{INITIALIZING...} Avner woke up one day with Shin’s memories. He soon remembers that he’s one of the 4 'male leads' in the cliche villain-survival story . Not knowing why the death of his girlfriend– the author– caused him to awaken in Avner’s body, he sets off to find the truth. A light novel styled story: sci-fi fantasy involving demons, angels, vampires and Gods. Oh, I even added the all too cliche truck-kun okay? And elves. I can’t forget em’ elves.
The exams passed without a hitch. ICT, the subject I thought would've straight up killed me, didn't seem too hard when I realized how it was merely piecing boxes of code together to initiate a certain command.
History and Geography. It's probably the first time in five years (as Shin) that I had no clue, absolutely nada, over how to answer a question on an exam paper. I didn't leave it blank, but I had to write garbage, obviously.
The one I enjoyed the most was without a doubt, the art exam. The topic was to draw a scene of a lake. TBH, drawing a lake is ridiculously difficult as it's a subject matter without any sort of core focus. A lake in itself is boring. So I did what any professional would and added a town, a port and boats at the harbor.
It didn't take me too long to complete. I was just surprised how I'm beginning to totally ignore the fact that I'm not acting like Avner.
I sent Miss Wyn the NtBM test result slip in case they misunderstand.
Pu'er had been avoiding me since the day xe stalked me.
Ares asked some questions, I told him half-truths. It's impossible to tell him I know a future that he doesn't.
Meet with Cain.
"Big bro.. my teeth is about to drop."
Lia showed me the tooth and wobbled it with hirs finger. It's a little graphic.
"How many have been replaced so far?"
"Only three.."
"Ten more to go then."
Xe paled.
Milk teeth to be replaced by adult teeth. There's no way around it, Lia. Eat your own karma.
"Last day of the exam, how do you think it'll turn out?"
"General knowledge later, isn't it? You always get a bad score on these.."
"That's too bad."
"I think big bro will do well this time. I can feel it," Lia pumped hirself up with these kind words.
"What do you want to do after the exam?"
Lia slurped on hirs noodles.
"I think I'll focus on trying to earn some money."
Even though I said so, I found that the word 'money' has become sort of unconventional. There are so many forms of currency out there, in the form of NTF, tokens and crypto. It's now more of a question of what can be exchanged for value? That's because different forms of currency can be exchanged for another, and duplicates can sometimes be fabricated due to the nature of the different currencies. It's become this situation where money is created and destroyed, happening all at the same time.
Tokens and NTFs are interrelated in that they are built on the same sea of blockchain.
"Eh.. you failed last time."
"Still got to try."
"You're right. We don't know when we need money."
I don't know how aware Lia is about the world. Xe's only 13, and like most people at that age, wouldn't have a decent understanding of the things in this world. They would be stubborn in search of their individuality instead.
"By the way.."
"Big bro, why did you come to my class? You're being freaky."
"Just curious."
Hirs friends were sending us occasional glances. I expected that I would get to at least talk to a friend or two but it's just me and Lia. Or was it that xe didn't have friends?
"Do you have friends?"
"What kind of question is that?!"
"I thought to confirm with my eyes."
"No way.. don't tell me you're going to chase the girls in my class now."
"Stop that. It's none of that nonsense."
Has it got to do with the fact that Avner is somewhat a siscon? I can't believe I hadn't noticed that until now. Why exactly did I come to Lia's class? To check on hirs condition?
"Nevermind, the time is almost up now. I'll go back to class, see ya."
"You hadn't eaten anything."
"I had."
"Rice ball."
"Anyways, see you."
"Alright, see you big bro."
Maybe I just want to remove myself from the class? Subconsciously, I'm avoiding something. Pu'er? Was that what it is?
General knowledge paper was a harsh one. There were many things I couldn't understand like how Alska came to be. Or the weather pattern, the types of disaster prevention measures implemented.
While deep in thought, I made my way to the teacher's lounge. Cain's office is in here, how I'm I supposed to get through?
I don't have his contact either.
Should I send him an email?
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh, Miss Wyn. I came here to find Cain."
"Cain? Why?"
"He wanted to see me."
"I see. I see."
Miss Wyn was just about to enter the office.
"Can I help you with that?"
"Oh sure."
It was a bag of tags. It's quite heavy.
In exchange, Miss Wyn allowed me into the office. I brought the bag to her cubicle.
"Thank you."
"I should be thanking you. Actually, do you know where Cain's place is?"
"He's in that room over there."
Yet another separate office with a security key. What's up with this?
"Also, Avner, don't leave yet. I want to talk to you about something."
"About your exams.."
"What about it?"
"You didn't hit your head anywhere, did you?"
"I don't think I have."
"I've already attached the NtBM test results to the school board. Some teachers had been suspecting that you're a victim."
"It's to be expected. I've become an entirely different person after all."
"What happened exactly? I wish to know, what caused your change?"
"Um, you're going to find it hard to believe. So are you still willing to listen?"
"Hard to believe? Let me hear it first."
"I have two souls inside me."
Or something similar. I somehow can't deny the part of Avner, so I can only say that he's integrated as part of me.
Miss Wyn began laughing.
"You can't be serious."
"Believe what you want," I replied sheepishly.
"I see. I won't question too far then."
In <Cookie Cult>, even when Rurita confessed that she had memories of reading the world as part of a book. The people only shrugged it off like nothing. I took that into consideration and thought about telling the truth. It doesn't affect anything too major anyways.
"Avner Cross," a third voice called out.
"Looks like he's here, thank you Miss Wyn."
"You did well in your exams, I'm proud of you. Take care Avner."
I nodded.
I headed over to Cain.
"You came just in time."
He released the lock with his AR glasses and told me to enter. He shut the door behind me. It was a smaller office with modern decor. Few other teachers also occupied this room.
"I'll have to initiate the attack, forgive me for this."
The second he placed his bags down, the world turned into monochrome. My stomach felt like it made a flip and I was pushed out of my body. It's not a sensation I can get used to easily.
"Your Holiness, let's begin."
Before I could even get my head straight, a rain of plasma lasers poured down from above.