
Then comes spring when winter ends

*cover is not my picture Jade Lu was brought up by her grandmother, the Matriach of Lu family. Her parents dislike her and thinks she is weird while her siblings saw her as eye sore who took away their grandma's love and attention. Her parents did not know how to deal with Jade who suffers from Asperger's syndrome, a disorder that shows impairment in social and emotional cognition. Under her grandma's support and love, Jade grew up to be beautiful, talented and successful but still socially awkward and a loner. Jade's perfect world crashed when her grandma (Mama Lu) died leaving her all alone in this world along with the Lu business empire. Fate is a strange thing. Just when she thought there is no reason to go on living, she caught the attention of a cold and heartless man. What happens when a socially challenge woman meets an ice cube? Can they find solace in each other presence? Can he protect her from her vicious family members that hated her? Excerpt from one of the chapter in this story: Derek: Then I'll be there. Since that night, I have made my mind up that I'll be wherever you need me to be. Jade: Are you sure, you are the same rumoured Derek Lee, the demon prince, cold, unfeeling, vicious and etc. The list is just too long for me to type out. Oh, I forgot to add, man of few words. From the moment, we met I think you spoke more than I did. You are quite a talker. Are you an imposter? ? Derek : Before this I never met someone like you. Those people that I meet usually don't deserve this side of me. Maybe when a demon meet a demoness the effect is opposite? ? Well, you are one to talk as well, aren't you the ice queen? The one who dislike physical contact but who is it that loves my chest so much? ? Jade: Well.. when an ice cube meets the ice queen in a place like Sahara desert, won't the ice melt? Go to sleep, okay? I am ?. Sweet dreams. another excerpt: "Ok, I accept. Are we friends? You will be my first ever friend then" "To be honest, I want to be more than friends but I'll take it slow but since knowing you I can't help sigh that I am no longer young." She looked at him in disbelief with eyes wide open. "Am I scaring you?" "Mm, you mean to say, you want to be more than friends? Meaning?" "I always wanted to do this" He said as he closed in on her face and his lips met hers when he lifted her chin up and kissed her. He was clumsy because it was his first time and she was as clueless as him. They followed their instinct instead. He slipped in his tongue when she parted her lips and they stopped when accidentally bit his lower lip and tasted the metallic flavour of blood. They were left breathless. "If we were only friends, I am not allow to do that or hold you real close to me..... p/s this is my second attempt at writing, I deleted my first story due to lack of public interest and lack of proper planning on my behalf. however, this story is different because it is definitely more structured and written with an extra passion.

Coocumber · Allgemein
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141 Chs

Heart Attack

Derek arrived at Master Lee manor. The annual company meeting usually takes place at Master Lee manor because his father refused to leave the manor since the death of his mother. Most of the business dealings will be done at the manor. That is how he learnt to managed the business at an early age. He used to sit in every meeting behind the double sided mirror where he get to observe everything first hand. Here he witnessed how the weak get swallowed by the powerful till there is nothing left. One wrong move can be the last move one will ever make. All these teachings were engraved in his brain. His father mostly talk to him behind the mirror, rarely the met face to face. The rooms were installed with state of the art speakers and microphones. He started to faced his father only after he took over Lee corporations.

He took over the business at the age of 18 years old had to prove himself to the old foxes on the board of directors. If it wasn't for his father constant reminder of his debt to his late mother, he would not strive for anything but because he owed it to his father and late mother, he worked hard to be at the top of the Technology Business World. He is a double degree holder, a graduate in mechatronic engineering and business.

He was ushered into the meeting room by Butler Xi. He saw Steven seated next to his father and the chairs were already filled except for the one across his father. Derek took a seat and as he was about to silent his phone, he received a message from Jade and it was "I miss you too". Derek forgetting where he was, grinned foolishly at the simple message. He was about to reply when he heard a light cough and it was his father.  Derek realising that everyone was staring silly at him with their mouth open, while his father had his usual grim and solemn face. he quickly silent his phone and kept it away. His heart was truly happy and for once, he could not care less the outcome of this meeting. The board of directors were still shocked by the single grin that they saw on that handsome face. They always thought such a pity despite having a charming and handsome face, he was born with a facial paralysis. Now, it seemed they have assumed wrongly. They then went to think about the sender of the text, most likely from a boyfriend perhaps. They had doubts about his sexuality because not one female managed to caught his eyes. They even offered their daughters to him on a platter but he never gave any of them a glance.

Derek ignoring the thoughts of the old foxes, took out his laptop and started presenting regarding the Lee corporations growth, revenues, profits, investments, more profits, current research and development, the stages of each researched products and future plans. They marvel at his composure, confidence and business stance. He then presented regarding their rival companies progress and intel. Master Lee could not help but to feel proud of this son of his. He did not regret giving his son a cold shoulder because he knew that is the only way for his son to move on. He promised Yu Ling he will protect their son and bring him up to be someone they all could be proud of. He doesn't care if Derek misunderstood him because he knows one day Derek would come to realize his intention. His son before the kidnapping was too naive and mischievous always getting into fights and trouble. The kidnapping was like a rude awakening for Derek to mature overnight. The reason Yu Ling was part of the ransom exchange was because his crazy, delusional brother was under the impression that Yu Ling and him belonged together and Derek was the reason Yu Ling stayed on in the marriage. Han Ping wanted to take Yu Ling away and eliminate Derek in the same setting but Han Ping did not think that Yu Ling would sacrifice her life for Derek.

Yu Ling was betrothed to Han Ting, Eldest Master Lu, since they were young but they never had any contact until the wedding itself. It was an arranged marriage. Han Ping went to the same university with Yu Ling, he had a crush on her and didn't realize that she was the Yu Ling that was betrothed to his brother. Only the week before the wedding when she came to the house to meet Patriarch and Matriach Lee, he found out and was heart broken. Yu Ling on the other hand never had any interactions with either siblings. It was true that their marriage was a business transaction but what started out as respect and loyalty led to deep love between Eldest Master Lee and Yu Ling. Han Ping who went abroad trying to get over his obsession came back even more crazy which led to the kidnapping business.

Derek paused his words because he noticed that something was truly wrong with his father today. His father wasn't paying any attention to any of his words and appeared deathly pale. Master Lee suddenly clutched his chest because of the sudden pain he felt and fell to the floor. Derek quickly rushed to his father's side and asked Steven to get a doctor or an ambulance. He fumble his father's pocket and found the glass bottle he was looking for. He popped one tablet under his father's tongue. Butler Xi brought the  portable oxygen and Derek quickly apply the high flow mask at 15L/min of oxygen flow on Master's Lee face. He felt his father's pulse and was thankful it was present and had a regular rhythm but the volume wasn't that good. The doctor and ambulance arrived less than 5 mins and the doctor was impressed with the way Derek performed the first aid. Derek had attended a few basic life saving and trauma course, hence, his swift actions and he knew his father was having a heart attack.

He accompanied his father to the hospital. Even though they are not close, he could not deny that his father fulfilled his fatherly duties. The only thing that he feels lacking in their relationship is interactions. The rest, his father was never stingy nor lacking. their relationship was never the same after the kidnapping. His father was stern and serious all the time and had no more time for him. However it would be unfair to say that his father no longer loves him because deep down he knows that his father still care about him.