
They, Together

Cute crush and reader stories! These stories assume you guys are already together! Adorable scenarios! Please request what you want to see in the comments! These work for ALL genders. I will label each chapter and make sure i get every couple type there is

Aerie_Artemis · Prominente
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3 Chs

~ Ukulele ~ Reader/Any Crush

You sighed in delight as you watched C/N strum their uke softly, creating a beautiful sound. They were so focused in on their ukulele, you thought it was absolutely adorable.

You began to him along to their lovely little tune mindlessly and they looked up at you, trying not to smile.

"Hm?" You inquired quietly. They shook their head, a smirk forming.

You studied their form and couldn't find a single flaw in this beautiful human. They sat criss-crossed legged on the floor, just trying to memorize the note order and hand movements; but to you, they were showing how much of an absolute god they were.

"Do you have any plans of not staring at me?" C/N laughed at you. They paused playing, waiting for a response. You blushed slightly, not realizing you were being rude.

"Oh.. Sorry, I was just-- I was just so busy admiring your (Adonis/Aphrodite)-like features," You blurted out, trying to not stutter. You knew they liked seeing you panic so you tried your hardest not to.

"You're fine; I was simply wondering your intentions," They gave you the cutest cheesy grin you had ever seen and you couldn't help but smile back. Something about their happiness just made you want to cuddle with them for years and never let go.

"Please-- Please keep playing," You said. Fuck. You stuttered. They grinned widely, plans formulating in their mind and you died a bit inside, knowing they were about to do something.

"Why should I?" They cocked a brow. You put your face in your hands.

"Because I want you to. I like the music," You said, the sound muffled by your sweater. You could nearly hear their infectious smile.

"Y/N! Are you telling me you actually enjoy me playing this?" C/N gasped in mock surprise. You really wanted to strangle something in this moment.

"No, hoe. I just need to keep you busy so you don't have time to bug me," You pouted. They snorted and a smile grew on your face.

"Whatever do you mean? 'Bug you'?" They said, oh so innocently. You looked them in the eyes and smiled.

"Just play your music please," You said. It was an invite for a teasing, but it sounded nice at the moment.

"Why? Do you not want me to do this?" C/N got up, setting the uke down on the floor gently to sit in your lap. They sat so you guys were face to face with fewer than 4 inches between you.

"Wow! Ding ding ding! We have a smart one here!" You called out, grasping them in a hug. They pulled away and smiled.

"And this?" C/N pulled you into a soft kiss; pulling your face in and running their hands through your hair. You were melting. Complete jelly. They knew this and loved it. Forever and a half seemed to pass before they pulled away, still sitting on your lap.

"Yeah. That too," You were completely red. There wasn't a single part of your face that wasn't blushing.

"Oh well. I've had my fun. I'm going to practice now, okay?" C/N pulled to get up, but you held them down. You pulled on their sweater, grasping them in a deep hug.
