
Provide Her Comfort..

The entire party came to an abrupt end after Edmund's interruption, and the visitors began to troop out in numbers. And while Simon was ecstatic about the entire situation, Rosaline was on her last thread. She despised the squire even more, and loathed Edmund more than anyone else, despite just meeting him for the first time.

She had lived half of her entire life waiting for this moment, and just when she thought she would finally get what she wanted, some stupid man had to show up and spoil everything for her. She hated him for that, and would have asked for his execution if she had the power.

Rosaline remained in her room, her face in-between her palms as she cried her eyes out. Her special day had been ruined, and there was no getting past that anytime soon. She had no idea when another day would be fixed, and she feared more than anything that Lucian might lose interest in her before she ever got the chance to be his bride.