
Other side

" I'm on my way " Mike said carrying his box into the trunk of the cab he ordered , his boss won't stop disturbing him , asking him when he was leaving ,if he was on his way , it's beginning to freak him out .

"I feel like you're pushing me away " He confessed to him "I'll never do that to you Mike , you're the best in my company ,I treasure you more than you can imagine " he responded and he sighed .

"Well then ,I'll call you when I get to New York" he said and he entered the car and he took off , people around him have bidded him farewell and his mother almost made him purchase another ticket , but he assured her that he'll be back after two weeks , not like he was relocating anywhere .

Surprising that the ticket is even for a first class ,the whole Vacation thing is just suspicious to him ,maybe it was or his lawyer instinct was just getting to him .

He got down at the airport and he entered ,heading towards his destination , he sighted a small girl from afar , she was running around more like viewing the whole place , she'll get lost , he noticed someone calling for her , that can't be her mother ,maybe her sister.

She was running after her but the girl continued touring around the airport ,she almost bumped into a man and to move elsewhere ,she lost her balance , Mike moved close and caught her and surprisingly, another pair of hands caught her too .

He looked at the lady that he presumed earlier to be her sister and her eye glass fell off in an attempt to get a good hold of the girl and , surprise , shock , happiness , excitement , rushed through him and he didn't understand what he was feeling anymore ,whether he was happy to see her or the other side .


" Diane ,let's go , we'll miss our flight if you continue like this " Mary called put to her daughter who was still contemplating on wearing the red gown or the blue one "Mom ,I love both dress and I'm confused " she confessed .

She sighed and approached her "Honey , why not wear the red one now and when we get there and settle , wear the blue one in the evening , how about that ?" She asked and she smiled "it's good , I'll do just that " she threw the blue one in her bag and went to the dressing room to change .

Mary arranged her bag very well and she Carried it out with her ,placing all their bags in front of the door , her phone rang and she picked it up immediately , it was Mr . Downey "Hello sir " she called with excitement , she enjoyed talking to him , the old man was fun .

"I'm on my way " she said "Diane is delaying me " she replied and she laughed "I'll calm you when I get there " she said "Okay ,bye " she said and hung up ,she stared towards the entrance of Diane room and thete was no sign that she was coming out of the room.

She entered her room. " Diane ,you can do all these when we get there " she said and Diane finally wire her shoes and walked out , she entered the cab she had ordered minutes earlier and he drove towards the airport.

Immediately they arrived at the airport , Diane took off , admiring the place "Diane ,come back !" She called but there was no reply "Diane ,this place is big , don't get lost " she said hoping she'll come back but she didn't , she just kept on going .

"Diane ,get back here honey " she said but she just kept on walking till she lost her balance , Mary ran , abandoning her bags , towards her to catch her but thankfully ,a man already caught her , he was dressed in a white shirt ,with the first two buttons were loose .

With a black Jean trouser and the shirt were threatening to rip off ,he was built up and she really got no time to admire someone but the man was handsome , he looked up at her and memories flashed through her .

Feelings from the past came back , rushing to her , feelings she had tried to bury for over 15 years and they all cane back when she meets him , she don't know if she's supposed to be happy to meet him or sad but one thing was sure ..he was one of the people she never wanted to meet or pray to meet .


" Mary , open the door " He called out standing in front of the closed door , she had shut herself in that room for days ,refusing to speak to anybody and he had hoped she'll exempt him but she's not even talking to him .

"Mary , please don't hurt yourself " he begged but there was no reply , it was like he was talking to the door and she made him wonder if he was really talking to himself .

Ever since she came back from the court , she had pushed everyone away "Mary , please , I'm begging you " he said with tears rolling down his eyes but she didn't seem to care because all he got was a shatter of glass .

He got up and pushed the door several times , banging it so hard with the determination of 'if she didn't open the door , he'll break it down ' and it worked because she opened the door and the person that appeared in front of him was almost lifeless .

Her flesh was turning to bones , she was food deprived or she refused to eat "Mary , let's go to my house " he offered "I'm not !" She said with so much force "Mary please , mom will give us good " he said "I'm not leaving to anywhere , leave me alone " she shouted at him .

He wiped the tears that was in his face "Mary , please ,don't push me away " He begged and she looked at him sternly "I don't need any ones pity or food for survival , leave me alone Mike " she said and she entered back and closed the door.

"Mary !" He called but she didn't reply , instead she fell in the floor with her back laid on the floor and she wept like a baby ,if only he knew the news she had received , she doesn't want anyone's pity , she can take care of herself .

Mike knew there was no way out anymore ,he didn't want her to suffer all alone , she never deserved a life like this , his family could help her but for some odd reason ,she really doesn't want his help .

There was really nothing he could do any longer , he cleaned his eyes and turned away and he never returned again , that was the last time he banged on her door .

She doesn't want to see him or she doesn't want him to see her this way , she was confused but she do know one thing which was that ,she doesn't want anyone to pity her or feel sorry for her even if she has to lose someone that's close to her ,she really doesn't care , she doesn't want to see him ever again .