
The Zodiac King

After a meteorite crashes into earth causing everything to mutate humans evolved to have powers in the form of animals that shapeshift into weapons. Beasts and plants are common foes They conquer the solar system but physics deny them any further, until… Youd get back in line after riding it once Note: This is my first novel, i dont have a masters in english Not to say i dont have flaws as you might have noticed perhaps some sentence structure or the wrong use of ending sentence structures falter. GIVE ME POWER STONES MORE POWER STONES=MORE VIEWS MORE VIEWS=MORE TRAFFIC MORE TRAFFIC=MORE GREAT IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCES

PeachKing · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Do Unto Others As You Would Do Unto Yourself

Phillip was walking out of the administrators office. He was in a group chat with James and Jordan and he was telling them what happened. They were both freaking out in the chat and sporting emojis. Phillip told them to go down to the arcade in the south side of the city to meet up. He could also try to look for a job on his way there.

Unbeknownst to him however Jones and two more boys of class 190 started to follow him. Dang that kid is stupid they thought, all he is doing is looking down at his phone! Hes even walking into things! They followed him outside the central part of the city through the east side in the direction of the arcade.

However they had abruptly stopped, he was talking to someone. It seemed to be a homeless man, and the both of Phillip and the homeless man seemed to be having a good conversation with each other. Phillip gave the man some money and started to walk again. He was almost at the arcade, he only needed to go through a couple back alleys now. The two boys with Jones looked at each other unconvincingly but Jones resolution was firm. They too, continued. As they were sneaking by the homeless man who had his eye closed, the man opened one eye and looked at their back.

Phillip was walking to the arcade. He stopped and had a good conversation with the man. He always seemed so nice so he asked him if he could be a babysitter. He told him he couldn't give him any money, but he could give him a place to stay. The man nodded hurriedly and Phillip gave him the change he had found in the street earlier. That amount of money couldnt help himself at the moment but maybe the homeless man could use it more, he thought.

He was nearing the arcade when all of a sudden he heard a voice behind him. He turned around to look, it was Jones and two other people from class 190. "What are you doing here?" Phillip asked with a questioning gaze. He kept looking at Jones who was in front of him while simultaneously paying attention to the other two boys who were moving in the direction of the other side of the alley in a circular formation. One was really tall and skinny for his age whileas the other was a little bit taller than average and a bit more pudgier. He was cornered!

"Oh nothing much," Jones started to pace in place,"You see i thought i should teach you after that stunt in class today, dont worry we'll call for an adult for you once we're done!" Phillip was going to ask him to calm down when all of a sudden he felt a thud hit his back. It hurt, what was it, a rock?

Indeed it was. The tall lanky kids was in the process of what appeared to be using magic. He drew some squiggly lines with his finger in the air with a trail left where he pointed his finger in. He then pressed his palm on the ground. The space in which he pressed his palm into had began to rumble while the surrounding pieces of paved concrete had turned into rubble. He grabbed a handful of rocks and threw it at Phillip!

"OWW!" Phillip exclaimed painfully. "THAT HURT!" But as soon as he said that the other boy threw some rocks at him too, he mustve not heard him. Then it was Jones turn. His pile didnt have as many littler rocks but he had bigger ones. He chunked them at Phillip hard.

Phillip made a defending position with his arms and he was taking priority to block with them around his face. One of them slashed at his left arm that had its hoody sleeve rolled up, a 3 inch scratch that left a small amount of blood. More rocks were being thrown while more scrapes was being left behind. He began to cower smaller and smaller into a fetal position with the increasingly amount of rocks being thrown at him.

Phillip couldnt take it anymore, the rocks being thrown at him started to hurt more and more. He needed to activate his power. They 3 boys from class 190 was enjoying throwing the rocks when they had paused doing so. The surrounding alley was starting to get a little misty, it was spread out but they were close enough to each other that they could still see the silhouettes of each other. Phillip stood up slowly. It seemed as if the mist was coming from Phillip.

Jones looked at Phillip whom had his gaze upon him. "I thought you didnt have a power!?" Jones was bewildered. He seen that video and was sure he saw that no powers activated during the assembly. Phillip kept looking at Jones, Jones started to get nervous. Phillips eyes was covered with his hood, but he could see two blue lights where his irises were where his eyes was covered by the shadow of the hood.

He grabbed a bigger rock that he had saved to throw, and chunked it once more towards Phillip. Phillip just stood there and the rock passed by the ethereal traces of mist coming outside from inside the hoody. Jones was really starting to get nervous now! He was sure he threw the rock directly at Phillip but did his eyes play a trick on him?

The three boys simultaneously ran towards Phillip, it was going to be a brawl now. The trio all swung towards Phillip at the same time when to their suprise Phillip just suddenly fell down. The were in the middle of the process of throwing a punch and it couldnt be stopped, two fists punched in the air whileas the third hit Jones. It was the taller kids. They looked at each other for a moment when they paid attentiom to the fight again, they were goimg to stomp on Phillip who was on the ground.

Phillip rolled away in the mist when he suddenly used one leg to get back up in a graceful twist and manner. The tall lanky kid sprinted towards him, and Phillip decided to cut back at the last moment. He brushed the falling kids shoulder down as to use more force. The kid flew into the trashcan that was placed inside the alley and it fell down. Trash went flying everywhere. Jones and the other boy sprinted towards him.

Phillip was nervous, this was his first fight and all he did was try and get out the way! Everything that happened to this point was just a natural reaction, all pure instinct, dodging and waving through the blows. The pudgier one swung a huge right hook when all of a sudden Phillip turned around to face him. He caught the arm and pressed his other arm towards the other kids armpit. He thrusted his upper body foward while holding on to his arm and the kid flipped over on his back, dispersing the mist that he felled down upon, right onto a pile of rocks. He let out a lound groan as he was in a lot of pain now.

Jones was the only one left and was frantically throwing punches towards Phillip. This was his first fight too! He had no clue what he was doing but he had seen stuff on tv before. Phillip could not let him throw punches wildly at him anymore. He squeezed his right fist and felt along the gray rings with his thumb and the brass knuckles appeared.

He threw a simple forward punch towards Jones stomach and didnt care for defense. Jones fist hit his shoulder but he could tank it, as for Jones he was on his knees gasping for breath holding his stomach. He started to tear up a little. Jones looked up to Phillip who was looking down on him with a domineering tone. Phillip then puffed his chest and his hoody out with a flick of his wrists and rolled his sleeves down.

He then turned his back towards him and started to walk out of the alley through the mist. Jones looked at his back dissapear through the mist while the surround mist began to dissipate. He was gone after that.

A little distance away, a one toothed man spoke into a radio communicator. "Correct ma'am, target willingly walked out the alley." "I really dont like it when you call him 'target', Wulfor" was the reply. The radio made a static noise then turned silent. The man turned away to leave.

Phillips adrenaline was pumping! He really wanted to punch Jones face as he was looking down upon it! But he thought of a couple of things, one he didnt want to leave behind evidence and bruises, and two, although they did more damage to him he thought that they had enough and didnt want to inflict more pain.

He was always thinking like that, always caring for another person over his own well being. Phillip was walking into the arcade when he saw a help wanted sign in the window. He ran to burst open through the arcades doors.