
Thin Red Lines

***Trigger Warning*** at the bottom of this Synopsis. Lux is regularly abused at the hands of her stepfather. She tries to navigate the pain of her home life while trying to keep her secret concealed from her childhood sweetheart and boyfriend, Lincoln. When he finds out will it push Lux over the edge? Or will she accept help? Giving in depth views from Lux and Lincoln regarding mental health topics and the conflict with how they feel about it. This story happens over a small period of time and may seem ‘slow’ at times. This story is still in process of being written. This is also my first story I have written and am putting up for everyone to read so please be kind. Constructive criticism is welcomed. ***Trigger Warning*** This contains extremely graphic material: rape, self harm, suicidal ideation** Trigger Warning**

CL_Gold · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
14 Chs


Lux was on my mind for the rest of the afternoon. I wasn't sure how I felt. I was mad at her and mad at myself that I missed this. I ran through mind thinking back over the last few months and it just enraged me. I had questioned so many small bruises that weren't out of the ordinary but looking back had ridiculous explanations. I balled up my fists needing a release, I texted Jake to see if he wanted to hoop.

LINCOLN: down for a quick game?

JAKE: yeah head this way.

I walked over to Jake's and met him in his back yard. Jake walked out with the ball and tossed it to me. He met me at the midpoint at the end of his half court and I dribbled the ball, and proceeded to go past him.

He blocked me, stole the ball, pivoted, then dribbled for the hoop, before posting a lay up that crashed down into the net. "Score!" He shouted.

We went again and again like this till we both had a light sweat before sitting down on the sidelines.

"Wanna tell me what's bothering you?" Jake asked.

"Just some stuff going on with Lux" but it was more than just stuff.

"Girl problems?, Iva gets upset with me sometimes too" he tried reassuring me. "It happens" he said shrugging his shoulders. I smirked back.

"Thanks for the game man, I better get going". I kept it short. I walked back home and hopped in the shower, still thinking about her.

By dinner I had calmed down and was able to focus on other things like making sure I had done all my homework and chores my mom had asked me to do. Lux still hadn't responded to my text earlier so as I laid down for bed I thought that I would give her some space. I would see her soon enough at school the next day.

I found Lux the next morning already in class. I walked in and sat down next to her. She looked up and gave an awkward smile. She looked paler than yesterday, almost flushed. I could see small beads of sweat on her forehead but I knew she wouldn't take her jacket off.

I took my eyes off of her and started to rummage through my backpack for a pencil which I most likely forgot to put back in. I always did that and I was lucky that Lux always brought extras for me. I reached over to tap Lux and upon contact she jumped in her seat. It felt like the kind reaction someone would make if they were afraid. Was she just feeling vulnerable and weird about yesterday or is it something else?

I thought about it most of class, not really able to focus. The bell rang and I stood up waiting for her to go ahead of me. She struggled for a second to raise from her seat before her legs buckled and she started to collapse. I reached out breaking her fall as I guided her to the ground with my hands. She was out cold. The teacher quickly realized Lux had fainted and called for help. When the nurse arrived with a wheelchair I was released and told to go to my next class but I couldn't.

I lingered outside the hallway awkwardly smiling at the school staff walking by before putting my ear to the door again trying to collect as much information as possible. It wasn't any use these doors were solid.

At the end of the day I headed to my locker and overheard Iva telling Jake that the nurse called had called EMS when she had a weak pulse and she was taken to the hospital. Her official diagnosis was dehydration.

I texted Lux to see if she was ok.

LINCOLN: are you ok? You really scared me this morning

LUX: just dehydrated. Another symptom of teen drinking I suppose ;(

LINCOLN: will you be at school tomorrow.

LUX: they admitted for the night for observation and run tests

LINCOLN: tests for what?

LUX: just bloodwork I guess

LINCOLN: can I come visit tonight

LUX: probably not a good idea, i can only have one visitor at a time and Rick is here.

LINCOLN: at least let me drop by and bring you food. Then I'll leave.

LUX: k

After school I stopped by the diner and picked up a chocolate milkshake, patty melt with bacon, and some fries. I headed to the hospital and found reception. I glanced up while I was signing i. and saw Rick walking towards me in full uniform.

" Hey Lincoln" he said politely. "Thanks for helping her today. What's that?" he motioned at the bag.

"Just some of her favorites, I thought if she had to be cooped up in here she should at least get a decent meal" I tried to be charming.

"Your a good kid Lincoln " he patted me on the shoulder. "I'm leaving for a shift, don't stay too long visiting hours are over at 8 and it a school night" he winked as he walked by me out the front doors.

I found my way up to the hall where Lux's room was and stopped at the nurses station to get the food ok'd and confirm her room number. As I stood waiting a doctor and a woman dressed in business casual held a clipboard studying a chart together behind the other nurses.

I overheard the doctor tell the woman that they had done a **** kit and there was evidence of scaring and bruising consistent with ****. The doctor started to list injuries: large welts to the buttocks and lower back, small lip abrasion, rib fracture,...

I drowned her out when the nurse pointed me to the right room and I walked in to find Lux flipping through channels on the tv.

"How you feeling?" I sat down the food in front her.

"Better, just needed water " she chuckled. "I'm even better now that I have all this food. Thanks for bringing this by."

"No problem, I guess I'll get out of here..." I reluctantly stated.

"No stay" she countered as she threw a french fry at me.

I took a seat and watched her scarf down every piece of food in front her. She looked over at me and smiled that beautiful smile.

"Link?" She had my full attention. "I'm sorry I lied to you. I need to tell you.." she started to say but was cut off by a knock on the door. The doctor and woman from the nurse's station came and walked over to Lux.

The woman got serious as she approached and introduced herself.

"Hi Lux, I'm Ashley. I'm a counselor here at the hospital and I just want to ask you a few questions if that's ok?" She looked over at me before asking Lux if she would be more comfortable with me leaving the room because they were difficult questions.

Lux gave the approval for me to stay after all I assumed they found her cuts on her arms and had some questions.

"Ok, sweetie can you tell me how you got the cuts on your arms" I could see Lux gulp and clench the plain white hospital blanket on her lap. "I know this is hard but it's best to be as honest as possible. I am here to help" the woman smiled.

Lux said nothing she just kept her green eyes focused on me.

"They look consistent with self harm, are you hurting yourself Lux?" the woman continued. "Your father told us you've been doing it for awhile and he is cornered. I'm just here to make sure you get the help you need. I can't help you unless you talk to me. Can you do that for me Lux?" she pressured.

"Ok" Lux gulped.

"Your dad also tells me that you were attacked recently which caused some of this bruising, is that right dear?" What did this woman mean attacked. Rick did it do her.

"The doctor and I suspect it may have a been a sexual assault which is consistent with your injuries and **** kit. We don't have to get into the details now" the woman went on.

"**** kit?" Lux looked horrified. "Why would you do that?" She got visibly upset and looked over at me to see my reaction. Everything started to make sense to me. The way she acted, the way she hid everything, the way she defended Rick, the excuses.

"I think that's enough for now, I'll come back and check in on you tomorrow. We can get a care plan started for when you're released" she said and walked out of the room.

After she left Lux wouldn't look at me anymore and just cried. I walked over to her and sat down next to her on the hospital bed. She withdrew a little before she leaned into the comfort I was trying to provide.

"Lux, can you tell me what's going on right now? Were you raped?" She she sat there blankly. "You need to start being honest with me, what's going on?" my voice a little rough.

"I can't" she whispered, "it's too hard. I feel so ashamed". My heart broke, I had pieced it together but I needed her to tell me.

"Please talk to me, I love you Lux no matter what. There is nothing you could tell me that would make me walk away or think of you any less. I've loved you my whole life. Please Lux."

"I did this to myself." She spoke quietly. "I broke the rules and lied". I found her hand and wrapped it in mine. "I'm sorry I couldn't just do what I was supposed to. This is my fault". She hesitated and then let go of my hand like she had failed me somehow before whispering she was sorry. She turned over, back facing me.

"You have nothing to be sorry for" I reached to stroke her back be she arched it and let out a whimper. Her gown was slightly open and I could see the new wounds that had been inflicted upon her on the small of her back peeking through.

Rick had whipped her. He was only at the hospital to cover his own ass. The condition he left her in was deplorable and I was furious. How could anyone do this to another person. I sat there on the bed with her until I was told by a nurse visiting hours were over and it was time to leave.

I reluctantly left and made sure to tell her that I loved her one more time before I found myself almost already at home.

Lux was released from the hospital a few days later. I had given her some space but was anxious to see her.

LINCOLN: I heard you were released, can you come over I think we need to talk some things out

LUX: can we talk later, not really up for it right now.

She was avoiding me. I waited until I knew Rick would be at work and headed over to her house. I knocked on the door and her mom answered. She told me lux was in her room so I headed down the hall before knocking quietly and walking in.

"Lux! What are you doing?" she was sitting with her legs crossed on the floor with a razor in hand. Blood was already running down her arm. I grabbed a near by shirt and sat in front of her wrapping her arm.

"You need to start talking. Damnit Lux! Let someone help you for once. I'm here for you, talk to me!" I was frantic but tried to remain calm. "You can't do this to yourself anymore. This isn't fixing anything".

I got her up and sat her on the bed while I went across the hall to the bathroom to grab a warm damp washcloth. I unwrapped the shirt from around her arm. Lux looked away as I ran the cloth over the damage she had just done.

"I can do this myself Link, please don't. I just want to be alone" she said as she tried to pull her arm away. This was not the time for her to be stubborn.

"No, I can't trust you to be alone right now. I'm not leaving until you tell me what is going on. I pulled her arm back towards me and finished cleaning the cuts. I then bandaged her up before letting arm go. I sat next to her on the bed in silence waiting for her to say something, anything.