
This Book Of Lies

Is pain and suffering our only fate. Is this world truly were We are to be, this prison? As we die we once again live but this book we woke up in has lied to us, there is much more to this world than we know and our lives at stake. The end will not come for us, not now and not ever. (Black female lead)

LadyManner · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Our Heart

as they walk into a private room Jada closed the door behind her. Francois sat down in a corner biting his fingernails. 

"Was this some kind of scheme you and your father plotted?" He chuckled at her.

"What!? Abso-" 

"I should have known the consequences to getting involved with you people! DANM IT! Master was right, all you people care about is power."

"What are you talking about! And what do you mean by you people!" Jada lashed out. Francois got up and grabbed her hand, his face only an inch away from her. 

"I COULD NEVER MARRY SOMEONE AS HORRIBLE AS YOU! You are the most heinous, most unruly, most disgusting person I have ever met in my entire life."

Tears weld up in Jada's eye, she took this kind of name calling back in her previous life but she will not take it it here.

"YOU! You know Absolutely nothing do you!" 

Francois was about to interrupt her but she spoke louder to drown him out.

"I guess that's just how you are since you've been in that tower all your life but here you do not speak to me that way! You who only know those twins only know one side of the story and refuse to know the other!" Jada said loudly.

"Oh really! And what is your side of the story then hm? Frantz asks for his engagement to be annulled because of his infatuation with Roseline. So know you and your sisters goons go around terrorizing innocent people because of some petty jealousy."

"SHUT UP! You weren't their all those nights! Those nights where she would cry until she fell asleep. Those nights where she told me that she would never be enough for anyone, where she would starve herself because she thought if she became more thin like rosaline Frantz would love her again." She was crying now.

Francois softened a little, he didn't know what it was but he felt something at the pit of his stomach.

"Do you know how it feels to see someone you love so much go through so much pain Francois?" Jada asked, however Francois did not answer.

Jada already knew the answer to the question she ask. Francois saw his whole family slowly die a painful death one by one due to a disease that no one could cure. The only reason that he survived was because the old high magician saved him and took him in.

Maybe he would understand if she told him things from her perspective, after all 


The door flew open and a horde of people came in arguing with each other. Jada's bothers and sister, Dominique, Ava, and the main and side characters were here.

"Like I said Frantz, I just thought the sword was too great to be left where it was, so I took it off the kings hands." Ava said with a smirk, She was happy enjoying Frantz angry face as he tried to explain to her that it was promised to him by the king first.

Jasmin had a little smile on her face as she grabbed Ava's arm and lead her to where Jada was. When they walked closer they could see tears in her eyes.

"You!" Jasmin sneered. She pulled Jada away from Francois and into Ava's arms. 

"What did you do to my sister to make her cry like this!?" Jasmin yelled. Francois looked away not answering.

"Sister, Please calm yourself. I am a tad bit crossed myself, even so it's best to take Jada someplace else for the meantime." Joshua added. 

"Ha! Look at his guilty face brother. He may now be my sisters fiancé but I will never accept someone that doesn't treat her with respect!" Seeing her sisters tears churned her stomach. Jasmin would never want what happened to her, happen to her sister as well.

"Wait! Sister, it's alright. He didn't do anything!" Jada pleaded, But Jasmin was having non of this.

"Then why were you crying then?" Jasmin asked, however Jada didn't know how to answer. If she told Jasmin about their conversation earlier then it might make the situation worse. 

"Exactly what i thought. You don't have to defend him just because he saved you." Jasmin turned back to Francois preparing to say more but Roland came between them.

"Please your highness, this must be a misunderstanding, right Francois?" Roland turned to look at Francois for an answer, but he only looked away. 

"Get out of my way peasant!" Jasmin was affronted by Roland's action and when Rosaline came to stand next to him it made her irate.

"Now Jasmin!" Joshua said and the other men there also protested her words.

Before Jasmin could blow Dominique who had been observing the whole ordeal went and stood by Jasmin's side to calm her down.

"It's alight princess. You and your royal highnesses have been through so much in the past two weeks, especially princess Jada who has just woken up from her coma." Dominique gestures Ava to take Jada outside.

"If we put the princess in a stressful situation like this she may faint and need to be bedridden again." She continued.

Everyone calmed down agreeing with Dominique's words. Ava walked Jada outside while Jasmin, Joshua and Dominique followed, Leaving the others in the room.

They walked back to the party where they were immediately bombarded with different people asking Jada if she was okay. Her siblings and friends shielded her from them and escorted her to her room.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that sister." Joshua consoled, He was getting more worried at both his sisters everyday. Since their mothers death he promised himself to make sure they wouldn't get hurt but he hasn't done a good job of it though.

"Yes, you should some more" Ava added.

Jada thanked them all and laid down on her bed. She had been feeling more tired since she woke up, in addition to that the arguing made her head hurt even more. As she closed her eye's she immediately fell asleep.

The other four got up, leaving the room quietly Joshua got an idea.

"Lady Ava may I ask for your assistance." He asked. Ava jumped at the sound of the princes voice.

"Huh?-I MEAN! Y-yes your highness?" She said in a startled tone. Letting out a quick chuckle, Joshua stops walking. 

"You are the second highest ranking swordsman in the entire university, and I ask for your help in training me." 

"Huh?" Ava said in confusion. She looked at the prince in a shocked expression. Jasmin and Dominique were also surprised by Joshua's request.

"I've heard that your also talented in hand to hand combat as well no? After Jada got poisoned I realized that I was quite powerless. I may be only a scholar, however I have always lacked in strength and right now your the only person I can aske for help." With a determined look on his face Joshua waited for Ava to answer.

"Why not get your so called friend, Frantz, to do it? He's the schools number one swordsman after all." Jasmin gibed. Joshua looked at his siter with sadness. After all that happened to his sisters because of Frantz and the twins, he's started to distance himself from them. 

"I don't want to associate with them for a while. For Jada's sake and for yours as well." He replied. Jasmin was taken aback by her brothers words, she was sure that he would always stay by Frantz's side since they've known each other since they were children. 

Jasmin didn't know what to say to him at the moment so she went back to the party and left the three of them alone. Dominique tried to call for her but Joshua stopped her. 

"That's alright lady Dominique, It's best to let her go for now, she'll be ok." Joshua assured.

Looking at the prince Ava didn't know how to answer. She was strong, but to be his instructor would be to much pressure for her. 

"Why not to for it lady Ava?" Dominique asked.

"Your great at what you do, and while your in the palace you can check up on Jada when your done." She continued.

Seeing the indecisiveness in her face he tells her to think about it and escorts the two lady's back to the party. The three of them found Jasmin talking to Frantz.

"That sword is part of my family's lineage, your father knew this as well." Frantz whispered in an angry tone. Jasmin on the other hand looked unbothered with his little tantrum. 

"Even so, Ava is one of my sisters saviors. She caught that devil that tried to killed Jada, what did you do during that time hm?" Jasmin glared at him.

He knew what she was trying to say, but he couldn't argue with her on this. Afterall, when Jada got poisoned there was this feeling of happiness deep in his stomach. 'The tormentor of my beloveds is dying.' Frantz was to ashamed to speak with her any further.

"What's wrong sister?" Joshua asked, walking up to them with Ava and Dominique in tow. 

"It's nothing I was just about t-" 

"Ah! Princess!" Roland interrupted. Running up to them Roland bowed.

"What is that you want." Jasmin spat. With a worried look he carried on.

"First I would like to apologize for causing Jada more stress." 

"It's not you that needs to apologize, it's that selfish man that's giggling with your sister right now, even though he now has a fiancé."

"Y-yes! your right princess, however Francois has a hard time understanding other peoples feelings sometimes. S-s-so...."

"So?" Jasmin said annoyed.

"Please! forgive him just this once! I assure you he will treat your sister with the same love and respect he's shown others!" Bowing as low as he could Roland pleaded with her.

Anger was building up in her. Jasmin was seething, this man had the audacity to tell her what to do and how to feel? It was just so absurd, So absurd that instead of yelling, Jasmin began to laugh. The Laughing caught everyone off guard.

People stared at the princess in amazement and confusion. This made Ava and Dominique worried for the princess, so they decided to step in.

"Sir Roland. Do you just understood what you asked the princess to do?" Dominique started. Roland was getting a little scared, mostly because Dominique was now speaking.

To him, Dominique was someone he took the number one student spot from when he first came to the school. Since then she has been threating him and his sister, at school and at home as well.

"W-what d-"

"You just asked her to disregard her feelings and are now forcing her to accept an apology from someone that didn't even apologize." Dominique interrupted. 

"Did you even think about how she felt at all? How Jada felt?" Ava added.

By this time Jasmin had stopped laughing. Her view of Roland was being blocked by the two lady's. 

"She's also been through enough already and now your adding more stress she doesn't need." Ava complained. 

Grabbing Jasmin's hands Dominique looked straight into her eye's. This made Jasmin squirm a little.

"Princess, from now on, if they ever say things like these to you again then just call for us and well whisk you away. You don't have to deal with them anymore. It matters not if one of them is the saintess."

Dominique finished her piece, completely ignoring Roland, only focusing on Jasmin. She felt bad for writing the novel this way, seeing all the pain she caused these characters made her feel afoul with herself. She would make sure that they have their happy ending this time, no matter what.


Waking up, Main got Jada dressed. They went over to the dining room where everyone was having dinner.

"There she!" Exclaimed Imani. She patted an empty seat next to her, Jada went to her and sat down.

"How are you feeling this morning dear?" Maria asked. 

Jada gave a her a smile and reassured her that she was feeling fine. Everyone conversed and talked about how there week has been so far.

"Imani are you ready for your first day back at the little academy?" Xavier asked.

"Yes big bother I am?" Imani said excitedly.

"Yes, speaking of which, the rest of you are going back tomorrow correct." Asked the king 

"Yes father, at dawn." Joshua answered.

"Hm... I'll assign you all a personal night to go with you." The king announced. 

The children stopped eating and looked at their father. It was strange for him to be this involved with them. This was the same man that told them that they didn't need a personal night and it would make them more aware of themselves, But now he suddenly coddling them? 

"Really father?!" Imani asked. Giving her a smile, he nodded his head.

Breakfast was now over and everyone left the table the kings went to the sitting room while the king and queen went outside.

While laying in her sisters lap, Jada thought of the dream she had last night. It was the same dream as before, what dose that dream mean? Is it a sight int the future? Or an omen?