
The zombie boy

A long time

ago a baby boy was born in a small village

He had big eyes big head

He was different from the other children in the village

Some of the villagers

Said he was cursed

His mother came to the realization

That he had no feelings or whatsoever all he had was the desire to eat like a zombie

And that he might be really cursed

So his mother had to lock him up in a big shabby room

Where nobody could find him

And the villagers wouldn't see him

And every night she stole livestock from her neighbors to feed him

As he grow older

The boy had a desire to go out side of that dark room

So he could be free to eat whatever he wants

Then one day the mother left the house to hunt for some food

And she had forgotten to lock the doors of the house

The little boy took a step closer to the door as he opened it and looked around the house

We went straight to the front door

And went out side the sun was shining so bright that day

He went to the gate and started walking as he saw some of the villagers holding a goat he quickly ran to hunt down the goat and it eat 

The woman that was holding the goat started shouting help help

The cursed child ..he is alive and he's devouring my live stock like a zombie

The little boy quickly ran towards the mountains he had forgotten his way home

The village soldiers chased after him and he ran inside a cave where he could hide

The gaurds couldn't find him

They went back to the palace to report...The king quickly told them that they should search for that zombie kid and kill it.

When the mother returned she met the gate and the doors opened she couldn't find her son at home

She was scared that him might have be killed by now.

The pain was too much for her to so

She decided to end her own life now that her only child is dead

Back in the palace the emperor's daughter who was also living like a cage bird .

Told her father that she wanted to go out and take a look around the village

But her father simply said No.

It was dangerous 

For her to go out but the princess felt like her father will never let her leave the castle she will always be caged forever

Then she decided to run away. She ran in the woods and went to the mountains 

In the mountains there was peace but the place was very scary

As she walked bear footed she heard strange noises coming out from a cave 

She quickly went there

On the other side the guards went on to search for the princess

As they ask around the village one of the villagers said to have seen the princess running towards the woods going toward the mountains

The village emperor was really worried about his daughter.


The zombie boy in the cave was very hungry

As quickly he saw shadow approaching he jumped to attack and devour the the person as he bite the princess on her neck and sucking her blood out like a vampire 

He thought she was going stop him but to his surprise the princess embraced the boy and stracth out her had to touch his face and she said "It's true you are real". For the first time the boy spoke*mother your warm"

He kept sucking the blood out until he was cut off by the gaurds who saw him devouring their princess like a mad man and they didn't even waste time they just chopped off the boy's head

As the princess was laying down on the ground looking so pale. She spoke"why did you kill him ? All he ever wanted was somebody to embrace him"before the gaurds could respond she took her last breath and closed her eyes forever