
The Wrath of the II Legion

The Primarchs, sons of the Emperor himself. Created with the intent of leading humanity into a brighter future. With 20 Primarchs, the Emperor sought to better the lives of humanity. If left untouched, they were to be saviors along side their father. Strong willed and tutored under Big E himself, but the chaotic hands of the warp thought otherwise. What better time than now when the 20 children were of the development stage. A stage of easy manipulation, like stealing candy from a child. Washed away from the warp and sent away to god knows where, one Primarch found themselves in a world not their own. In the 31st millennium, 20 Primarchs were lost; 18 only found. half of which turned traitor. Two of the 20 legions were lost, untouched by the dramas of war and slaughter; but only one was truly lost and forever forgotten. But amidst the war, amidst the difference of time between worlds, the lost son returns home... and he brings with him draconic fury. ══════⊹⊱≼≽⊰⊹══════ Hello, I don't own any of the known IPs. This is purely for entertainment purposes for myself and others. I gain no form of payment for this work. A story to enjoy and something to work my writing on. Credit to the respected owners of each IP. ══════⊹⊱≼≽⊰⊹══════ This is a work of fiction, don't take any of the words written here as real as this is meant to entertain.

Zesrael · Videospiele
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31 Chs

Legion Awakening

"We're taking it."

At least that's what I said in confidence. I know our weapons are going to at least make it bleed. The problem is the ads and the Queens spray.

"What's the plan?" Fryrmrorth asked.

In attempts to make one, I searched through my newly found items; most were junk and sent into conversion. Well, most turned to all.

"OK, I have our plan of attack."

"Which is?" Aze asked in confirmation.


I was gone from their view in a flash– only to be found in striking range of the Queen.




A high pitch scream, one of six legs like a felled tree. A stream of blood dripped like a waterfall as the Queen gained her barings. The rest of the insects screamed incoherently, like a wave. That marked the beginning of this battle.

I gripped her now stubbed leg that's still attached, watching as her remaining leg tumbles below, cracking a few eggs. I gripped harder as I felt her wave the leg around, trying to throw me off.

"On me Brothers!"

Dembit led the charge– with Stormshield and all. Aze and Frymrorth came out guns blazing right behind Dembit. Xarvass–


He soared through the sky in youthful spree. A crushing blow below as he brutally landed on a sea of ants and spiders just before the rest of the group. Looks like they caught on.

I threw myself up with my hand that's gripping the carapace of the Queen, showing my arm and core strength to its percentage. I ended up meeting the ceiling.

I looked up, down towards the Queen, summoning and aiming the Heavy Cannon. A push with my legs and a barrage of fire down, my goal was to weaken her armor before I got my hands on it. Firing in mini rockets as the last volley, a perfectly timed hit between my closed fist and the rockets, veiled the hit from the explosion of the rocket. It made it look more impactful than it is.


I did more than crack her armor, I punctured it. The plan was simple: concentrate the Propodeal Spine to eliminate her spray from the Abdomen that's carrying the Acidipore. Once that's done, I can focus on her legs to render her truly useless.

Down below it was like four marines surrounded by the Tyranids all over again. Xarvass was making good use of the Jumpack even without the Fencer upgrade; he dashed to and fro slashing at anything that got too close to the group. Dembit had the chapter banner planted, giving everyone a fiery aura and a boost in defense, offense, and morale. I don't know the exact details, but it looks awesome seeing them gathered in one spot. The banner was not of my chapter oddly enough. As matter of fact, I don't remember seeing a Draconian Revenant insignia on my soldiers either. I wonder if it's because I haven't unlocked it yet. For now, the banner was of the Imperium flag.

"Changing mags!"

"Get a drum Brother Aze."

"Shut it Brother Frymrorth!"

They're just as carefree as ever even amidst battle. A good trait, some laughter among the slaughter.

I plan to keep that as I comboed on the Queen. Then I felt movement. I looked as the Queen was raising her Abdomen.


The expletive was warranted. She was about to spray acid.

I punched harder, then harder, then harder before. Each time cracking and pulverizing her meaty flesh. Yet she still charged that damned attack. I needed to stun her– and these fucking spiders aren't helping the situation out… maybe not.

"Xarvass!" I yell out over vox, "Help the Queen kneel for me!"


"Aye my Lord."

Yeah, the plan was simple: take out all the legs. Her legs are what's keeping her up, but also what's giving her room to spray acid. With that in mind, I ran– Heavy Cannon still firing– and jumped towards the nearest leg. Gripping hard, I held on and delivered blow after blow until–


Another leg down just–


Nevermind, three legs down, another half to go. Xarvass and I coordinated our attacks to take down the remaining legs. Until there was none.


Still alive by suffering, the Queen was down. Unable to move like a dog with a broken leg.

"Good swings Xarvass," I complimented, he and I standing on the back of the Queen.

"You honor me, my Lord," he bowed before turning to his brothers, "this is yours to finish."

I gave him a smile, and something I never thought could be real. I reached out a hand and placed it above his helm. A sight to behold, a Primarch giving headpats to his son.

"Go, cleanse this place of alien filth."

Renewed vigor. That's how I'd describe Xarvass right now as he jumped back into the fray. Alone, I was left with one more task to do. A simple jump, hands clasped together, then… the hammerdown.


The room shook, her head cracked and unrecognizable. She died disgraced and her kin mutilated. But she glowed… orange.



I absorbed it in a heartbeat. Lo and behold, my new item–

[Dragon Sentinel]

Dragon Sentinel, the name of my armor. Orange grade, befitting of me. Now I don't have to fight naked… in a sense. With thought, I felt its presence cover me– like the familiar hands of a mother caressing her child. My sight changed for a moment, only to see clearly again as if I'm not wearing a helmet. I certainly am; the hud display is minimal and streamline. I looked down, Silver, black, gold, and golden fire. My armor was bulky, but a few swings and jabs dispelled that illusion. It was surprisingly smooth and doesn't get in the way of my movement. With golden fire emanating from the suit, I found it odd to not feel a thing.


Dembit, Xarvass, Frymrorth, and Aze were cleaning up the last remaining aliens before a sudden glow. This glow was from none other than the banner Dembit planted. No longer was it the Imperium flag; now, it was the symbol of a dragon. A crest, like that of noble houses. 

In the middle was a shield, black in color– decorated in golden trims. Behind it was a dragon– wings spread freely– dragon heads protruding from the wings stems and congregated at the shield's middle– eyes red. 

That same symbol etched itself onto the pauldrons amongst themselves. With it, a new sense of pride. No longer a lie.

They were of the Draconian Revenant Legion, but had no banner to unite under. Now, that's no longer the case.

"You guys did well."

A surprising voice came from the carcass. To their surprise, a man in armor. A giant, much to once former knowledge of heights Primarchs stood. Etched in silver and gold, dawned in golden fire their lord stood.

"How do you like my new getup?"

Duraeus asked, hands up and showing off his new armor.

"Looks good on you father," Dembit complemented with a thumbs up. Although his Stormshield is still equipped, both Chainsword and Bolt Pistol were holstered. The same is said for the other three, the room was void of threat.

The others were of the same mind. Seeing their primarch fight without armor was inspiring, but seeing him now in full armor was something else completely.

Bulky, jagged and smooth, organic– almost, and intimidating. The lenses of the helm burnt a golden blaze, the structure of it was draconic, maybe a tiny bit demonic in nature. Two horns protruded from the sides and angled up. The suit was large, like two– maybe even three sedans put together.

But it was fitting, Dragon Sentinel, the name for the armor… extremely fitting.


A sudden shout interrupted them.

"This is Wing Diver eight, we've come to assist… you?"

The forces of EDF were too late, five large metal giants left a dire mess.


On the surface, after the aftermath of the battle, Duraeus and co. were swarmed with questions like some transfer student in a Japanese anime. They were the first to find the core of the nest, and it took about 30 to 25 minutes for the rest of the forces to congregate at the queen's chambers. Which was the same amount of time for Duraeus and his Keepers to defeat the enemy forces.

But to find not only the room cleared of any living organism, but the Queen dead herself… all doubts previously placed were nonexistent.

Took some time for the report to be formed, taking in Duraeus's bodycam that was placed on him during prep, noting the four marines that somehow showed up into existence; the paper work for the higher ups is going to be substantial. After all that, the Legion was placed on hold for further notice.


Back at base, the four marines and Dureaus were sent to their temporary hold. The hold being a building top side that resembles that of your typical barracks. Bastion leader Dezmond already sent the credits to Duraeus, of which he noticed an increased sum of which was not explicitly discussed. An amusing interaction; Duraeus didn't have a bank account nor any personal data in this world. So, they had to create an entirely new identity for Dureaus. Suspiciously, this didn't raise alarms.

In the barracks, Duraeus was the only one present. Xarvass was out patrolling, something about going on an adventure. Dembit was out mingling with EDF forces, strengthening ties with allies. Frymrorth was just wandering, enjoying the peace of working machinery and the workings of humble labor. Aze was patrolling as well, but not under the guise of 'adventure' as Xarvass puts it. Seeing as he doesn't really need sleep, he surveys the outskirts of the base.

This left Duraeus with freetime. Time he used on the tech tree. The recent battle rewarded him with a lot of Legion Points– plus the credits that were given– he was sitting at a whopping 403,216 Legion Points. It was time to splurge in upgrades:

4x [Blessed Gun] - Increases the penetration scaling of all marine range weapons as well as their base damage.

5x[Blessed Armor] - Increases the armor scaling of the marines.

4x [It's Personal] - Increased the melee damage of all melee weapons marines can use.

[Fencer Dash] - Allows the speedy movement of a Fencer's boosters, eliminating a major delay in usage interval of Jumpack usage. Allows for an instant change input mid flight.

[Rhino upgrade pack] - All upgrades and equipment are available to field.

[Rhino Variant: Hunter pack] - Hunters, a mobile Multi-Launcher anti-aircraft missile, is now available to be fielded with all potential upgrades unlocked.

[Rhino Variant: Razorback pack] - Razorbacks, a heavily armed transport vehicle,is now available to be fielded with all potential upgrades unlocked.

[Rhino Variant: Predator pack] - Predators, main battle tank, is now available to be fielded with all potential upgrades unlocked.

[Rhino Variant: Stalker pack] - Stalkers, a mobile anti-air vehicle, is now available to be fielded with all potential upgrades unlocked.

[Rhino Variant: Whirlwind pack] - Whirlwind, a mobile Rocket Artillery tank, is now available to be fielded with all potential upgrades unlocked.

[Damocles Command Rhino pack] - Damocles Command, a command– support vehicle, is now available to be fielded with all potential upgrades unlocked.

[Hammerfall Bunker] - Hammerfall Bunker, a fortified emplacement, is now available to be fielded with all potential upgrades unlocked. 

[Tactical Marine upgrade pack] - Tactical Marines can now be fielded with upgrades and optional wargear.

[Tactical Sergeant upgrade pack] - Sergeants in Tactical Squads can now be fielded with upgrades and optional wargear.

[Devastator Marine upgrade pack] - Devastator Marines can now be fielded with upgrades and optional wargear.

[Devastator Sergeant upgrade pack] - Sergeants can now be fielded with upgrades and optional wargear.

[Assault Marine upgrade pack] - Assault Marines can now be fielded with upgrades and optional wargear.

[Assault Sergeant upgrade pack] - Sergeants can now be fielded with upgrades and optional wargear.

[Buster Blades upgrade pack] - Assault Marines can now field Power Busters. Power Busters are the fully upgraded Buster Blades with power sword capabilities.

Basic vehicle support, marines with all optional wargears and upgrades, permanent increase in range damage, armor, and melee damage; the upgrade packs were expensive since it accumulated all related upgrades into one. All of that took two thirds of his original Legion Points. 

Some of the upgrades will later be implemented towards Xarvass, Aze, Frymrorth, and Dembit. The downside is they're named characters and act more like D&D characters with equipment. All the wargears different marines had the option of equipping aren't applicable to the four. Which begs the question: how are they to be equipped?

That aside, Duraeus skimmed through their data sheets. Through their previous endeavor, all of them leveled up. Come to find out, they already had skills. Dembit had the previously shown banner placement dubbed [Rallying Squad].

Rallying Squad - places a banner on the ground with the Legion's crest. Increases morale, damage, armor, and grants anyone underneath the banner a fiery aura, increasing the chance of critical hits (Damage from normal sources like torso or legs has a chance of becoming critical hits).

Xarvass has [Dragon's Might]–

Dragon's Might - The next hit renders the enemy asunder, dealing massive damage. The damaged enemy has all applicable debuffs: Bleeding, Stunned, and Crippled. Bleeding is continuous damage unless the enemy heals. The Target is stunned for two seconds. Crippled target can't move or retaliate for 1.5 seconds (Crippled status starts after stun is removed).

Aze has [In the Zone] and Frymrorth has [Taunt]–

In the Zone - Aze enters a zen state upon activation. Movement of targets is slowed in perception. Within its effects, all critical damage is doubled. Effects end upon firing the last bullet of the mag or reloading. If hit, the skill ends.

Taunt - All aggroed enemies focus their attention at Frymrorth. When skill is in effect, Frymrorth gains an increase of 50% defensive capabilities. Ranged attacks reduced in effectiveness by 25% and melee attacks reduced in effectiveness by 35%. Range reduction and melee reduction are standalone (They stack with the 50% defensive capabilities). While in effect, Frymrorth can't be vulnerable.

These seem to be basic skills the four came with. Dembit was the only one that I could see actively using their skill. That was more for added assurance. After skimming through, the skills they have actually have enhancements.

Every ten levels, their class gains a choice of enhancement or new skill. This is dictated by the Primarch: Duraeus. Let's take Dembit's [Rallying Squad] skill; its enhancements adds the following effect–

[Dembit, by extension, gains the bonuses given by the banner, allowing him to be a moving version and extension of the active skill. When both Dembit and the placed banner are within range, all benefited allies within both circles of influence gain double the given effects of the skill.]

Or he could forgo that for a different skill that's randomly generated given his class. A unique subsystem within the Legion System.

Duraeus hit his first snowball effect.