
The zenith of zephyr

a story about Zephyr, a character in a world filled with people possessing extraordinary powers. Despite having no powers of his own, Zephyr finds himself working as a janitor at a convenience store. Although, there's something, something within him, a supreme right to power, a craving for something deeper... expect a chapter every night before midnight!

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15 Chs

Tower of mopping

The day of Zephyr's first shift at the Tower of Justice arrived, casting a gray pallor over his apartment as he prepared for the unknown. He dressed in a simple janitorial uniform, concealing his anxieties behind a façade of professionalism. The small apartment, with its leaky ceiling and worn-out furnishings, felt even more suffocating than usual.

As he made his way to the tower, the imposing structure loomed above him, casting a shadow over his apprehensions. The security surrounding the tower was as tight as ever, with cameras pointing at him, and scanners measuring his abilities. It was a stark reminder of the hierarchy that governed the city, where power ratings held sway.

Zephyr's heart pounded in his chest as he approached the entrance, wondering if his acceptance into the tower was genuine or merely another layer of the elaborate plan orchestrated by the loan sharks. He took a deep breath, reminding himself that he had to be cautious and tread carefully.

Inside, the tower was a world of polished marble and high-tech security, a stark contrast to his humble existence. He navigated the labyrinthine corridors, following signs to the janitorial department. Along the way, he passed individuals with higher power ratings, their authority evident in the way others deferred to them.

As he finally reached the janitorial department, he was greeted by a supervisor who handed him a mop and a bucket of cleaning supplies. "You're the new recruit, right?" the supervisor asked with a disinterested tone.

Zephyr nodded nervously. "Yes, that's me."

"Good. Start with the main lobby," the supervisor instructed, pointing toward a grand entrance adorned with marble statues and cascading water features. "Don't cause any trouble, and keep your head down."

Zephyr began his work, mopping the gleaming floors, all the while wondering about the secrets that might be concealed within these opulent walls. He knew that his mission to gather information was fraught with danger, but he was determined to uncover the truth, even if it meant risking everything.

As the day wore on, Zephyr observed the bustling activity in the tower, the powerful figures who came and went, and the intricate web of authority that governed the city. His journey had only just begun, and he had a long road ahead. The tower held many secrets, and he was resolved to uncover them, all while trying to outwit the loan sharks who watched from the shadows.

Zephyr enters the Tower of Justice, beginning his janitorial work and starting his mission to uncover its secrets.

As Zephyr continued his janitorial duties within the Tower of Justice, he couldn't help but notice the complex dynamics that governed this place. The Tower was not just a symbol of power; it was a microcosm of the hierarchical society in which he lived.

One day, while he was carefully cleaning the marble floors of a grand hallway, he encountered a figure who seemed to epitomize the complexities of this world. It was Gillian, a man known for his power of speed. His Power rating was 5, which placed him squarely in the middle of the hierarchy, overshadowed by those with higher abilities.

Gillian was infamous for picking on individuals below him in the power scale. It was as if he needed to assert his dominance in this environment, a way of compensating for his perceived inadequacy. Zephyr watched as Gillian zipped around the hallway, creating small whirlwinds of air that scattered dust and debris.

Inwardly, Zephyr couldn't help but feel a mix of pity and understanding for Gillian. He knew that people like him, with lower power ratings, often grappled with their insecurities in a world where power was everything. Gillian's need to assert himself, to remind others of his speed, was likely a reflection of his own feelings of inadequacy.

As he continued to observe Gillian, Zephyr couldn't help but think that perhaps, deep down, this individual was simply searching for a sense of worth and recognition in a society that placed so much emphasis on abilities. It was a reminder that even those who appeared confident and powerful on the surface could be driven by their own insecurities.

Zephyr knew that he needed to be cautious around Gillian, as the man's unpredictable behavior could pose a threat. But he also couldn't shake the feeling of empathy for someone who, like himself, was trying to find their place in a world that often felt overwhelming.

As he resumed his work, Zephyr pondered the complexities of the Tower of Justice and the individuals who inhabited it. His mission to uncover its secrets had become even more challenging, but he was determined to navigate the intricate web of power and intrigue while maintaining his cautious approach.

I usually clean early in the mornings when I do because I'm in a haze so it prevents me from realising I'm being productive :p.

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