
Star of the firm

She took up her perfume and sprayed it around her before moving gallantly towards the dining room, she had to prepare some breakfast for her daughter after all and toasted bread with egg and tea should suffice.

She knocked on the Door to call her after preparing the table and Diane was refusing to show up "Honey breakfast is served " she called and she opened the door and hugged her mother yeah, she's so caring.

She led her to the table and she took one toast to do justice to it, staring at Diane makes her remember what she had always wondered which is why Diane never asked about her father, every child was always curious about their father especially when their friend introduces them to their fathers, it always made them question who their father was.

She had asked her mother that same question after coming home from a friend's house, she wondered if he was dead or he had abandoned her mother, she never cared about how it happened, she just wanted her mother to at least tell her something about him instead of acting like she gave birth to her alone.

When she asked her it put her in great thought before she explained that her father died in a car accident when she was 3 years of age and she regretted asking that question because her mother was depressed throughout that day and the thought that she was responsible for that, was saddening.

This can make her understand what her mother went through but her father died, Diane's father was not dead, his situation is worse and she was never going to tell her what happened even if she asks no matter how she hated to lie to her daughter because she can't allow her daughter go through the experience she has been going through even though 15 years have passed.

"Ma, why are you not eating? " she asked in a careful tone which made Mary get back to herself "Nothing, I was just admiring the gift God gave to me " even if it wasn't through the right way, Diane smiled and she finally ate before her daughter asked her the same question again.

She drove the car and parked in front of the school, Diane got down after pecking her mother and she ran inside the school without looking back, she don't know but she kinda misses her already, she just loved the idea of staring at her all day.

She had to let go anyways, she had seen her at home so she probably thought there was no need to look back again, Mary ignited her car and drove off with the hope of 'she might come back ' but who was she kidding and she also has to get to work.

She parked her car in the company garage and she got down, carrying her black bag and a folder in her hand that contains ideas she has towards a project they were working on currently, they were advertising a perfume that was just out.

She walked towards the door and the door opened itself, they sighted her and continued working, this is the kind of environment she always enjoyed, where everyone is so busy working, it shows that she wasn't wasting her money.

She approached her office and sighted her assistant that was seated lazily on the chair like he had no intention of working today or he had thought he was still in his home.

"Theo," she said and he hurriedly got on his feet "Good morning ma," he said, "Are you tired and maybe need a check-up in the hospital ?" She asked pretending to be worried and he knew that also "No ma, I'm okay " she said.

"Then what's the meaning of this in the morning, if you're tired of your job here, I'll gladly welcome a resignation letter at this point but sleeping on duty is something I'm not accommodating," she said and he nodded.

"I'm sorry ma," he said with his head bowed a little "Don't apologize, I need a change," she said "I'll change ma," he said "I want action, not words," she said and he nodded, he was only employed here to remind me of appointments in case I forgot about them and how Will he do that if he's laid on his chair with his eyes closed.

"When I'm I meeting with Mr. Downey? " she asked, he's the man that wants them to advertise a product for him and for some reason, he wanted to keep it a secret and discuss it with me alone because I'm the boss and need absolute assurance but she knows him so it can't be a problem.

"It's by 12 ma," he said and she checked her watch, it was only 7:12 " okay, inform all to assemble in the meeting room by 8 and I want to hear great ideas about our current projects," she said "okay ma," he said and she walked into her office and sat down on her chair, dropping her folder on the table to review some of her ideas, she has a lot of work in front of her and she also needs to come up with ideas.


" He was caught with the possessions of drugs that is worth €13,000 and according to Section 15 of misuse of drugs Act 199, I recommend 8 years imprisonment," he said and sat down In his position, there was no more defending from his lawyer. He works for Gary firm and makes sure that criminals are put behind bars, that's what he does.

"I declare Mr.Smith Corey guilty and to be sent to state prison where he'll spend 8 years," the judge said and he hit his hammer on the table and all the people rose while the criminal was led to where he was meant to be from the very start.

Mike shook with the person beside him, he can't call him partner, they're more of enemies so he's not sure he's allowed to call him a partner. He walked out of the courtroom and entered his car after removing his gown and wig, exposing his black, neatly ironed black suit that looked like he was born with it.

He sat down and tried to arrange his black hair that was a few inches to his collar, making him look more attractive time but that was the last on his mind ..he needed to get to work as fast as he can to get prepared for another case that was happening tomorrow afternoon.

He was the best in the firm so he was mostly consulted which made him busy most time it wasn't like he had something or someone he had to attend to when he gets back so he was less busy, with no agendas or appointments except with clients of course.

He walked into the office and his friend greeted him with a handshake "How was court today, would have known but you don't show it "he said "it was successful" he said and he smiled "who was I kidding you had ever lost " he said.

"Stop it ..it makes me feel like I might one day," Mike said "you won't, don't worry, I'm with you," he said making it sound like he was his backrest when he was never there whenever he had to turn his lamp and go through papers, looking for something that'll prove that the criminal was never mistaken for his identity

"Thanks," he said and they hugged each other before he left, he smiled and headed to his office, he has his office because (In his boss's tone) 'is the star of his firm ', Noelle walked into his office "the boss wants to see you," she said "okay, thank you," he said and she went back with a smile that made him smile back also.

He knocked on the Door "come in " he called and he entered, Mr. Gary was a man in his late 50s which made mike always wonder why he wasn't married and should have had kids but that was for him to worry about and none of his concern.

He stood up immediately after he entered and ushered him to sit down on his chair "Mr . Ross, you're highly welcome " he said and he wasn't surprised by that gesture, that's what he does "I heard you went to court when I sent for you earlier " he said.

"Yeah " he responded and he smiled "and you won ?" He said in a questioning manner but with much confidence "yes" he said and his smile broadened "Exactly my point Mr. Ross, you're good but overworking yourself too much " he said and Mike wonders where this was going.