rest is history, regardless of the death, the Manticore was still killed so we got paid. Kiryo is walking down the citadel's bazaar, there he sees a Beast Tamer, Kiryo approaches him - hello, I have a question. The tamer looks at him, noticing his tome - A Cleric? Now why would a Cleric be consorting with someone such as myself? Confused, Kiryo raises an eyebrow at him - I take it you're not fond of Clerics? He laughs - you can say that, they're always obnoxiously pious sometimes. Kiryo chuckles and sits down next to him - unfortunately for you, I've got more fear of inadequacy than I do of god in me. The Beast Tamer, laughs at him - I'm Talos Frigg, what's yours, Mr. Cleric? - I'm Kiryo, I've got a question for you? How do you tame monsters? Talos is caught off guard by this - well, it's thanks to my Innate Skill: Imprint, I like to catch em young too, it allows my I.S to take effect when they hatch immediately.

Kiryo follows up - so, you just find them as eggs? Talos nods - Battle Beasts imprint regardless, my I.S just makes it easier to train them, anyone besides a Beast Tamer trying to tame a Battle Beast would be interesting though. Kiryo then poses his true intentions - so, do you have any beasts you'd be willing to trade? I'm looking for a Battle Beast. Talos denies his request - listen, a Beast Tamer worth their salt isn't going to casually trade one of their Battle Beasts, we pride ourselves in the accolades they can bring us. Kiryo gets up, brushes the dust off his coat and bows to Talos - understandable, then what are the odds a Cleric can successfully raise a Battle Beast? Talos looks up at him - well, that Cleric would certainly have his hands full, beast taming is dirty business.

Kiryo bids Talos farewell and walks away, he continues to walk down the bazaar and one shady man beckons him to his table. The shady man with his gravelly voice whispers to Kiryo - I see you are an outlier. Weirded out, Kiryo steps back but the shady man beckons him again - fret not, young Cleric, I can see discontent within you, the Role placed upon you, I see the drive to CHANGE! I can offer you something to help! A fighting chance! Kiryo cuts him off - ok, old man, you've made your ominous point! What do you want? The shady man cackles - I like you, straight to the point! This is the Spiritus Tome, it allows Clerics to call the power of the Spirits! Even gods! Kiryo's eyes widen in disbelief. - and I'm supposed to believe this, right? The shady man cackles and slams the book on the table which makes the bazaar go silent.

The shady man leans into Kiryo's ear and whispers - oh, I mean no lie, young Cleric. He then looks him dead in the eye - You believe it. - because you have the drive. To. Change. He hands Kiryo the tome and he falls to the floor. Kiryo looks and sees the shady old man has vanished. He gets up to look over the table but someone else was there, he stares blankly at the girl and she politely asks him if he needed anything. Kiryo returns to form and excuses himself, proceeding to step away, he peers at his hand which clinches onto the Spiritus Tome.

The sun is setting, Kiryo sits on the fields outside the Citadel, he takes out the egg he plundered from his bag and puts it on the grass, it begins to crack, out comes a baby Manticore, Kiryo picks it up, holding it close Kiryo whispers - Your name is Manta.