
The you I never knew

"The one smile, I wish I never seen it " "Who are you?"! "A question that I always wanted to ask?" The moment I saw you not because you were the only person not paying attention to the crowd but I saw your eyes sharp gaze at every thing around you not missing even a single person only for few seconds and that gesture you had toward my grandfather that was not noticed by all sitting beside you made me curious. Zenith didn't turn back not even once, as she walked forward towards the path she choose after a long consideration of each and every aspect of her life. She would always look back and run to him no matter how much he hurt her,but for some reason this time she didn't feel like doing so. Can you smile back to the person you hate the most? "That was the same for Zen too. She just could not look at herself being thrown at the end and being replaced again. "Love stories....that aren't something meant for me"! Zen said as she walked away. A doctor by profession, designer by passion and an military officers by fate which was her real identity no one knew of it not even her own family. She lived her life as if nothing mattered until the day she meet him her grandfather had pulled her out of the bed to take her out to meet his friends, it was the weekend she hardly had got any sleep the last night due to the upcoming fasion show. ofcourse how will her grandfather know that. She was a Scorpio by birth and that itself was enough to make people beware of her cause she really did everything to the extreme it's either this or that there is nothing in between. "Can you give me the direction out of this chaos?" was the only question she had asked him as he was standing at the corner of the room near the door while others were busy catching up. He pointed out to the left side of the hallway which was the way out to the garden without thinking much, until he noticed her walking away with her back facing him . A suden urge to stop her rushed in his brain but he did not move as he could not as if his feet was stuck on the floor with super glue he could not move no matter how much he tried.

Elaine1911235201 · Urban
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7 Chs

You are Zenith

Although all had sat to eat but still there were doubts of where zen had been all this while still no one asked anything except Rui who was sitting just opposite to her asked "Aunt Zen where have you been we were all so worried."

Zenith just gave a smile and moved the food tray towards here asking her to eat.

The next day elder Xing gave a call to the dean of Zen's college only to find that she can't take the leave early and have to cancel her leave that she got earlier.

"But can I know the reason for the cancelation of the leave sir ?" asked the elder xing

"sorry to inform you like this and not giving you an official notice but we have decided to send a medical camp to the country X the final location was not decided earlier that was the reason we approved Dr. Zenith's leave but now even she would not like to miss the chance of going on the medical camp so I hope you can send her back to the college today as we have to leave by this evening flight."

"So this is what happened I understand , thank you for you time sir ,I'll send Zenith back to the college."

After the call was cut elder Xing found his wife glaring at him. "what did you say you'll send her back to the college today, you said you'll ask for leave instead you got her leave rejected."

"Dear, you should be understanding after all she is going there to gain experience and attend seminar that will be helpful for her and the most important part is that this camp of her is organized in country X, do you think I agreed for this just like that I thought of you and then came to such a conclusion."

"what did you say country X ?"

"Yes, Dear".

"That means even if she is at work she can still go to country X."


"That's great then let me pack her thing's and send her away right now." madam Xing said with a broad smile walking towards Zen's room.

All this scenario was something the Zen had already guessed and she was the one who chose to go the country X as if this camp was held in any other place they would have not agreed to send her on the camp so easily, so now she could make them happy and still do all her work as usual being busy was the best excuse to escape crowded parties.

Zen ran back to her room and pretended as if she was playing games on her phone when her mother entered the room and walked to her closet picking her best pieces of dresses and other jewelry that was untouched and packing them up she said " Zen, dear you should be going back to the college now,"

"Why?, mom." zen asked with a face that said I don't know what you're talking about.

"Dear, your father called the dean and he informed that you have to go on a medical camp by tonight's flight so get ready."

"But mom didn't you say that I am not allowed to go anywhere near my college of the work place."

"yes, I said so but this camp of your's is in country X so you can go there before us and stay at your uncle's place and we'll join you after a week".

"Mom you really don't know what a medical camp is right!". we are not allowed to stay in the city.

"Then let me talk to your uncle I'll ask him to send someone to pick you up after your work so that you won't suffer."

"But mom is it necessary that I have to stay at uncle's place?"

"Yes, I don't want you to suffer in the village and even the temperature of the country X is cold so its better if you stay at under his care understand. "

Zen thought at the end she feared that this would happen, fine I'll look for some excuse when I reach there. thinking so she pushed the thought aside and picked other bag to pack her things as for the things that her mom had packed she would just take it and bring it back as it is.