

Having cleaned up the mess from his experiment and gently shoved the spiked corpse of the rat out of the anchor hole and into the sea Krage began to start mending the arms of Beasty who had been lightly stabbed while protecting him.

Tearing away a peise of his pant leg, using a severed part of the bone from the rat as a knife, he begins to neatly cut the peise into strips, creating makeshift bandages. He still had no idea how he knew of such things, but he had come to accept that at present there was no direct explanation behind his abnormal level of intelligence and knowledge

Placing the large arm of Beasty in his lap he began to clean the wounds and rap them, her hands and arms on their own were bigger than his head and he had to be careful of rapping around the fins on her arms but the procedure was easy enough

What did surprise him, however, was Beasty's lack of care concerning her own wounds, he had to insist on even getting her to let him help her. And when he questioned her, she merely responded with a few noncommitted grunts before beginning to search his body for any injuries

He didn't like this fact

It was…strange

At present Krage had only existed for what appeared to be maybe 2-3 months and yet it appeared that somehow despite the unfounded reason behind it, he was becoming more and more emotionally… active

At birth he had only felt small amounts of feeling, regret, and sadness at his mother's death yet little emotion when he had eaten his way out of her corpse of a womb, he had never in his life felt disgusted in anything, not eating the rotting dead and not in the idea of harming other life forms

However… it would be untrue to say that he hadn't created a form of a bond with others in his time, illogical as it was. While he had originally approached Alice to gain information he was now on a ship to an unknown location just to find her and his dislike of Beasty's lack of self-awareness of her injuries told him the same bond seemed to apply to her

Truly a strange relationship, completely illogical yet he also would rather not end it

However, Krage was soon pulled from his self-reflection as the sound of boots in the hallway echoed toward him, sounding like small explosions in the distance to him. Two men, one possessing a sword judging from the shape and slight smell of iron and the other leading.

Leaning towards his giant seafloor Krage whispered in her ear, causing the woman to shiver slightly for an unknown reason "Company"

Turning to him with her eyes alight, Beasty gave him a subtle nod before looking around the sparse room, nothing filled the room aside from a small stack of hay and a few discarded items. However due to their situation Beasty and himself had already found themselves a system for hiding him in the event of guests, picking him up like the child he was Beasty walked him towards the bars of their cell, just out of the sight of the encroaching visitors before chucking him upwards.

All ready prepared Krage waited until he reached his max height before quickly grabbing onto one of the wooden beams that sat above their room, lifting himself up with one arm and a stump and placing himself in the light gap of the beams arch, between it and the roof, leaving him now out of sight to any outside of the cell

Laying against the beam Krage shifted his head slightly giving him a better "view" of the apparent guests. And as ascertained by his echolocation he had a rough idea of who they were. And as they stepped into view he became certain.

It was a random guard and the man who had appeared in the slave pens, his mana still bright, his various trinkets still jingling and his cologne still smothering

"Hello, Beasty" the man greeted, his voice filled with a tone that Krage easily identified as fake affection "how are you, my dear?"

Beasty stayed silent for a moment, simply starring across the bars at the man before releasing a grunt "hungry"

"As always," the man said, giving a slight laugh, sounding as if he had heard this reply hundreds if not thousands of times "not getting enough food?" he questioned, his tone now sounding smug as a freed murderer

"Well you know…" the man continued his little speech, ignoring the glare Beasty was giving him as if she weren't a 7 foot tall killing machine that spat enough electricity to fry an ocean "I heard somethings wrong with the delivery system, not that you'd understand" he explained, his face stretching into a self-satisfied smile

He leaned towards the bars, placing his face between them "i can fix that… for a price" he whispered "all you have to do is-"


Beastys clawed fist slammed into his face!

Only to Slip past and hit the cage bars?

However not caring that she had missed Beasty let loose a growl, her body lighting up and orange stripes began to glow on her body, marking her as a tiger shark seafolk, before spewing electricity around her, heating up the steel bars to a red hue

"WILL. NOT. BREED. WITH. YOU!" she growled out, her voice turning gravely, even from above her, Krage could see the red glow emanating from her eyes reflected on the man's face

Oh, so that's what he wanted

Krage suddenly felt the need to kill this man grow in his body, despite having yet to even meet him properly. For some reason, riping off this man's testicles and forcing him to eat them seemed like a good idea

His new body appears to feel emotions more intensely than the last.

"What a shame" the words pulled him from his thoughts as the man began speaking again, clearly unharmed despite Beasty's attempts "and after how I saved you from death, this is how you repay me tsk tsk tsk"

"I guess I'll go to be on my own tonight"

Thankfully the man walked away before Beasty lost her shit

However that didn't stop Krage from following him, despite his brain telling him the sheer irrationality of his decisions.

[just a heads up, due to the MCs increased emotions (I'll explain why this is happening later) he is going to begin to act more and more vicious as the story progresses]