

This story is about a bet going on between the forces of good and evil over humans ability to keep their new years resolution. THE YULETIDE BET. Over the years things had worked in favour of the evil forces will this year be any different. Five individuals will be chosen for this year's bet follow them as the forces also follow them to determine which group will be the winner in this year's Yuletide bet.

snarkydove · Aktion
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57 Chs

Chapter nine

just several thoughts were flowing through Janelle's mind as she made her way home to the apartment she shares with her boyfriend of eight years, but not one of them could have touched the sight she met at home when she made it through the door.

Janelle was so stressed out from work that all she could think of was her bed and falling straight to sleep, the thought of dinner was not featuring in any of those thoughts and if Joe was expecting her home to make dinner then he is going to be greatly disappointed because she didn't think she could mutter any strength to enter the kitchen. The few fuels still in her body tank will just carry her to shower and then off to bed.

She put the key in the keyhole and made her way into the house, surprised to find all the lights on, an indication that her boyfriend was home. She wasn't expecting him home yet as they usually come home at the same time but she is an hour early. She was about to call out his name when some weird noise reached her ears. It will seem Joe wasn't alone and the noise seems to be coming from their bedroom. A cloud of suspicion settled on her as her instinct gave her a hint at what she will find when she opens the door. Hoping and praying that she was wrong she inched her way towards the door, moving as silently as possible while muttering beneath her voice, "please let me be wrong."

Her body filled with trepidation at being proven right, her hand went to the handle, she paused a bit as doubts clouded her mind, she crossed- questioned herself at the benefits of being proven right or just leaving without knowing. Deciding on the formal she twisted the handle and got an eye full of her boyfriend with another woman on top of him, gyrating her hips on his sex like there is no tomorrow with their sounds and scent of pleasure filling the whole room.

Janelle caught the sob that would have escaped her throat while her eyes filled with tears, she stood frozen watching the pair on the bed as they moved fast pursuing their climax. She was stuck on what next to do, she didn't want to be seeing this but she couldn't look away.

The sobs built up in her throat till it escaped through her mouth in a weird sound drawing the attention of the man in the room. His eyes grew wide at the unexpected sight of his girlfriend. As the woman on top of him has yet to notice the new presence in the room she continued to move her hips driving the man to distraction that he ignored his girlfriend in pursuit of his release and he was so close.

With a loud scream, they both reached their climax while two pained brown eyes watched on with tears streaming down her cheeks.

The man held his eyes close basking in his climax, not in a hurry to face the woman standing in the doorway. He had not meant for her to find out like this but now it has happened, is left for him to explain and hope that she takes it well.

The woman whom he just had sex with was collapsed on top of him still trying to recover from her climax ignorant of the brown eyes which have switched from pain to rage as it scorched her back.

As Janelle watched her boyfriend disregard her presence and still continued with the whore in their bed she felt a rage like she never felt before build in her that all she saw was red. She couldn't believe the disrespect coming from the good for nothing man she calls a boyfriend. Having had enough of being passive and watching herself be disrespected she matched towards the bed and snagged the bitch by the hair pulling with all her might. she dumped her on the floor.

"What the fuck is happening," the blonde woman cried trying to keep her hair from being detached from her scalp as she was dragged off the bed and deposited on the floor. she looked up to be faced with the ire of a beautiful, brown lady who seems to be giving her murderous looks that were sending chills to her body. She recognized the woman as Joe girlfriend. "Shit, " she muttered in fear as her eyes filled up with fear because she didn't know what the crazy looking woman is capable of doing.

She had met falling in love with Joe when she was posted to the branch of their office where he was working and that was two years ago. They had tried to fight their feelings with Joe saying he was seeing someone, but one day they had to stay back to work late one night and one thing led to another and they were fucking on the couch in his office and from then on have not been able to keep their hands off each other.

She had told Joe a long time ago to break up his relationship and tell his girlfriend that he has found someone but he kept promising he will do that till they are now in this mess.

Joe who has been contemplating how he was going to face the mess he just created was jumped out of his thoughts by the weight on him suddenly lifted, and he was momentarily shocked to see his mistress being dragged by the hair by his girlfriend with a murderous look in her eyes.

"Calm down Janelle, I can explain, " he pleaded stretching his hand out in peace offering but when those murdering brown eyes turned his way, he wished he had remained silent. He was aware of Janelle's temper, I mean he had been with the woman for bloody eight years and knew she is capable of doing anything when she is in this state.

Janelle looked at her boyfriend in his state of undress and a wicked grin came over her face and she faced the two cheating bastards. "Before I close my eyes and open them I don't want to see both of you in this house, " she yelled with anger. Both parties scrambled around to dress up. "I didn't say you should dress up," she yelled freezing them.

"Janelle don't be unreasonable you can't expect us to walk out of this place naked, "Joe spoke in a soft cajoling manner drawing the fiery eyes his way, and the hardness he glimpsed there told him the bitch wasn't bulging.

The other woman used the opportunity the crazy lady was focused on Joe to find herself inside her pant and bra before they were both being driven out by the crazy lady at gunpoint. Yeah, the bitch had gone for the gun in her drawer to make sure they leave. Who keeps a gun in her drawer, crazy people I tell you. No wonder Joe cheated on her the woman is bat shit crazy the blonde thought when she was shoved so hard out of the door that she almost fell face down on the floor with the door almost hitting her ass.

She turned to glare at the man that put her in this mess in the first place but all he did was shrug his shoulders in less concern attitude. Men, the blonde thought with irritation. Just then the sound of footsteps heading in their direction had them looking at each other like a deer caught in a headlight with nowhere to hide. The voices drew nearer till they saw two older couples with two young boys heading their way. They paused at a door and raised their hands to wave at us when they noticed our state of undress and their hands just hung mid-air as they stared wide-eyed at us. If we weren't the ones in the situation we would have found it funny.

The older woman was the first to react, she quickly covered the eyes of the young ones as she heralded them into the apartment she had just opened and turned to pull her husband as he was still ogling me, and then she threw a dirty look at us before shutting her door hard.

Joe turned to the blonde and they both looked at each other and broke into laughter. They laughed so hard that tears were streaming down their face, till the sound of something breaking in the house they have just been driven out of shocked them into silence reminding them that there is a crazy woman currently mad at them inside the house.

"I guess I will be spending the night in your house seeing how I have suddenly lost my home," Joe told the blonde as they got to their feet and headed towards the elevator.

Janelle was fuming how dare they, in her own house, her bed, she felt like taking the whole bed, sheets and all and burning them outside but she settled on just stripping the sheets and replacing it with a new one but she knew she wasn't sleeping in there tonight.

Janelle had gone ahead to change into her sleepwear not in the mood to shower anymore, she was on her way to get herself a drink, because in the mood she was in she didn't think she will be getting to sleep anytime soon, when the sound of laughter outside the door drew her attention. Her fist tightened at her side as tears of rage ran down her cheeks, she was pissed at their audacity to laugh at her, unable to bear their mocking laughter anymore she flew to the kitchen where she poured herself a small glass of vodka swallowing the drink in one whole but the laughter was not abating so she hurled her glass at the wall sending it crashing to pieces and that rendered the whole place quiet. Finally, Janelle thought going for another glass and pouring herself another drink. She drank till she couldn't differentiate the two tables in her room and was wondering why more of them kept appearing. The multiple appearances of her dining table in the room showed her she had drunk enough and that she needed to go to bed.

Dragging herself off the seat she staggered a bit before managing to stabilize herself with a grip on the head of the chair. Letting the world stop spinning on its axis, she took a tentative step testing out her brain capacity to carry her to her room. Assured when she didn't crash to the floor, she took slow steps in the direction of her guest room.

she staggered to the queen bed at the corner of the room and flung herself face down on it groaning as her head spun at the speedy movement, when it all calms down, her mind tried sending her back into the bitter incident that happened earlier this night but the massive amount of alcohol in her system put up a strong resistance preventing her thoughts from going anywhere and rather sent her into blissful oblivion as her eyes closed surrendering to the darkness.

The days following catching her boyfriend with another woman was spent in a blur for Janelle. She was depressed, lonely, drunk at night trying to keep the loneliness at bay. There were some nights she was tempted to call the bastard when she was fully under the influence of alcohol, one time she has even succeeded but the he-goat had refused to pick, sending Janelle spinning that she had left her kitchen messed up with several broken dishes and cups.

Standing in her room she stared at his clothes with an evil eye, the bastard had not bothered to come and pick up his stuff and the grace of three days she gave him had elapsed, is time to clean out the dirt, Janelle thought with an evil eye. Taking all his clothes from the hanger she bundled them and headed downstairs, at a corner beside her apartment building, and set the stuff ablaze just as Joe's car pulled into the garage.

Joe quickly highlighted out his car when he noticed Janelle standing close to a raging inferno watching it with a pleased smile on her face. He had a suspicion of what could be in that burning fire. He inched his way towards the madwoman.

"What the fuck is going on here?" he yelled seeing that it was his clothes that were on fire. "Are you crazy?" Joe yelled watching all his works suits and favorite jeans fall prey to the flames.

"And the prodigal son finally returned, "Janelle taunted the man who was watching the flames as if there were somethings he could salvage but the flame was like a hungry beast devouring everything in its path.

"What did you do this for?" Joe moaned in the direction of the flames

"Well, I told you to come to pick up your shits or am burning them, and it's been three days and you were no show so I assumed you were telling me to burn them," Janelle finished, and grinned at the pained look on his face. Serves him right for all the torment I had passed through these few days because of him, Janelle thought with no bit of remorse.

Joe shook his head at his ex-girlfriend and turned towards his car.

"Tell your new bitch that I send my regards, that I am giving a few more years and she will be in my shoes, "Janelle yelled after Joe as he drove off in feats of anger.

Janelle made it back to her apartment to meet her phone ringing in the house.

"Hello, " she spoke on the phone without looking at the caller's ID.

"Girl I haven't seen you like in forever, where the hell have you been hiding that stunning self of yours?" A feminine voice screamed at the other side of the phone.

Janelle chuckled at her best friend exaggeration, her mood lightening a bit at hearing her voice.

"That is an overstatement Therese, we just saw each other a week ago," Janelle teased her best friend with a smile in her voice.

"Girl I don't care whether is an overstatement or understatement, one week is a long time to go without hearing or seeing your beautiful face, " her friend said hotly making Janelle chuckle lightly.

"Anyway, how is that dog of yours or I mean your boyfriend?" the voice on the other side asked with an inflection showing she didn't care to know was just asking for courtesy's sake.

Janelle robbed her forehead at the mention of her ex. Her best friend has never liked Joe since she introduced the two, claiming that the man was a flirt and had only tolerated his presence because of Janelle, and now Janelle didn't know how to tell her that she has been right all along.

"Hello, are you still there?" the female on the other side yelled pulling Janelle out of her thoughts.

"We broke up," she whispered softly into the phone, her eyes closing at the remembered pain.

"What! " the other woman exclaimed, shocked at this sudden development. When her best friend had first introduced her boyfriend, she had thought the man no good for her best friend and had tried to discourage her from the relationship but when she noticed them growing strong day by day, week by week, month by month, then year by year, she had thought she was wrong. Obviously not if they are broken up now.

"Meet you at our favorite bar so you can give a reason to finally murder the son of a bitch, "the woman spoke into the phone in a serious tone before ending the call.