
Chapter- 4


Roger's P.O.V.

I groaned, as I felt excruciating pain, on the side of my head, making me groan, as I tried to open my eyes, but it was as if they had been glued shut, I grunted and rubbed my hands on my eyes, and tried to open it, but quickly covered them, as sunlight stabbed my eyes, momentarily blinding me.

As I sat up, I groaned, feeling my joints crack, audibly, as If I had been on bedrest for the last 50 years. After recovering from it, I tried to focus my blurry gaze, as a hazy figure came in view, but I blinked my eyes, and in front of me, was the most beautiful girl, I have had ever seen.

She was beautiful, with her long midnight black hair, that was sprawl across the clinical white pillows, her long lashes casted a shadow against her cheekbones, her soft plump lips, slightly parted, as her chest kept rising and falling, in a peaceful rhythm.

It was as if I was enchanted in a trance, by her beauty, but suddenly, a loud shrill voice rung in his ears, making him hold his painted white metal cot, as he groaned with the pain, he waited until the shrill subsided, and he sighed in relief, but what shocked him, was the fact that, them metal bed he was holding on to, was bended in and odd angle, and was crunched up, like it was beaten repeatedly, by a hammer, shocked he stumbled out of his cot, and quickly fixed the metal cot, with ease, but I couldnt help, but feel shocked, I looked at a mirror on the wall, and saw my black ruffled hair, in the wall, and looked down and cringed when I saw I was wearing a hospital gown, my cerulean blue eyes, gave the illusion of glowing as sunlight reflected on them, I sighed but hissed when I felt an itch, in my arm, making me sigh and scratch it, but I again felt an itch on my elbow, making me scratch but I hissed in irritation, as the itching intensified, and spread all over my arms and my shoulders, making me growl in frustration, as I started itching harder, and harder, until, my arms, bled, but I couldnt stop myself, as I attempted to peel of my skin, and watched as blood oozed out of my scratch wounds, but suddenly it stopped itching, making me frown in confusion, but it soon turned into horror as I watched a brown bark like skin grow, starting from my finger, as I spread to my entire arms and my shoulders, I quickly got rid of my hospital gown, and rushed towards the window, as I watched in horror, the bark like hard, but flexible at the same time, skin, I touched them with my index finger, my palms and my inner arm not covered by the bark like skin, as I made contact with the rough wood like skin, as the muddy brown colour of it made it looked like a tree bark.

But suddenly a black duffel bag, placed under the cot of midnight haired beauty caught his eye, and he felt weirdly self conscious of his naked body, he felt heat rise up in his cheek, but ignored the beauty, sleeping peacefully and took out the bag awkwardly and then kept it on my cot with a sigh, still not used to seeing the brown bark like skin, as I sighed and opened the bag, looking inside, I saw a pair of black jeans, a grey t-shirt and a black leather jacket, and some black gloves caught my eye.

At that moment I suddenly realised that I had no recollection of the past, other than a rather vague picture of mud brown eyes, but remembering them was a task, as I practically felt the veins in my temples, thumping at the loud sound, making me instantly rub them, to ease the pain.

I shook the picture away, and quickly started putting on my jeans, but I realised, that someone had known that I would need clothes and gloves, but I could hear no one.

I looked back at the girl, feeling a strange sense of familiarity wash over me, and a sudden protectiveness, as I watched the steady rise and fall of her chest.

Maybe, I knew her.

I thought to myself and nodded, but a sound of a scream, jolted me out of my reverie, as I quickly finished putting on my gloves, giving one last glance at that beauty, as I started looking inside the duffel bag for a weapon, but sighed harshly as I realised there was none, but a piece of paper caught my eye.

Dear Roger,

Best of luck.

I frowned and quickly stuffed it back inside my duffel bag, as I hung it across my shoulder, and rushed outside, towards the sound of the voice, glancing one last time at the sleeping beauty, sleeping peacefully, in her cot.

I slipped outside, as I suddenly felt a part of my brain buzz, as if ants were crawling their, making me scratch my head, to get rid of the sensation, but after a few minutes, the itchy sensation was replaced by a cold relief making me sigh, but it wasnt just the relief, it was, as if I was freed.

I could vaguely compare the feeling to the feeling when you have a blocked nose, and when the clog magically disappears, he felt that, it was the most wonderful feeling ever. For a moment I could see better, as if my vision had cleared a bit, almost like an invisible fog was lifted, he could hear better, he could hear his faint heartbeats, as if ears were doing noise cancellation on their own, I liked it, I tried commanding the new part of my brain to strain my ears, but it didnt happen, I kept walking, and it was as if my subconscious stopped me in my tracks, I felt my brain alert me, and I sidestepped quickly, and hid behind the door, it was then the door was slammed open, and I quietly came out from behind the door, and barged in three men, wearing white lab coats, and next to them was an elderly women who surprisingly looked familiar, came inside, she too, just like the girl inside, had long midnight black hair, she walked straight in the direction of the room we were kept in, where the girl was still there.

I stealthily followed them, and cringed when I heard a loud screech, and quickly activated my noise cancellation.


I hurriedly peaked inside and saw all of them looked frantic, I understood that they were the ones who had been keeping him and her here, and that they were looking for me.

But why?

I couldnt figure it out, and my head was in a frenzy, and the only thing I seemed to know at the moment was that I was named Roger, and that I knew the girl sleeping in her cot and also the woman standing there looking around, and pointing her finger at everyone accusingly.

But somehow I knew that I and the girl are in danger.

I quickly went inside, making sure I was hidden and punched a man right where his vertebra was, attempting to break his neck, but suddenly I saw everything turn black and as if I had X-ray vision, I could practically see his vertebra turning to dust, as I vaguely felt a pressure on my hand.

I was fascinated with my new ability, but I looked in time to see a man let out a war cry and attack me, but I watched in fascination, as I saw my hand blocking him, and could practically see his bones shake and I gasped in shock when I saw his bones crack and drop a few pieces as I snapped his bones into two, but I shouldnt have done that, because the very next moment my vision cleared as I felt a sharp pain on my inner bicep, making me freeze, as I felt searing in my veins, followed by a feeling as if my veins were squeezing, I felt my knees buckle, as I dropped to the floor, convulsing in pain, feeling my body shake, as I felt my skin go cold, and I started shaking, as I felt cold sweat run down my spine.

The last thing I saw was a pair of green eyes, that looked utterly familiar, as I saw her red stained lips, upturn in a snarl, making me frown inwardly.

Why does she hates me?

That was the last thing I thought before darkness engulfed me.