
Theory Of Mind

Ryn Aka is an innocent and quiet 19 year old college boy. He saw his world only through glasses. But he was always bullied by college students.Those boys and girls had made Ryn's life more scary than death. Ryn was a weak boy who also belonged to the lower class family.After seeing so much in his life, he has decided to commit suicide. But things don't happen by his thoughts. Then he comes to know about Artificial Intelligence. And then a normal, 19 year old boy who was a victim of bully becomes the owner of the dangerous and most powerful program. After all, what did Ryn do to stand like this? And how did he become the owner of the artificial intelligent powerful programs? Will he take revenge for bullies what he tolerated? If yes, then how will be the plan executive? Lastly, who exposed every celebrities personal videos, links and photos?

Oyzgee · realistisch
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8 Chs

Samantha's Entry

-- "Samantha, you are here?"

Hearing the question of Lucas, Samantha answered with a smile.

-- "Why can't I come?"

Everyone smiled lightly at her words. But when Samantha's eyes went towards the whole canteen. So she started looking in amazement. Seeing so many students standing, Samantha asked softly,

-- "What is so much student doing here?And why is everyone standing so scared?"

Everyone got up with a nervous face from Samantha's words. Because till now, Samantha never came to know about ragging. Because the entire group of Benjamin kept this thing hidden from her.

But today perhaps their expression survival are very less. Samantha was a Brilliant girl. That's why it didn't take long for her to understand. What is happening here after all!

Samantha saw Benjamin's group in front. And then to Nitara and Aira. She went to Nitara and asked her in a detective tone,

--"Nitara, what happened?"

Ryn who was listening to all this lying on the floor. In his honor, a ray of hope lit up, that maybe someone would save him. But Ryn was lying behind a table.

Because of which Samantha's eyes are more likely have chance not to fall on him. He had suffered a lot from such bullies from a young age. But while doing it, his patience had started decreasing now.

At the same time, when Samantha saw Nitara silent, she looked at everyone. who were very scared. Samantha went to Benjamin and asked slowly but a little suspicious,

-- "Benjamin, are you talking to me or not?"

Samantha seemed very angry towards Benjamin. That's why he didn't feel right to say anything. And he bowed his head down. Then Samantha put her shoulder bag on a table.

And then after looking here and there, she started checking every corner directly. Seeing her all like this, Noah started looking at Benjamin. And started hinting, to stop Samantha.

Otherwise today Samantha will see everything. For the whole 3 years, those people are hiding the matter of ragging from Samantha. And today because of just one boy, she cannot know the truth.

Samantha got confused as the canteen is huge. Then she looked straight at Benjamin. Looking at everyone, she announced in a little loud voice,

-- "You all go now. Attend your own classes."

After heard to Samantha, everyone started leaving from there. When everyone left, Samantha suddenly started going towards the table where Benjamin was standing.

And then her eyes straightened up, Ryn was lying in the dead condition. Seeing the condition of Ryn, she put her hand on her lips area with shocking expression! 

Because in so much blood and such bad circumstances, Samantha had not seen anyone till now. By then the eyes of Benjamin, Lucas, Ein and Noah had gone up to Samantha.

And it did not take them long to understand that Samantha had seen everything. On the other hand, Samantha quickly found Ryn's hands and took his forehead in her right hand and said,

-- "Hey! Are you listening? Wake up! Hello!"

Ryn's eyes slowly opened. And he saw a girl in front of him. When Samantha saw Ryn opened his eyes, she quickly gave a voice to an uncle of the canteen. And then when he came, Samantha said in a hurry tone,

-- "You take him to the hospital."

Uncle started picking up Ryn. But he could not lift him. Because it was not his cup of tea to lift a boy of 6 feet and 88 kg. That's why Uncle made Ryn sit on a chair. And looking at Samantha, he said politely, 

-- "Daughter, I cannot take him. You do one thing, you hold his head. I will call the doctor."

Samantha hurriedly touched Ryn's forehead and started cleaning his blood with her dupatta. Samantha started cleaning the blood very well. And she would ask every time whether Ryn is feeling much pain at any place?

But Ryn was an introvert person. So,he was just speaking no, no, no. Soon uncle came to bring a doctor with him. Doctor started looking at Ryn.

On the other hand, Samantha comes in front of Benjamin with anger. Because she did not like to give anyone rag. Even being a senior, she never gave rag to anyone.

And she told everyone to don't bear the rag. Don't know how many students she has saved from ragging. But she did not know who gives this rag. None of the students used to tell her because of fear.

That's why maybe today, again someone become victim of bullies. As soon as Samantha came, a heavy slapped, she gave to Benjamin.

At the same time, Benjamin was not expecting this slap. The college crush girl slapped him! His hand went on his own cheek. Looking at everyone's side, Samantha asked a little loud voice,

-- "It means, you were giving rag to people for since a long time? How bad you all guys? Do you have any emotion inside you? How can you do all this with someone? Huh? What do you get, after all you guys are bulling students? Only 3rd year is in the university and from now on?" 

Ein had just opened his mouth to say something, when Samantha stopped him with her hand and scolded, 

-- "Ein, if you say something, I will cut your tongue. Just keep your mouth shut. Keep standing completely silent.Okay? I should not have behaved well with you all. That's why you achieved the courage to bullies everyone. I had never expected that you are the one who forces everyone to do ragging in college! 

Benjamin was only looking at Samantha's eyes. He had never thought that such a quiet girl could ever get angry. Everyone was standing there bowing their heads. 

Although they respect Samantha, that's why they were listening silently to her words. Because if seen, Samantha had helped those people a lot for 3 years. And if seen, Samantha is a very settled girl. 

She never liked all this quarrel. Samantha gave an angry heavy look at those people and then threatening them and said 

-- "Don't do this at all from now on. I will not come to college in 2 weeks. It does not mean that I will not come and I will not take the news. Don't even thought of making this boy a part of ragging again. No means no! Otherwise, we will meet directly in jail."