
The Worst Fanfic in History

Bro, the title says everything you need to know. I basically put everything I hate in fanfics in this one. TW: Not for the weak minded Ps: I don't own anything

Kintaro498 · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs


a/n: As this is to be the worst fanfic in history I took upon myself to never correct any grammar issues, it's part of the exoerience, now, withou further ado, let's begin the horror.

------‐--------------------------got lazy

Chaptrr 1: Reincarnation

Firat Perso POV:

I was layiny in the hospital bed, it's been 6 months now that I have been diagnosid with prostater cancer. I'm dying, and I know it, and I accept it. It's been a rough couple of months but a privilege of slow death gives you time to reconceliate with yourself and loved oned. besides me are my 15 1000 years old lolis wifes fro my hatem, and my parenta, tony stark and chris hemsworthw, of course not my biological parents, they were actualy lady deatg and I never met my father (foreshadowing).

As I'm taking my last breath I can hear my parents crying, also I can hear like 15 kids screaming or something, that's the last thing I know as my vision turns black and I pass out...

As I open my eyes I'm now in some sort of dark plane of void and existenece.

???: were am I?? I thought I died do to cancer prostate?

As I wander in the void I start to recollect all knoledge form earth and become a genius, Idk how long is have been that I died.

-1 quadrillion years later-

So, I have been drifiting for 1 month I guess, I don't really know

-ROB pov-

As I was just doing nothing like always I saw a poor soul drifiting in the void

ROB: hello little one, what are you doing here?

Mc pov

???: wHaT, who arr you?

Rob: I'm god or whatever

???: no way

Rob: yeah, you weren't supposed to die I killed you by mistake I guess you have 10 wishes to compansate

???: wooow just like one of those fanfics ;) (joke)

???: Ok, my first wish I would like to ask to be 3 wishes instead

Rob: Ok granted now you have 2 wishes left

???: ok can I think for a second

Rob: sure

-1 quadrillion years later-

???: ok, so first of all, I would like a name

Rob: Granted

P*nis (MC): Nice

P*nis: now I would want omnipotence but nerf it to I can only create skills and and I'm on a fictional world were there'a all the movies and animes combined and I want to look like issei from dxd and I have a big d*ck and I look taller and I am badass, also a system.

Rob: ok that was more than I wish but since your 15 wives after your death were determinated they actualy saved 500 quintiolion saves so you have a lot of karma so I'll allow it. Anything else?

P*nis: No that's enough

Rob: Ok, have fun, bye bye

As he said that my vision went really light and I disappeared

Rob: good luck, son (payoff)

-------------got lazy

As the light enter my eyes it hurts

???: look the baby is coming out the v*gina

p*nis: *what no way* (thought)

As I look at my right I see a gorgeus model woman in her 20's with some bigass melons yummi

P*nis: that should be my mama

As I look to the right I see...WHAT? it's him STEVE CARREL

???: look at your son, honey, he has your eyes

???: he shall be called Michael Scott Jr.

Michael (MC): omg I'm in some type of office verse

As we were having fun a truck comes through the wall and kill my new father that I never had michael scott

Michael (mc): Noooooooooooo

michael (dad): listen here son, be a good person *dies*

Michael (mc) I swear to god dad, I'll be a hero

In far far away, michael scott finds himself wandering in the void, but that's a story for another time ;)

-10 minutes time skip-

??? (mom): let's go son, let's go home

-1 year time skip-

So, I'm a genius

At 1 day I startrd talking, at second day I could walk, at third day I could do both at the same time, so my mom put me on a School for geniusus

As I was sucking those milkers yum yum daddy like it, today was my first day at school

mom: c'mom son (TO BE CONTINUED--->)