

Donna's eye had widened when she had touched the male. A system had opened up in front of her.


Obito System.

Get your destined brother back.

To get the person you love back, you will have no qualms with bringing the world to its knees.


For the moment, she ignored this. She would demand an explanation from her mother Derione. It would be her first time looking at the Queen as well. For some reason, her mother had forbidden such a thing.


Hippolyta was looking down in anger as she had seen her child brought to her on his knees. No, scratch that. She was furious that she had forgotten to inform her guards and the greater populace that called this place their home.

"Unhand him." She had gotten up from her throne and yelled out.

The spear and swords had been removed from Alex's vicinity as he could finally stand up. Meowth had withdrawn his claws as he was glaring at everyone around him.

"Boss, you did not tell me we would have these many pointy things at our throat."

Before Alex had the opportunity to give a witty comeback. Hippolyta had grabbed him and taken him back to her throne. She was checking him to see of he had any mark on him. Any bruise or injury. She had sighed in relief when she had no found anything. The guards were speechless at the actions of the Queen.

That was until Derione had stepped forward and spoken. "This matter will be kept a secret until an announcement is made tomorrow morning. I will trust you all to keep quiet about this. Now, leave us be." As the soldiers started to leave, she spoke once more. "Stay here Donna. There is something I must tell you and the queen as well." A sigh escaped her voice at the end.

Derione had seen her daughter was the one who had dragged Alex in and had now seen her eyes looking as if she was reading something in front of her. The two conditions of touching Alex and seeing her eyes widened as if she was reading something. It seems that there was something else that she must speak about to her daughter as well.

Soon everyone had left and she stepped towards her daughter. "So, you got one as well right, a system." She whispered to her.

Donna had looked at her and nodded.

"We will speak about this after the prince is out of earshot. For now, maintain your silence."

Donna's eyes widened in surprise as she found out that this was the prince. She felt betrayed by the queen but she felt no hate for the boy. Looking at him being smothered by the queen along with his white hair. She just found him to be too cute to hate. A desire to smother him rose inside her heart.

But she had still stood in attention.


Alex had right now gone through a full body examination twice. First from Diana and the second time from Hippolyta.

Ohmph, this time his head had been thrust into Diana's head. She took him out of her breasts and stared down at the him.

The way she was staring at him no his lips, Alex was sure that she wanted to kiss him. Diana was beautiful and Alex decided to take a chance. What was the worse that could happen to him. Not when the person who was blessed by Aphrodite was in front of him. Alex moved forward, towards Diana who was transfixed by him. Diana's lips also quivered as she had moved forward.

That was until, Alex was grabbed and he was brought to his feet. "He is fine." There was a smile in Hippolyta's face that did not quite reach her eyes.

"Now, Derione." She had looked inquisitively looked at her advisor.

"My Queen, she is one of the awakened." Derione answered.

"I see." Hippolyta did not mention anything after that fact.

Alex who had been freed and was holding Meowth to heal his heart had looked at Donna. He knew who she was. She was the daughter of Hippolyta and one of his blood sisters. Created with the help of magic by Derione who desired to give her queen the perfect heir. One that was truly made up of clay. Alex was still not sure if Diana was a daughter of Zeus or not.

"Now, Alex. What did you come here for." Hippolyta had asked him.

Alex had nodded at that. "There are somethings that I need to inform you about."

She nodded about that.

[Alex began to explain everything to her. The game that they would need to beat in order to access the dungeon. How money could be exchanged for dungeon points and used to access the game.]

Soon, he was done.

Donna who had been unaware of the existence of anything described by the prince had held her silence.

The queen had looked thoughtful instead.

"And it is harmless to anyone."

Alex had nodded. "Yes, it is harmless."

"Our people can gain combat experience quickly like this. Peace for such a long time has dulled our blade." Derion interjected.

"I see, I would prefer to see a demonstration if you will. And I can smell something." There was a smile on her face as she looked at her son. "Did you bring some of your food for me."

She had seen a container on the side of Alex.

So, she absentmindedly asked her advisor. "What was there you wanted to talk about."

Derione had cleared her throat as she said. "My Queen, let me introduce you to your daughter."

Everyone stopped at that moment. "Derione, explain."

"My lady, she was formed out of clay. I had used your essence to create her in order to give you the perfect heir." Derione had answered.

It seems that she had something to discuss with her advisor.

"Diana and Donna, escort your brother to the shop. There is something that I need to speak to her about."

"And Donna, it is nice to see you daughter. You look just like your sister. If I had seen you before, I would have realized the similarities much earlier. We will talk later, after I have had a nice long talk with your mother."

"Thank you, my queen." There was a frown on Hippolyta's face.

"And you have your brother's temperament." Hippolyta sighed. "Look after him and make sure nothing happens to him."

And as they left. Hippolyta and Derione began to talk.

Alex was still carrying the lunch he had made.


"Sister." The word had sounded strange to her when it had left her tongue. "I believe that you will be in for a treat if Alex is carrying what I believe him to be carrying."

She had pulled Alex to her side, putting her arm around him. She pushed his head into her mid section, just below her chest. There was a blush on her face.

"Look, out little brother is getting excited as well."

Donna had interfered as well, she had snatched Alex away from Diana, as she began to hug him as well. Squishing his head inside her breasts. "I think that he is more excited while in my embrace."

They both stared at each other as Meowth commented.

"Master has to make some hard choices." While nodding to himself.

Diana's face began to twitch. 'Who does this bitch think she is.'

She grabbed Alex and pulled him, picking him up. As to her, he weighed almost nothing. SHe landed a big sloppy kiss on his face. Donna had gotten angry at seeing this scene. She had grabbed her little brother and gave him another kiss as well.

Right now, Alex was literally between two soft places. Diana and Donna had been glaring at each other, their breasts pressed into each other. With Alex's head in between them.

Alex was sure that he would suffocate in a moment.

That was until Meowth interjected. "We should get the prince to the shop. It would not do any good for the prince to be seen here." He had said in a very chipper voice.

Both of them separated and with a hmph began to move towards the location of the shop. Both of them having grabbed one of Alex's arm each. Moving him with them.