
The zenith of zephyr

a story about Zephyr, a character in a world filled with people possessing extraordinary powers. Despite having no powers of his own, Zephyr finds himself working as a janitor at a convenience store. Although, there's something, something within him, a supreme right to power, a craving for something deeper... expect a chapter every night before midnight!

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15 Chs

Inverted luck

As Zephyr walked away from the tower's entrance, he couldn't help but overhear the security guards talking amongst themselves, their laughter grating on his nerves. Their callous remarks about a woman falling down the stairs, which he suspected was a reference to Mrs. Henderson's accident, infuriated him. It was a stark reminder of the indifference and cruelty that existed in a society where power ratings ruled.

He clenched his fists, his anger building as he considered how unjust the world could be. But just as he was about to confront the guards, their demeanor suddenly shifted. One of them received a phone call, and his expression changed from amusement to surprise.

Zephyr, still hidden from their view, strained to listen to the conversation. The guard spoke into the phone with a mixture of astonishment and gratitude. "A raise? Are you serious? Thank you so much!"

His fellow guards gathered around, equally shocked and excited by the news. Zephyr couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was as if a stroke of good luck had suddenly descended upon the security team, granting them an unexpected reward.

The timing was uncanny, and Zephyr couldn't help but wonder if his own streak of bad luck had somehow played a role in this turn of events. It was a strange and unsettling thought. Could he manipulate his misfortune to influence the world around him, just as Zelis could manipulate others with his extraordinary influencer abilities?

As the guards celebrated their unexpected raise, Zephyr contemplated the mysteries of his own power and the potential it held. With newfound determination, he knew that he needed to harness his abilities, not just to gain access to the tower and meet Zelis, but also to challenge the injustices of the world he lived in.

With a sense of purpose and a growing understanding of his unique talents, Zephyr continued his quest to navigate the complexities of Frasia's society, all while keeping a close eye on the security guards who had inadvertently given him a glimpse into the intriguing possibilities of his own abilities.

Zephyr couldn't shake the strange turn of events he had witnessed with the security guards. It left him with a gnawing curiosity about the true nature of his abilities and how they might be harnessed. He began to hope that he wouldn't be selected for the janitorial job in the tower, partly as a test of his growing belief that his bad luck could be manipulated to influence outcomes.

As he made his way home, his stomach growled with hunger. The prospect of eating leftovers from last week's lasagne didn't exactly excite him, but it was all he had. He entered his small, dimly lit apartment and opened the fridge, where a plastic container of lasagne awaited him.

While he microwaved the meal, his anxiety about the job interview and his newfound understanding of his abilities weighed heavily on his mind. He began to nervously bite his nails, a habit that had always been his way of coping with stress. But today, his anxiety was heightened, and he bit down harder than usual.

In the process, he chewed his nail off, and a sharp pain shot through his finger. He winced and watched as a small bead of blood formed at the tip. Cursing himself for his nervous habits, he knew he needed to tend to the injury.

Rummaging through his limited belongings, he found an old, worn pillow cover that had seen better days. He tore a strip of fabric from it and carefully wrapped it around his bleeding finger, makeshift bandage in place. It wasn't ideal, but it would have to do until he could find proper medical attention.

As he sat at his small kitchen table, nursing his injured finger and pushing the lasagne around his plate, he couldn't help but ponder the mysteries of his abilities. The idea of tricking the system, of defying the odds, intrigued him. It was a risky gamble, but he felt a growing sense of determination to challenge the world's perception of the Powerless and their worth.

With each bite of lasagne and each passing moment, Zephyr's resolve strengthened. He knew that he had a long journey ahead of him, one filled with uncertainty and danger, but he was willing to embrace it in his quest to understand and harness his unique abilities.

I remember cracking my head open before but that story can wait. humpty dumpty haha

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