
The zenith of zephyr

a story about Zephyr, a character in a world filled with people possessing extraordinary powers. Despite having no powers of his own, Zephyr finds himself working as a janitor at a convenience store. Although, there's something, something within him, a supreme right to power, a craving for something deeper... expect a chapter every night before midnight!

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Loan in the sea

Zephyr's life had taken a dark turn. He had emptied his meager savings to cover the hospital bills, leaving him financially crippled. Desperate and with no other options, he reluctantly turned to a group of loan sharks known for their influence and powers within the city of Fraisia. They saw an opportunity in Zephyr, someone they could manipulate to further their sinister goals.

In a dimly lit backroom of a hidden establishment, Zephyr met with the loan sharks, surrounded by varying credit varieties, platinum credits worth more than zephyrs whole apartment complex and emerald credits miring down at him, belittling his meager existence.

. Their presence was overwhelming, their powers palpable in the air. The leader, a man with the ability to manipulate minds, leaned in close, his gaze piercing through Zephyr's soul.

"Zephyr," he hissed, "we've paid off your debt to your ex-boss, but we expect something in return. There's a tower in this city, the center of power and influence, controlled by a high authority individual named Aether. He's a thorn in our side, an obstacle to our ambitions."

Zephyr gulped, his anxiety growing with each passing moment. "What do you want from me?"

The loan shark's lips curled into a wicked smile. "We want you to infiltrate the tower. Apply for a job as a janitor and get inside. Once there, you'll be our eyes and ears. Spy on Aether, gather information, and report back to us."

"But why?" Zephyr stammered, his voice shaky.

The loan shark's eyes glinted with malevolence eager to profit from credits. "Aether is a symbol of justice and order in this city. We want to undermine that. We aim to create chaos, weaken the law, and take control of Fraisia for a huge sum of credits and, no.. this isn't information someone of your likes, needs to know."

Zephyr's heart sank. He was trapped between the crushing weight of his debt and the insidious demands of the loan sharks. He knew he couldn't refuse; they held his financial life in their hands. With a heavy heart and a growing sense of dread, he agreed to their dangerous scheme.

Days turned into weeks as Zephyr prepared for his new role as a janitor within the towering fortress of Aether's domain. He would soon find himself navigating a treacherous path, torn between loyalty to his new employers and the city he loved, all while being devoid of the powers that had defined its inhabitants.

As he stepped into the elevator that would take him to the heart of the tower, Zephyr couldn't shake the feeling that his life had taken a dark and irreversible turn, and the destiny of Fraisia hung in the balance.

What about loan goldfish?

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