

This book is about two werewolves in love, who need to face other packs while getting lost on a trip together. Find out what happens to the two teenagers now!

Anshi_Khurana · Fantasie
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8 Chs

In the jet

Andrea's POV-

I couldn't believe it. We actually were going to a spa? That wasn't expected. And of all places, Paris? When did that happen? Since when did Austin actually care about people?

"How are we going to get there again?" I asked. He looked back at me. "We're going to the airport. You and I will go in my car, and then we'll get in the jet. Then we go zooming in the distance. Like this." He made a motion of a plane flying with his hand. I laughed. Who knew he could be funny? I thought that he was one of those mean buff guys. Now that I'm actually talking to him, I'm learning that he's not that bad. Sure he's cocky and arrogant, but he's not mean. There's a difference.

"Come on. Get inside. Do I look like I have all day? No. So get in." He said, putting on his sunglasses and then smiling all of a sudden. "That was my impression of a girl. Did I do good?" He asked. "You're literally a child." I said, laughing my ass off. "But the impression was good, I'm not going to lie. You're not that bad of an actor. Actually, throw on a wig and you could be a girl!"

He gave me an oh really? Look and turned on the car. "What song do you want? Actually don't tell me. It's probably something girly like Shawn Mendes. I'll put that." He said with a teasing smile. "What? No. Put Dababy. He's much better. Shawn Mendas isn't my type, you know?" I said. His expression turned into shock. "Really? I wasn't expecting that. Not bad, sweetie."

"Don't call me sweetie, you idiot. It's Andrea for you. If you call me that again I will pick you up by the foot and throw you across the room. I'm a lot stronger than I look. So shut your pretty little mouth before I shut it for you. I hope you step on a lego."

"How dare you! Okay, I don't care that you said that I'm an idiot, but step on a lego? That's just cruel. You're so mean. I hope you step on a lego. Take that. Ha." He said, fake scowling. "Shut up Barbie. Keep your eyes on the road." I said. "Barbie? Do I look like I wear 50 tons of makeup on my face and hair extensions and got plastic surgery? No. If anything, Jessica is barbie. Go waste your stupid comments on her. Seriously though, someone needs to tell her that wearing a bra and panties to school does not get you a boyfriend." He said, now looking serious.

I thought about that. Sure, Jessica was a pain in the ass, but look at it from her perspective. She doesn't have anyone who is there for her. Maybe she didn't know what else to do. "But think about it," I told Austin. I wanted him to know what I thought, "She doesn't have anyone that's there for her. You have your dad and I have my mom. Even though her parents are still alive, maybe she feels like no one loves her and that she's alone. Maybe she used to think that this is the only way to get love. She wears those clothes and makeup. Why? Maybe because she feels ugly when she doesn't wear makeup. Maybe she doesn't think that she is enough. Maybe she thinks that she only looks beautiful when she wears those things. And she doesn't want anyone else over you because you have the most power in the school. You and her would potentially be the power couple if you liked her back. And maybe now she wants to change, but she can't. What would people say if all of a sudden she stopped doing everything that she does? What if it's a habit? She feels like she isn't getting any attention, so when she aggravates you, even though you do shoo her off, you give her your undivided attention. You look her in the eyes and talk to her. What do you think her family does? They probably ignore her. She needs someone to love her, and no one does. How heartbreaking would that be if you were in her place?" I said.

Austin studied me. "You're... right. I never thought that I could feel bad for her, but now I do. She doesn't have anyone to be with her. That's why she's obsessed with me. She thinks she loves me, but I don't think she does, right? She just wants me for attention. What do you think?" He asked.

"I agree. She doesn't love you. She thinks she does. But she doesn't." I said, now falling silent. "You are so different from the other girls you know that right? You know what love really is." He said. "What do you think it is?" I asked.

"What do I think? I think love is putting someone else before you. It means wanting to be with them forever. You can't live without the other person. You two rely so much on each other, that even if you are away from the person you love for just a second, you still miss them. You want them. And not just for their looks. Love is everything. It means loving their imperfections. A guy doesn't love a girl for her petals or her flower. He loves her for her thorns. He loves her unconditionally. That's what I think love is." He said. Wow. Who knew that he was so good at that? I didn't think that he really knew what love is. But, everything he described is what is true. Two people who are in love, love each other for their imperfections and will stand by the other person no matter what. That's love.

"Wow. I didn't know that you could be so sappy!" I said, laughing. He flashed me a smile. "I know. I didn't ever think that I would say that in my life. I know what love is like, and I also know that I'm super hard to love. A lot of people have told me that. What do you think? Am I hard to love?" He asked.

I thought about it. That's a pretty hard question. When I first found out who he was and what he did, I thought he was horrible. I believed that he was hard to love. Impossible, even. I was told that he was an asshole. I was told so many horrible things. But now that I have spent a little bit of time with him, I found out that he was more likable than I thought he would be. Now that I'm here and spending time with him, I realize that he would be easy to love.

"No. You wouldn't be that hard to love." I said, glancing over at him. "Hmm. Really?" He asked, smirking. I shook my head, standing by my answer.

"Well, we're here. Come on. Out of the car." He said. I stuck my tongue out at him. He did the same to me. We both got in the jet, laughing our asses off at how childish we both were being. I walked in the jet and gasped at the sight in front of me.

It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The jet was sleek and modern, with a color theme of white and brown. Austin really was rich. He smiled at me. What a show-off, but I was impressed. I didn't know he had this much money.

Why would Austin spend so much money on me? I barely know him!

"Make yourself comfortable sweetie." Austin said.

And I did. I dashed into the bathroom and started running the water. I have always wanted to give myself a luxurious bath, but I never had any of the products I needed to do that. When I looked around now, they had all of the aesthetic things that I needed. I took the rose petals that were sitting on the counter and put them in the water, also lighting up some candles. I grabbed some of the chocolates and sprite since I didn't want wine because I don't drink. They were all sitting in a mini fridge, so the sprite was nice and cold. I dropped a few splashes of rose essential oil in the water to make it smell even better. I grabbed my book and got inside.

The moment I stepped in, I immediately relaxed. It was so peaceful and so nice. I really had to take some of these products home. I put on some music, letting myself sink in.

I opened my book which was called The Hunger Games. I just started to read this series and it is so amazing. I am still on the first book because I actually just started to read it this morning. I had gone to the bookstore before school to purchase this book. I definitely don't regret it. I also heard that Liam Hemsworth is in the movies, so that's an even better reason to read the books and watch the movies. I always read the books before watching the movies. Whoever watched the movies before is what I call a disgrace to this world. I would be surprised if someone actually did watch it before reading the books.

Once I finished reading, I put the book down and started to think. I thought about Austin. He is so much more different from what I thought he was. He spent all of this money on me. Why? I mean, this must have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Why would he do this? Did he... did he favor me? Want me to be one of his toys? No. That's what I would have thought of him a few days ago. But now, I know that he won't do that. He's much better than that. Maybe he just wants to make some new friends. Maybe he just wants to make me feel special like most friends want you to feel. Yeah. That's how he wants me to feel.

I popped a chocolate in my mouth and took a sip of the sprite. Damn. Who knew that this could taste so good? I moaned in delight.

"Pleasing ourselves, are we? I didn't think you would be touching yourself in the bathtub, but you are full of surprises." I looked over to see Austin standing outside, to the point where I could see him, but he couldn't see me. "No! It's called eating good chocolate you douche bag!" I yelled. Before I could call him a piece of shit again, I saw the lock on the door come out, and Austin came in. Luckily I had bubbles in the bath so Austin couldn't see any of my private parts and scowled. "What are you doing? I'm naked!" I said. "I know. I just wanted to see if you like the jet, but now that I see you, I can tell that you love it. No need to thank the douche bag, you know?" He said. I looked down. "Sorry, I absolutely love it. It's really nice. Thank you." I looked up and smiled at him. "Did you actually just thank me? Wow. That's new. Can I record you saying that?" He asked, smiling. "No. Now get out." I said, with a hint of a smile on my face.

You know what? I don't regret saying yes on coming with him. This could probably be the best time of my life.