
The Youngest S-Ranker - Journey to the peak

The Youngest S-Ranker - Journey to the peak What happens when a young orphan boy is abandoned by the only person he has ever cared about? What happens when a young boy who's never had anything, who has lived his life at the absolute bottom of society, discovers he has unmatched talent? In a world where strength rules, what will the young boy who is now alone, unsure of his future, do when he discovers he has the potential to rise above everyone else, has the potential to claim whatever, and whoever he wants? In the world of Garla, magic, and martial arts are commonplace. All children awaken their talents on their 10th birthday. When Val awakens he is surprised to discover he has far more talent than he could ever believe. This is the beginning of his adventure, which will be difficult, yet rewarding. That will be like nothing he could ever have expected or thought possible. Follow Val as he discovers how far he can go, how much he can accomplish, and what the future holds for him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. This novel will hopefully continue for a long time. The protagonist will have relationships with women but won't necessarily commit to any woman. There will be *lemon* scenes, but as the protagonist will be a solo adventurer he won't be going around with a group of women. I have the romance and harem tags because there will be relationship development with female characters. I do not own the cover, if you do you can email me and I will remove it.

KingValos · Fantasie
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40 Chs

3 - With My Talent I Will Rise To The Top

When an awaken shuts his eyes he is able to see his status. The status tells him his name, age, race, talent, skills, physique, and blessings. It does not show his strength or speed or any of his attributes.

Val was looking at his status right now and was shocked. He truly believed he would awaken to strong talent, but this was beyond anything he had ever imagined. In fact, he had never heard of anyone with this level of talent.

Val's status was as followed:


Valos Naturia

Age: 10

Gender: Male

Race: Half High Elf - Half Human

Talent and Skills:

S-Rank Life Talent

- Tame (A-Rank) [Allows you to tame animals, beasts, and monsters, making them subservient and loyal to you].

S-Rank Space Talent

- Port (B-Rank) [Short distance teleportation].

A-Rank Ice Talent

- Ice spike (E-Rank) [Allows you to create spikes of ice from the ground].

B-Rank Short Sword Talent

- Dual Wielding (B-Rank) {Passive} [Allows the user to proficiently wield short swords in both hands].


Mana Body [increases the mana held within the body, and increases the mana that can be utilized when using skills, increasing the power of a skill].

- Mana Eyes [Allows the user to visually perceive mana].


Val was speechless at what he was seeing. His talent and skills were insane, and he even awakened a physique. How could this even be possible, he had 4 talents, 2 S-Rank talents, an A-Rank talent, and a B-Rank talent, as well as a physique. This high level of talent was unheard of. Val had never heard of anyone with talent even close to this.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Val calmed his beating heart and erratic mind. He began looking into his status more intently, he first looked at his name. He had never known that 'Val' was an abbreviated name, and had never known he had a family name, as he never had a real family. He found out his full name, and more importantly that in the eyes of the Gods, he had a family name, which indicated that he had a family. This raised the question, 'Who were Val's Parents, and why did they abandon him?'. Val had always assumed that his parents had died and he was left at the orphanage because he had no one to take him in and care for him. But now it raised the possibility that his parents were still alive and that he might have been left at the orphanage for a different reason.

However, before the young boy could delve too deeply into his thoughts about his family history, he restrained his now erratic brain and decided to think about it later, focusing on his status again. The next part of his status he focused on, was his race, he was half human and half High elf. He had always thought he was a half-elf, his pointed and slightly elongated ears made it fairly obvious. Though his ears were slightly longer than a human's, his ears weren't long enough to be a full elf. However, he was quite surprised that he wasn't Half-Elf, but rather a half-High Elf. High Elves were a superior elf variant, elves had a few variants, including High Elf, Dark Elf, Wood Elf, and Blood Elf. Variants were generally superior to the basic Elf and usually had a far higher chance of awakening a physique and talents corresponding to their variation. High Elves were the most famous Elf variant, as the royal family of the Elves was of the High Elf variant.

After a quick thought regarding his race, Val moved on because there was not much he could do about being half High Elf, he knew the Elven royalty were High Elves but he didn't know anyone else who were. He didn't have much information about it, so he knew it was pointless for him to focus on it for now.

He moved on to his talent and skills, first looking at his Magic Talents. He had 3 Magic Talents, 2 of them S-Rank, the highest possible rank, and 1 A-Rank, which though not the highest rank was still extremely high and in the entire human population, very few had a Talent ranked A or higher. What surprised him further was that all 3 of his Magic Talents were not common. Ice was the most common and that was still classed as an uncommon talent.

There are 4 classifications of Magic Talent rarity; Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary.

Common Talents consist of the 4 common elements; Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth.

More than 60% of the population with Magic Talent have one of these Elements.

Uncommon Talents consist of uncommon elements which are more powerful variations of the common elements: Lightning, ice, Metal, Nature, etc.

35% of the population with Magic Talent have an uncommon Element.

Rare Talents consist of elements that are very uncommon, that aren't just upgraded variations, these Talents can also be more unique than Common or Uncommon Talents: Light and Dark are standard Rare talents, and there are also some superior variants of common and uncommon talents, such as Life, Magma and poison, etc.

Legendary Talents are the rarest, and generally the most powerful, though some people argue they are most powerful because they have a lot of unknown properties and unknown counter elements, these are; Time, Space, Holy, etc.

The Silver-haired Half-Elven boy was very surprised at the rarity of his Magic Talents. 1 Uncommon, 1 Rare, and 1 Legendary. Val couldn't help but smile ear to ear at his overpowered talent. His smile was further increased by the Skills he awakened, he had awakened an A-Rank, a B-Rank skill, and an E-Rank skill. Even awakening an E-Rank skill during his awakening was pretty good. Most people, even with high talent awakened F-Rank and E-Rank skills during their awakening, but he had awakened an A, B, and E-Rank, this was just too absurd.

Even though only one of his skills was an offensive skill, it didn't matter. [Tame] was the perfect skill for him, who was now planning to adventure alone. Instead of having a party of people, he could tame beasts and monsters to support him, and he knew once they were tamed, they couldn't betray him, which meant his fears couldn't repeat themselves. [Port] was also an incredibly useful utility skill, it could be used offensively or defensively depending on the situation. He could use it to teleport behind opponents to secure a surprise attack or use it to create distance, it could also be used to increase mobility and move around a battlefield more efficiently. [Ice Spike] was his offensive ability, it was a more straightforward skill than port and was a good mid-range ability to begin his adventures with. He would have to train and practice his skills to get a good understanding of how often he could use the skills and the amount the skills would drain his mana reserves.

After thinking for a few minutes about his Magic Talents and Skills, Val moved on to his Martial Talent, Short Sword Talent. Though this was his lowest Rank Talent, at B-Rank, he was still very happy about this talent. His preferred weapon was swords, and within the sword family, his favored size was always smaller swords as they allowed for higher speed and mobility which he preferred over power, damage, and destructive capabilities. The passive skill [Duel Wielding] was rather interesting. He knew about passive skills but didn't think he would awaken one as they are less common than active (regular) skills. He had already gained the general and base knowledge on how to duel wield short swords from the skill and was keen to start. However, he remembered that he didn't own a real sword. The orphanage owned a few real weapons that the kids could use when they were close to 10 years old, but besides that, the orphans would have to use wooden training weapons. The kids could also not take the weapons with them when they became adventurers as they were needed for the other orphans. He would have to buy two short swords when he earns a bit of money so that he can utilize his Martial Talent.

Overall, Val was extremely happy, excited, and still slightly shocked at his Talents and Skills. He couldn't remove the massive smile from his face, one that he hadn't had for a long time.

Next, he moved on to his Physique, his Physique had intrigued him quite a lot. Mana Body was rare but fairly well known, it was well known because, over thousands of years, a few of the most powerful elves had awakened this Physique. It was a Physique that was believed to be loved by mana, it gave the holder increased mana reserves, increased mana recovery, increased mana control, etc. The skills you could gain from this physique were all related to mana, and the way to strengthen the physique was to consume mana-rich fruits, plants, and items, however, Val did not know the specific mana-rich items needed to be consumed but that didn't matter because he already knew a lot more than most do about there Physiques.

Lastly, he observed his Physique Skill, [Mana Eyes], this skill allowed him to visually see mana. This Skill was simple but very useful, it would allow him to see if certain items, people, plants, fruits, or weapons contained mana and how much mana they had. These sorts of things often became stronger, more powerful, more useful, and more expensive the greater the quantity and quality of mana they contained. He would also be able to see how much mana other people had and the element of mana their Talent utilized as it was distinguishable by the color of the mana.

After thinking about his whole status and Talent for a few more minutes, his smile never left his face. He decided to leave the Awakening room and return with the older lady to the reception to register as an adventurer and truly begin his new life.

As he turned around to leave the room, he could only think of one thing.

"With my Talent, I will rise to the top!".

With a wide grin and beaming eyes, Val opened the door and took a step out of the room, and then took the first step of his new life, a life with many ups and downs, where he will evolve and develop, where he will meet many different types of people and will overcome his fears and rise to new heights.

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