

Three friends, Aires, Jason and Elena, out of curiosity end up opening a gate to the spirit world and must find a way to drag back demons to where they came from, but how are they going to do it when they can't even control their powers? Here's a quote from the main character, " We do not care where you're hiding, we're on our way and we will find you. Earth is our home, not a playground for forces darkness, if you're not invited, then start packing, because when we find you, call it Judgement Day." Moving huh? Let's find out what happens

henryblisschris · Fantasie
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21 Chs


Usually during Sportfest, the teaching activity by teachers is placed on hold, this is not in obedience to any set decree from the higher authority, but per observations done each year. Since students refuse to listen to any mumbo jumbo from their teachers due to the noisy atmosphere caused by the former, it is deemed wise to postpone all teaching and learning and replace them with training and preparations towards the event. One privilege it comes with that makes it all the more interesting is that, students can come in or go out of the school at any time they prefer between the hours of six thirty in the morning, till ten in the morning. A knowledge of this was Aires' weapon to attend school later than she was expected to. After she had woken up late, with heavy eyes due to crying which even continued after the dream she saw, she failed to check the missed calls on her phone and the messages as well. She took much as time as she wanted in doing all her preschool activities, not saying even a word about what was about to happen to her mother. When her Mom asked her why she looked depressed, she lied in her reply to her, which was " I'm just having a headache", her mother, buying this idea, gave her some pills to restore her health, only to discover them in a bin after Aires left for school.

At school, immediately she walked in through the huge metal gates with the time reading ten fifteen on the wrist watch on Mr. Stawicki's left hand as his eyes met with that of Aires', "Wow" he commented, "Aires, will you agree with me if I say that students must come to school a little earlier than this during Sportfest? I mean, look at you, always coming to school early but on Sportfest you're really late, makes working towards preparing the school for the event difficult, can you come early next time if you may?" "Sure she will" Elena said from behind him, approaching the two and looking around her cautiously to see if there was nobody staring, then she whispered into Mr. Stawicki's ears "If you hear my voice, do as I tell you, in three minutes, come to my class, order Aires to come after school to rule the center circle as punishment for disobedience to you, remember nothing you hear after six tonight, if you hear my voice respond with, 'Your wish is my command' " "Your wish is my command" the tamed sports master responded to Elena's words in humblest way possible. The two girls walked away, laughing at his predicament but hardly noticing the Vanessa, staring at them from a distance.

Just as Elena had ordered him, a couple of minutes after Aires had tried to settle down , in walked Stawicki furiously and stood in the front where every eye could see and hear him. "Where's that insolent girl called?" He barked, the entire room became filled with whispers about what Aires could have done to upset an always friendly and smiling Stawicki, "Do you mean that Aires?" A girl laughed, pointing a finger at her in the back, "she won't even upset a colleague, she even respects the first years lol, you cant possibly be talking about her cos..." "Shut up and sit" Mr. Stawicki ordered her, turning his attention back to Aires, "luck is on your side girl, I would have asked you to weed the entire park instead of the mowers before the games, but listen to me, I don't care how, but make sure you help in the construction of the center circle for the football games, and since you're not doing anything worth it for us this season, why not help in the serving of our guest with water as well huh? Get that circle done before tomorrow, understood?" "Yes Sir" Aires apologized, lowering her brows to fake up a sad face, "Good" Mr. Stawicki responded, and matched out of the classroom, leaving everyone questioning what happened between the two. Perry and her three close friends walked over to Aires' desk where she was standing next to Elena holding her for comfort. "Once a loser, always a loser" Perry commented, winding her fingers across their faces "looks like you're preparing the grounds for me and my duchess to dance our feet's off, Satan sends his greetings" "Hey! Don't you dare talk to Aires like that, you don't have that right" Elena replied, giving a tough push to Perry's shoulder, "Don't you dare touch me again, understood?" Perry threatened, her eyes turning reddish as she held Elena's neck and commenced squeezing it "unless you want to end up six feet beneath the ground" Perry's companions together with Aires, did what they could to separate her from Elena and succeeded. As Elena struggled to catch her breath, amazed at how strong and bold Perry had become especially to a point of attacking her physically in the midst of people, caring nothing about what they would say or think about her mysterious red eyes, "Aires!" She managed to whisper to Aires who was trying to direct her breathing for her, motioning her palm up and down gently "I'm sorry this happened because of..." "Aires we must act fast" Elena chipped in, "what do you mean?" "She's growing stronger, and her grip was really tight on my neck, I saw something Aires, I saw her. From her touch I saw what was happening inside her, the demon had taken over her, she is dying, she is growing weaker by each second and demon stronger, if we don't stop them before tomorrow, there might not be a tomorrow" Elena explained, shivering from hair to toe, "Are you nut?" Aires burst out, angrily "Are you listening to yourself? She almost killed Jason, she almost killed me, and you're talking about helping her? Ella she went there to HOMER willingly, that means she knew what she was doing, and she's gotta pay for her mistakes, I don't care whatever it is that's going on with her buh she gon pay" "Aires, don't you believe people can change? Why not help her out and give her a second chance" as much as Elena tried to convince her friend of what she saw, Aires just stood there, angry and disappointed that Elena would say something like that. Just then Elena's phone vibrated, she checked her pocket and took it out but before she could read out the message that came from Vanessa, she began to experience severe shivering accompanied by profusely sweating on her forehead, Aires knelt before her and asked if she was seeing a vision. Elena quickly held Aires' shirt and began rapping words that she couldn't hear much clearly, "Mother!" Aires heard at a point when Elena's grip on her shirt tightened and her mouth drew close trying to keep people from hearing her wavering voice "your mother is in terrible danger Aires" Elena informed, quickly, Aires recalled what The Reformer told her the night before, a look of horror crowded her face, she checked her pocket to see if she could find her phone and call her mother, probably to inform her not to open the door at all cost. After searching her pocket and her bag hungrily for it and still not finding it, Elena held her hand and dragged her to the washroom "Ellie, Mom won't die, it's the fairy that will" Aires revealed, "she told me so herself, but warned me not to interfere, but what if something goes wrong?" "Aires nothing will go wrong, she tells things that are about to happen and it happens, this is the first time" "But Ella these visions sometimes fail, she's not God, He's the only one that is accurate, but she is... I don't know but what if we can prevent her from dying? " "Aires, are crazy? Have you not heard that 'where there's death, there's always death?' What if your interference leads you to your death, or your mom's? Think about it" " She said that, buy what If? Come on Ella, there's a chance we can save her life, if it means I'll die, I don't care, cos I'm not ready, I don't have what it takes to save this town, but she has all the power that can do that" "What about us Aires?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, you're starting to sound like because the prophecy talks about you, you're making it sound right now like we are irrelevant for this mission." "No Ella" "Clearly that's what you said just three seconds ago but in a polite way" "I'm sorry El" Aires apologized, holding Elena's hands together, trust me it's not what I meant, it's just that I think we need her a lot, her powers are beyond ours and you know that" " Aires listen, even though it was the strongest empire, the Roman Empire wasn't just strong because of an emperor, it's the soldiers that fought the battles, they did the dirty work, my point is" Elena freed herself and took Aires' right-hand then sheltered it in hers "she couldn't do it on her own,.that is why she called us to help her out, maybe that is why the prophecy chose you, she knew you couldn't do it alone, that's why she gave us abilities to help you out... Aires, look I haven't known you for over a year, but I can tell you, that you're strong and can do anything you put your mind to, I've watched you do it, but me and Jason, your boyfriend, well that I'm still trying to process..." A smile escaped Aires' teary face "we're here for you, we have got your back, and like the Roman Empire, we can do this, but together okay?" Teary Aires nodded in response "Now, you said the fairy dies, but you didn't say anything about your mother getting injured, let's go make sure she's safe, and put an end to another toxic friend shall we?" "Sure, thanks El, dunno what I'll do without you" Aires appreciated her female best friend with a tight hug "Aren't we going to call Jason?" She asked "Naa, he's on the park they have a final training. Plus, he must be left behind, we must be informed of anything suspicious, your boyfriend will handle himself " Elena said teasingly. "Yeah whatever" Aires chuckled at the look on her face "hold my hand, lemme try this" taking a step back, Elena stretched out her hands in obedience to rest her palm in Aires'. As Aires began to imagine herself falling down on her bed in order to be teleported there, she began to reminisce how she fell to the ground when she tried escaping the wrath of the lion while was training, a glitter of these snaked down her cheek, then she pressed Elena's hands tight "here's goes nothing" She said undertone.