
1 (Re written)

Derion had gone back to her room and had fallen asleep. When she had woken up, she had felt more active then she had ever felt before. She had felt no aches in her body. So she had gotten up, she had found that she was larger and taller then before.

She had headed towards the washroom to start the day. The events of the day before forgotten.

When she had stared into the mirror, she had scene her own face when she was younger. Her hands had gone down to feel her body, she had looked down and found some abs on herself She clenched and unclenched her hands to feel strength coursing through them. She had also gained the Amazonian resiliency and strength as well.

The memories of the previous day had rushed into her mind. A new screen had come infront of her eyes.



You have embarked on your path Scarlet witch.

To Unlock more powers, complete the following missions.

Feed Alex Daily.

Play with Him.

After 14 years old

Hold his hands






and on and on and on


[Please work hard on raising your affection with him]


And so slowly, the news started to spread when she had gone to the council meeting the next day and had greeted the queen.

"You have recovered from the Curse, Derione." Hippolyta had recognized her past lover at a glance.

"Yes my queen." She had replied. As she had talked, Antiope had been looking at her from the corner of her eyes suspiciously.


(Antiope Pov)

(The night before)

As the boy had been left like that before her. She had looked at the child and had seen him wave at her. As she had stared at him, she had seen him get a little scared and place both his hands on his eyes. Periodically, he would open them, look at her and then he would hide himself once more.

The child had continued doing that for a long time as she had kept on looking at him.

After some time, the child had gotten some teary eyes and begun to cry. She had gotten annoyed by the wailing voice and had approached him. She saw the problem at a glance, the child had shit himself.

With a sigh, she had taken out another clean cloth. She had wiped the child and proceeded to change the clothes that he was wearing.

As she was done, she had gotten a screen in front of her. In a panic, she had punched it. Yet her hands went right through it. She began to read it.



Step mommy system. Unlock the power of Captain Marvel.

Raise the child in front of you as your own.

Build affections with him.

Make him your ultimate lover.


She had wondered what this was about. And so she had begun to play with the child in front of her. She punched once and the child copied her move as well. Punching and giggling. Such bright eyes, she had stared at the child. Red eyes staring into her. A white tuff of hair on his head. He looked just like a cute little rabbit.

She began to tickle him, curious about his reaction as well.

And so the child laughed swiping her hands away.

She suddenly had felt great power coursing through her. Her hands glowed a little yellow and she floated for a bit. Soon, she saw Alex fall asleep in front of her.

She had extended her hand down and patted his head a little bit. This would have been the second child born on this island. A new screen appeared in front of her.

[ Please increase your affection in order to increase your own power.]

She had looked at her glowing hand in fascination. Soon, the glow had left her as she felt the power had been exhausted.

So, she had settled down at the side while staring at the child sleeping.

In the morning, she had stared at a young Derion once more. She had felt a pang of jealousy in her heart as she saw her. Such a thing was out of her expectation. The only thing that can explain it would be the fact if Derion had awakened something similar to her.

She vowed that she would protect little Alex from hussies like her. He would only need her.


(Alex's Pov.)

Alex had been born again, his last life's memory were out of his reach, it felt as if they were a little foggy for him. He could recall the general details at least. He was someone, he grew up. he cooked and he had liked to read. He usually read comics.

He had been surrounded by huge ladies. Almost half naked and staring down at him. There was an old women holding him along with a bunch of ladies. They all had a six pack abs and huge breasts. There was a hazy memory inside his head. Amazon. He grew a little afraid that he was going to be thrown off a side of the cliff or made into a sacrifice.

So as a baby, he tried to show his cute side to them in order to catch their attention and maybe not did in a horrible way. It seems that his act had been successful as they had decided to imprison him instead of just killing him. He could still not understand them.

He had been later placed in a cot as the old lady had fed him. And the other strong swords wielding lady had played with him. As he saw her staring at him, he had hidden behind his own hands. He can't see her now. She is gone. But whenever he opened his hand, he could see her.

He did that until he shit his pants and began to cry. The other lady had changed him and then she had begun to glow. As she played with him, a small smile had formed on her face.

And so Ales's life in the prison began.


The god above one for all had cackled as he saw the scene. He could not see the future anymore. He began to design even more systems that the amazons will awaken eventually. If anyone interferes he would deal with them personally.


(After the meeting)

Antiope had gone back to the side palace with the child. A container with milk in her hands and she began to feed the prince. Maybe she could convince the queen to keep the prince.

Soon, Derion had entered as well, she had been wearing an all red armor with a helmet and a mace by her side. She had seen Alex being fed by her and had grown a little annoyed. Well, no need for her to know her secrets. She would not be alone and Alex will be with her always.

She had settled down and begun to play with Alex's belly button as he laughed.

"I thought that you hated all men. I would have expected you to kill Alex and yet you named him." Antiope had taken him over her shoulder as she began to thump his back.

"He is not a man, he is nothing but a babe." Derion looked at Antiope with a little bit of annoyance. "Besides, we can teach him to be better. The only good man would exist here." She had said as she began to calmly message his head.

Derion saw that Alex had fallen asleep on Antiope shoulder and grew even more annoyed as Antiope was giving her a triumphant smile. "And you, one who once told me that you will kill all males. Why are you caring for him."

"Same reason as you." She had replied. Derion had taken the child from her. Looking at the cute boy inside her hands, she had brought him closer to her and rubbed her nose with his. Enjoying the new baby smell. And then as if to mark her territory, she had licked his lips. With a smile, she had paced the child back in the cot.

"General, I believe that you have to train some people. Don't worry, I can look after Alex for the moment." Derion had spoken with a smug smile to Antiope.

Antiope had gotten up and left, giving a scathing look to Derion.

Well, time to farm some points. She had thought to herself.