
The Young Warlock and The Dragon

A young warlock who was a late bloomer met a mythical dragon by chance or perhaps destiny? After sensing that the warlock had no bad intentions, the colossal dragon decided to help the boy harness his Magic under a condition that the boy becomes his companion and help in safeguarding the Enchanted forest and its secrets. After being under the tutelage of the dragon for a while, Lucian was told by the dragon that inorder to become more formidable he had to venture into the kingdom of Sibiah to retrieve a powerful and coveted book that contains arcane spells and magic. Unbeknownst to Lucian he had unintentionally offended a warlock that used to ridicule and mock him, that particular warlock being Lucian's childhood friend had ventured into something dark and malevolent. He had been so blinded by revenge that he sought to make Lucian pay in spite of the grave consequences, repercussions and his own sanity. Lucian's journey will be fraught with many dangers and obstacles but those are part of what will make him a stronger and more formidable warlock. He'll encounter series of people both bad and good. He'll safeguard the realm from dangers that lurk in the shadows with the help of the mighty dragon and the people he shares similar goals with. will he become a stronger and more formidable warlock in order to protect his loved ones and safeguard the realm or will he be overpowered by dark and malevolent entities? There's only one way to find out. in this novel so many factors like hate, love, darkness and malevolence, kindness and many more things are at a cross roads so be prepared to be taken on a slow paced (not too slow but you have to be a little patient) adventure. If this piqued your interest, just give it a read and tell me what you think about the book in the review/comments section below, you can also ask me any questions, I'll be glad to answer. Arigatou. If you're not so sure about the book you can read till chapter 25 and then decide if this is your cup of tea or not. I don't have a discord server yet but I'm hoping to create one soon. Enjoy, Ciao.

iam_dapromise · Fantasie
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31 Chs

The Repetitive Ominous dream, Forgotten birthday and The Angered Royal

•Velvetwind Vale•

Lorian Velven awoke from a dream that felt eerily real. In this dream, he witnessed a black cloud looming ominously over Velvetwind, his beloved home.

Unable to shake the unease it left him with, he quickly rose from his bed and rushed outside to check the sky, expecting to see the ominous cloud. Instead, he was greeted by a clear and beautiful sky that offered no hints of the nightmarish vision from his dream.

As Lorian turned to re-enter his home, he was met by his younger sister, Elara Velven. She inquired softly, "The same dream?" Lorian's response was a solemn nod, "Yes".

He had indeed been plagued by these concerning and discomforting visions for months, and each time he hoped they were nothing more than nightmares.

Elara, reassured her older brother. "I have told you before, these dreams may be unsettling, but nothing has come to pass and it never will,Nothing will befall our vale, Lorian, not as long as we, and our people, stand guard."

Lorian wanted to believe in his sister's conviction. "I know," he replied with a forced sense of calm. However, deep down, the fear of the unknown continued to gnaw at his heart.

Lorian, in a haze of confusion from his haunting dreams, turned his attention to his younger sister, Elara and inquired, "Where is Mother?"

Elara responded "What is happening today?",Lorian forgetful and curious about what's happening today asked her the same question "What is happening today?","you don't know what's happening today?" Elara's voice was laced with a mix of surprise and exasperation.

Her astonishment seemed to grow as Lorian's memory of the day in question completely eluded him. In bewilderment and confusion, he parroted the question, "What?"

Elara, visibly disappointed by her brother's forgetfulness, shook her head and left him alone, letting the question hang in the air.

Meanwhile, Lorian remained there, brows furrowed in thought. "What is happening today?" he wondered, his absent-mindedness clouding his awareness.

What Lorian had forgotten is that today marked a momentous event for Velvetwind, a celebration of grand proportions.

The oldest person of the vale, Elysia Velven, commonly referred to as "Grandmother" by the people of Velvetwind, was celebrating her 450th birthday.

The longevity of life in Velvetwind was a direct result of the Powerful Unique Magical Essence that coursed through the veins of every Velvetian.

After locating and donning his greenish tunic and leathery black boots, Lorian ventured outside, greeted by the vibrant and enchanting scenery of the Vale.

In the heart of Velvetwind Vale, children gathered to play. The sun shone warmly, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of beautiful wildflowers.

Under the green leaves, children laughed, chasing each other through the trees. Some made flower crowns, while others played tag. A few walked in the stream watching fish swim.

Their laughter and the sounds of nature created a joyful atmosphere. The children of Velvetwind Vale enjoyed their playtime in the clean open green fields.

The children continued to play joyfully around him, their laughter filling the air. Lorian could not resist joining in the fun and briefly lifted a little girl, her innocent giggles echoing in his ears.

Gently setting the child down to rejoin her friends, Lorian continued to observe the lively scene. Among the playful children, he spotted Lumos, his mystical companion.

*Lumos, the Lightbound Hound:*

*Appearance:* Lumos is a magically sentient, medium-sized dog. His coat shines with a soft, ethereal luminescence, casting a gentle radiance around him.

His expressive eyes hold a deep well of understanding, making it clear that he is far more than just an ordinary dog.

*Sentience:* Lumos possesses an exceptional sentience, far beyond that of regular animals.

His thoughts are keen, and he holds a silent wisdom that has guided many in Velvetwind Vale.

*Bonds of Communication:* Lumos shares a profound, mystical connection with a single chosen individual in Velvetwind Vale.

With this person, he shares a telepathic bond that allows them to communicate effortlessly. Their thoughts and emotions are intertwined, creating an unbreakable understanding between them.

*Smoke of Escape:* Among other powers this power is distinctive as it is used In times of dire need, Lumos can conjure a special smoke, like wisps of whitish-silvery mist, that envelops and shrouds himself and his chosen person.

This smoke serves as a protective veil, enabling them to escape from danger unnoticed and unharmed.

*Size:* Lumos is not too short . His stature is perfectly balanced, making him agile and easy to travel with through the enchanting landscapes of Velvetwind Vale and the treacherous outskirts of the land.

*Personality:* Lumos is characterized by an unwavering loyalty, a deep sense of protection, and boundless empathy.

He is not just a companion; he is a guardian and confidant. He understands the unspoken words of his chosen person and stands by their side in both the brightest days and the darkest nights.

*Background:* Legends say that Lumos was born from the first light of dawn, bestowed with unique powers by the very essence of Velvetwind Vale.

He has been a steadfast and trusted friend to the ones he chooses, offering guidance, protection, and a silent companionship that runs deep

Lumos, the Lightbound Hound, brings an extraordinary presence to Velvetwind Vale, embodying both mystical abilities and the enduring bond of friendship that transcends the ordinary.

Lumos was engaging in a spirited game of tug of war with the young ones. As Lorian approached, he called out to Lumos, "Lumos, Lumos."

In response, Lumos released his end of the rope, acknowledging his companion. Lumos may appear as an ordinary dog to those unfamiliar with Velvetwind's secrets, but Lorian could hear the thoughts and emotions of his enigmatic friend.

He could even understand Lumos' barks as if they were spoken words. Today's bark carried the message, "It took you a long time to wake up."

Lorian, while walking beside Lumos, answered the unspoken question, "Yes, I did have the same dream again".

Lumos could not help but let out a soft sigh in response. Lorian, curious about the meaning behind the sigh, asked, "What?"

Lumos replied cryptically, "Nothing,"

As Lorian and Lumos continued their walk towards the outskirts of the Vale, Lumos expressed his curiosity and concern with a bark, clearly understood by Lorian.

He inquired, "Where are we heading to?"

Lorian, momentarily puzzled by the question, replied, "What do you mean by where are we heading to? We are going to pick up from where we left off yesterday."

Lumos, however, was taken aback by his response and conveyed his surprise to Lorian. He barked again, "Look around you, Lorian."

At his companion's urging, Lorian observed the festive decorations and celebratory atmosphere that had enveloped Velvetwind. It was a striking realization.

Realizing that he had been too preoccupied with safeguarding the Vale to notice the occasion, Lorian exclaimed, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!,Today is Grandmother's Birthday",His disappointment with himself was evident.

Lumos retorted, "How will you remember when you are too preoccupied?"

Lorian started running back towards the village, shouting, "You should have reminded me Lumos", Lumos thought "How is this my fault", in pursuit of Lorian, Lumos asked, "Won't you gift her?".

Lorian halted and said "Pheeeew....That's true,I have to Gift Grandmother","The Gift has to be a good one given that she's the Foremother of the one you like" Lumos added, obviously teasing Lorian.

Lorian's initial confusion turned into embarrassment as he pondered the one Lumos had hinted at. He tried to deny it by saying, "Who?"

Lumos playfully pointed out, "What, you think I do not notice the way you look at her and the way you talk about her?" Lorian was caught off guard, thinking to himself, "Shit, how did he notice? I tried so hard to hide that."

Lumos chuckled in response to Lorian's thoughts and reminded him, "Have you forgotten that I can hear your thoughts?and also when will you let her know about how you feel?".

Lorian Having forgotten for a moment that they are connected Telepathically thought again "Shit ,he heard that".

Lorian, recovering from his surprise, adjusted his clothing and cleared his throat, his tone low as he mumbled, "I don't like anyone; you must be mistaken".

His feelings were not as secret as he had hoped, and Lumos had a knack for teasing him about it.

•The Royal Palace of Sibiah•

•Prince Theodore's Quarters•

Still consumed by anger and resentment, Prince Theodore could not let Amarissa's words go.

With a mocking tone, he mimicked her words, "It is high time you accepted I am the Queen now... your Queen," "As if she is even worthy of the throne" he added.

In a sudden fit of rage, he shouted, "IT'S MEANT TO BE MINE, MINE, MINE!" His face contorted with anger as he continued in a low and ominous tone, "Amarissa, you just wait until I have something tangible on you, I will bring you down."

To temper his fury, he took a sip of the warm tea in front of him. Just then, his personal informant's arrival was announced by a guard. Theodore gave the command, "Let him in."

The informant, known as Severus Tobetus, entered. Severus was a man with extensive knowledge of the kingdom's underworld, as he owned several taverns, inns, and gambling dens in Sibiah. This provided him with access to a wealth of information.

With an air of impatience, Theodore wasted no time. He directed his question at Severus, "Any information?" To his disappointment, Severus responded with a straightforward "Nothing yet."

The lack of a useful reply infuriated Theodore further. He expressed his frustration by angrily clearing the objects from the table, causing the cup and objects on the table to shatter.

Severus, knowing the consequences of his report, lowered his head in acknowledgment.

Theodore, still boiling with anger, could not contain his disappointment. He pointed his finger at Severus, his voice heavy with irritation, "They said you are the best at this, but I doubt it."

The prince continued to tap Severus's chest repeatedly while demanding, "Show....your....worth. Get.....me....something....tangible".

After making his point, Theodore turned his back on Severus and, in a calm tone, waved his hand dismissively. He uttered the command, "Leave".

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