
This can't be My Isekai!

After the events of Konosuba which had Saito Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin and Darkness as the heroes. A thousand years have passed since then...A new demon king is on the rise in a same medieval era. Everyone that lives in that world doesn't want to be reincarnated back because of the fear of the demon king and his arm. If this continues on then that world will slowly die...The gods decided it is once again time to send people to that world to keep the population steady. After sending Hundreds of young Japanese people they thought it would take a few years for them to beat the demon king. They stopped sending people there and waited for the heroes to beat the demon king. The new demon king is the previous demon kings son, and he started to terrorize that world just like his father. That world fell into crisis yet again after a thousand years of peace. Hundreds of young people who died in Japan was teleported to that world after dying, but non if them are close to defeating the new demon king. The gods decided to send one more person to that world as the population slow grew more steady because of the hope of the demon king being defeated. This story follows Kanike Hatake who was killed in the same manner as the previous hero and teleported to the same alternate world. He and the previous Hero share alot of the same traits and thus his fate and companions are like the previous heroes. He has but one goal and that's to defeat the demon Kings son but, will he or will his companions move him into the opposite direction. In a video game like world will his gamer knowledge be enough or will he need guts, courage and what not? Hey Guys, I'll be releasing two chapters a day. Sometimes I'll release four in a day if they are short.

Chef_Torres · Fantasie
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23 Chs

The Buried Dead

On a hill far away from town. There was a public cemetery for poor and homeless people. The dead are buried in this world. A hole would be dug and they would be covered with earth.

Our quest this time was defeating the undead monsters that were emerging from the cemetery. It was almost evening. We set up a tent near the cemetery and wait for night to fall.

"Slow down Kanike, I saw that meat first Here, the vegetable on this side is done, so eat this instead!"

"After the cabbage hunt, I don't like eating vegetables anymore. I am afraid of the vegetable flying off somewhere if I grill it."

We set up a hot plate some distance away from the cemetery, barbecuing as we wait for dusk. We spent the time leisurely even though it was a hunting quest because the target was a small fry known as a zombie maker.

That was an evil spirit that controls zombies, possessing high quality corpse while manipulating several zombies as minions. This monster could be defeated by a novice party, so we took on this quest. So even though Lighttress did not have her armor, it wasn't too dangerous for her.

After finishing their meal, I poured coffee powder into a mug, adding water with my 'Create Water', and use 'Tinder' spell to heat the mug. These were basic magic thought to me by a wizard I met during the cabbage hunt.

As its name suggest, 'Tinder' is a spell to light a fire and posed no offensive threat. But it was an important spell that could replace a lighter to me. Meguma looked at me with a complicated expression and held out her cup.

"… Excuse me, please give me some water. I feel that Kanike is more proficient than me in using magic. Basically no one uses basic spells, but you make it looked convenient."

I cast 'Create Water' into Meguma's cup.

"Is that so, isn't this the way to use basic spells? Oh right, 'Create Earth'! … Hey, what is this spell used for?"

I showed Meguma the dusty earth on my palm. There are all sorts of elemental basic spells, but I wasn't sure how to utilize this earth elemental magic.

"Well… The crops grown from magically created earth are high in quality… That's it."

After listening to Meguma's explanation, Terly besides me burst into laughter.

"What, Kanike wants to plow the lands? Are you changing jobs to farmer? You could use 'Create Water' for the plants too! This job is a great fit for you,puhehe!"

I faced Terly with my right palm and raised my left hand.

"Wind Breath!"

"Pu he ahh! Ah–! My eyes!"

A gust of wind blew the dust onto Terly's face, the goddess rolled on the ground after the sand got into her eyes.

"… I got it, so that's how you use this spell."

"Wrong! Normal people won't use it that way! And why are you using basic spells better than a wizard!"