
The Young Demon Lord and her Maid-Knight

Having dedicated her life to this singular purpose—defeating the Demon Lord to bring peace to Eldoria—Elara now finds herself adrift, questioning her place in a world no longer defined by the battle against evil. The cheers of victory are hollow, drowned out by the silence of uncertainty. As Eldoria begins to heal from the scars of Thalrax's reign, Elara retreats from the adoration of her people, seeking solace in solitude. Her absence is felt deeply among those who once hailed her as their savior, leaving a void in their hearts as profound as the absence of the Demon Lord himself. Meanwhile, in the quiet depths of the realm, untouched by the passage of time, a new life stirs. Born of the essence scattered across Eldoria, a young girl awakens in the rubble of Thalrax's throne room. With eyes wide and innocent, she gazes upon a world she does not yet understand.

Bobby_Oben · Bücher und Literatur
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73 Chs

the Son and Granddaughter

An elderly dwarf walked into the forge after a long day of travel. His clothes were dusty, and his face showed signs of exhaustion, but his eyes twinkled with a warm light. "Oh, hello there, lasses. What brings you to our forge? Oh, and you have Lumi with you," he said, his voice carrying the rich timbre of someone who had spent years working with metal.

"Papa, this is Elara, Grandma's old friend," Liora said with a smile, stepping forward to introduce the newcomers.

The dwarf, now identified as Elan, set down his heavy pack and wiped his brow with a calloused hand. "Elara, it's an honor to meet you," he said, extending his hand. "And who might your companions be?"

Elara stepped forward, her face softening into a smile. "These are my friends. The two faeries are named Levy and Ella," she gestured to the tiny, ethereal beings flitting near her shoulders. "And the demon over there is Lilith," she added, nodding towards a figure standing in the shadowed corner of the forge.

Elan's eyes widened with genuine curiosity and a touch of amusement. "I see," he said, his grin broadening to reveal a row of slightly crooked, but strong teeth. "So this is the person I'm named after, my mother's old friend Elara. What a pleasure. I never thought I would have the chance to meet you."

Liora, standing beside her father, looked up at Elara with admiration. "Papa's told me many stories about you and Grandma's adventures. It's like meeting a legend," she said, her voice filled with awe.

Elara chuckled softly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "The stories your father tells might be a bit exaggerated," she said, a hint of modesty in her tone. "But it's a joy to see that old friendships are remembered."

As they talked, the forge glowed warmly, the heat from the forge mingling with the warmth of rekindled friendships. The sound of metal being worked on an anvil echoed in the background, a familiar and comforting rhythm. Elan motioned for everyone to sit by a large, sturdy table covered in blueprints, tools, and various metal trinkets.

"So, what brings you all to our humble forge today?" Elan asked, his curiosity piqued. "Are you on an adventure, or perhaps in need of some fine craftsmanship?"

"We're on an adventure of some sort, and by chance, we were close by when Lumi visited us at night. So, I just had to come and see the old place," Elara said, her eyes sweeping over the forge. "It's amazing how this once small village has grown into a great town."

Elan smiled warmly. "Well, let's stop all work for the night," he declared. "We need to celebrate the return of Mama's old friend."

Liora's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I want to hear the stories you have of you and Grandma Tami. I've only heard them from my papa," she chimed in eagerly.

Elan chuckled, looking at his daughter with affection. "You're in for a treat then, Liora. Elara has many tales to tell."

Lilith, who had been quietly observing, raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you work at night?" she asked curiously.

Elan nodded, turning to her with a knowing smile. "Well, lass, you see," he began, "at night, it's much easier to see the iron's hot glow and know when it's ready for work. My mother could work any time of the day because she was so skilled, and I've reached that level too. But most blacksmiths can't. We use the night's shade to guide us in our profession."

Elara nodded in agreement. "Tami was the best. She taught me a lot about the craft, even though I never became as skilled as her."

Elan's smile grew wistful. "Mama was indeed special. Her legacy lives on in this forge and in the stories we share. Tonight, let's honor her memory and the old friendships that still bind us."

The group settled around the large table, Elan and Liora fetching mugs of ale and plates of hearty food. The forge, usually filled with the sound of metalwork, now buzzed with lively conversation and laughter.

"So, Elara," Elan said, raising his mug, "tell us one of those grand stories from the old days. Let's start the night off with a tale of adventure."

Elara smiled, taking a deep breath as she recalled the past. "Well, there was this one time when Tami and I were out in the wilds, hunting for a rare metal..."

Elara began her tale, her voice weaving a spell of nostalgia and adventure. "Well, there was this one time when Tami and I were out in the wilds, hunting for a rare metal called Moonsteel. It was said to have mystical properties, perfect for crafting legendary weapons. We had a lead that it could be found deep in the Silver Mountains, a place fraught with dangers."

Elan and Liora leaned in closer, their eyes wide with anticipation. The faeries, Levy and Ella, perched on Elara's shoulders, listened intently, their wings shimmering softly in the forge's light. Lilith, too, was intrigued, her fiery eyes flickering with interest.

"The journey was treacherous," Elara continued. "We faced many challenges along the way. There were steep cliffs, treacherous paths, and wild beasts. But Tami, with her indomitable spirit and unmatched skills, always found a way. She was not just a master blacksmith, but a true adventurer at heart."

Elan nodded, his face a mixture of pride and admiration. "That sounds like Mama. She always had a way of turning the impossible into the possible."

Elara smiled, her eyes twinkling. "Indeed. One night, as we were setting up camp, we were ambushed by a group of mountain trolls. It was one of the fiercest battles we had ever faced. Tami wielded her hammer like it was an extension of her arm, and with every swing, she struck down a troll. Her courage was unwavering."

Liora's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I can only imagine how incredible that must have been! Grandma Tami was truly a hero."

Elara nodded. "She was. After the battle, we finally reached the cave where the Moonsteel was hidden. It was guarded by a dragon, a magnificent and terrifying creature. But Tami, with her knowledge of metallurgy and her bravery, managed to strike a deal with the dragon. She promised to forge it a new set of scales in exchange for the Moonsteel. It was a tense negotiation, but Tami's reputation and sincerity won the dragon's trust."

Elan chuckled. "A dragon's scales forged by Tami would indeed be a masterpiece. No wonder it agreed."

"With the Moonsteel in hand, we returned to the village. Tami crafted some of the finest weapons and armor ever seen. Each piece was a work of art, imbued with the essence of our journey and the trials we had overcome."

As Elara finished her tale, the room erupted in applause and cheers. Elan raised his mug. "To Tami, the greatest blacksmith and adventurer! And to Elara, for sharing these wonderful memories."

"To Tami and Elara!" everyone echoed, lifting their mugs in a heartfelt toast.

The night wore on, filled with more stories, laughter, and camaraderie. Elan and Liora took turns sharing their own tales of the forge, the challenges they faced, and the triumphs they celebrated. Levy and Ella added a touch of magic with their enchanting songs, while Lilith, despite staying in low to let Elara enjoy herself, found herself enjoying the warm and lively atmosphere. And before she knew it a small fenrir pup at laid its body on her lap

As the evening grew late, Elan stood up, raising his mug one last time. "Tonight, we honor the past and the friendships that have stood the test of time. May we continue to forge new memories and adventures together."

"Hear, hear!" the group responded in unison, their spirits high.

oh look Elan said and looked at Lilith, Tami have showed her love and trust to. this young pup don't really like strangers or the outside. So she stay inside the smithy all daylong at the moment.

Lilith began to nuzzle the little pup with hands and Elara began once more. Yes Lilith have a special kind of touch on animals and they all seems to trust her. we had and encounter with a bearwolf mother and four of her pups we ended up spending a night with them in a cave. The mother slept at entrance to cave and all the pups were nuzzled up to her. 

yes Ella chirmed in they really do love her. 

Finally, as the forge's fires dimmed and the night grew quieter, the companions settled into a comfortable silence, each reflecting on the stories shared and the bonds strengthened. It was a night to remember, a celebration of heritage, friendship, and the enduring legacy of those who came before.